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Protecting Her

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Man, I’m a selfish prick. I slam the pedal down and speed toward her apartment. Another crew meets me there to help me carry everything up. I give them a tip and then face the door, surrounded by a dozen boxes. It looks like I’m moving in. I guess I am, though. The minute she opens the door, I’m not leaving until I have my ring on her finger and a baby in the oven. I mean, the latter one can be negotiated, but the first one is a necessity. I pound a fist against the door, lift my chin, and stare down the peephole. I dare you to turn me away, I think. The door opens, and instead of my sweet Cat, there’s a fucking man. My eyes turn red and my fist comes up.

“No! Gabe. That’s my brother!”

But it’s too late. The punch has landed. The man’s head thunks against the side of the door and 200 pounds of him slithers to the floor—out like a fucking light. Oh, fuck me. I just knocked her brother unconscious.

I make an awkward smile and reach down for a vase of flowers. “Hey, Cat, I’m here to woo you.”

She stares at me, completely dumbfounded.

Chapter 17


I stand there in shock. I’m not sure if I should laugh or cry. I know I want to kiss Gabe and slap him across the face.

“Leave,” I snap out. Right now I need to check on my brother. I’ll deal with Gabe later. If he’s around. If I’ve learned anything, it’s that at any moment he could walk right out of your life and disappear without even an explanation or goodbye. I was heartbroken.

The only thing that kept me from having a pity party in my bed for days was my work. With the serum being done and ready to go to the next stage, I’d actually thought about really taking those days to do just that. I would’ve tried anything to help me get over him. Anything to take away the ache in my chest.

I drop down to my knees as my brother opens one eye. “Damn that was a good hit.” I roll my eyes at him.

“Don’t instigate a fight.” I glare at him.

“I’m on the floor after someone punched me for no reason. Or should I say that I’m on the floor because of you? Aren’t you supposed to baby me or something?” I laugh, helping him to his feet. That blow is definitely going to leave a mark. Good thing my brother can take a hit. He fought all the way through college in underground bouts. I told him he was nuts, but when he graduated he didn’t even have one dollar in student debt. Now his only fights are in courtrooms.


I turn my head away from my brother to glare at Gabe. I’d almost forgotten he was still standing there. “I told you to leave.”

He looks down for a second with a guilty expression on his face. “Can’t do that.” He shrugs, stepping inside.

On instinct I put my hand on Brock’s chest so he doesn’t lunge for him. I know my brother like the back of my hand. He’s not going to be okay with any man crowding my space when I’ve already made it clear that I want him to leave. “If you two fight I will get hurt because I’ll try and break it up.”

Brock takes a step back. I don’t think either of them will chance me getting injured. “Brock, can you give us a few minutes? Maybe put that steak on your face.” I try to ease the tension between the two of them.

“I’m not leaving you with this asshole. He’s dangerous.” He keeps staring at Gabe.

“I’m not dangerous to her,” Gabe says. He sounded defeated. As mad as I am at him, I don’t want him to hurt either. I give my brother a pleading look. One that I’ve used on him many times growing up. Praying that it still holds the same power as it once did.

“Fine. But I’m eating that steak.” He turns to leave us alone, mumbling about wasting good ribeye.

“You’re wrong,” I tell him as I turn, heading over to the living room. I hear his heavy steps behind me. He stops at the coffee table and starts unloading stuff onto it. Before I can ask him what the heck he’s doing, he turns, heading back toward the door. Is he leaving again? What the hell? He opens the door, grabs some more stuff, and brings it inside too.

“Yes, I was wrong. I agree with you.” Nope. He’s not getting off that easy.

“So you agree that you’re a danger to me?”

“Wait? What are you talking about? No. I don’t agree to that.” He steps around the table, trying to get closer to me. I shift away. I have to keep my space. I know exactly what will happen if I let him get too close to me. I can’t let that happen. It’s hard for me to think when he touches me. And to think that only days ago that was one of the things I’d loved most about him.

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