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Tempt the Hookup (Tempt 3)

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“You can’t fire him because he got me pregnant and didn’t know, Dad,” Eliahn says. “Plus he’s the best you’ve got. You said it yourself.”

“I can get better,” he says, and now I scoff at him.

“I don’t want to toot my horn,” I say, “but I have a ninety-nine percent win rate.”

Maryse smiles at me, and Leonard puts his hands on his hips. “So, what, you find out you’re a father and what are you going to do?” he asks, and I don’t have to think about it.

“I’m going to take care of what’s mine, and Aiden is mine,” I say. “We haven’t gotten everything figured out yet, but Eliahn and I are going to put our son first like any parent should.” As a family lawyer, the stories I’ve seen where kids get stuck in the middle are more than I care to talk about. I will never use my son as a pawn in a game.

Leonard runs his hand up and down his face. “I can’t believe this,” he finally says, his tone now back to normal.

“Well, it’s a shock for all of us,” Maryse says, “but it’s their business what they do with their child.”

“If you think that, for one second, I’m going to go easy on you because you’re the best attorney I’ve got, then you have another thing coming. If for one minute, I see that they aren’t treated the way they should be treated, I’ll have your balls on a silver platter, and you’ll never practice law again.”

“Well, then I think we’ll be okay since I plan to do whatever it is that they need from me,” I tell him. “I have one goal now, and that is to make sure that Eli and Aiden are not missing anything.”

Maryse slaps her hands together. “We should go and do lunch.”

“I can’t,” I answer right away. “I have to be in court tomorrow, and I have to go over a couple of things.”

“Then a rain check? Perhaps we can have family lunch on Sunday,” she says, hopeful.

“We’ll see, Mother,” Eliahn says and then turns to me. “I know you have to go, so I’ll have Aiden stop by your office before we leave.”

“Yes, and then you can take my car home,” I tell her and nod to her parents and walk out. The breath I’m holding finally letting itself out.

When I walk back into my office, Lauren follows me. “Are we packing or are we staying?” she asks, and I laugh, going to my chair and finally sitting down. My heart is beating so hard I wonder if it will ever slow down.

Chapter Eight


I watch the door close behind Luca and walk to the couch, holding up my hand to my father. “Dad, for two seconds, let me just relax,” I tell him and rub my eyes. “It’s been a crazy twenty-four hours.” My mother comes and sits next to me, holding my hand in hers. “Just give me a second.” And I don’t know if he actually counts or just thinks that ten seconds is a minute, but he starts talking.

“Honey,” he says. Leaning on his desk, he crosses his feet and arms, shaking his head. “I am at a loss for words.”

“Really?” I look at him. “You didn’t seem lost for words when Luca was in here.” I throw up my hands. “I can’t believe you mentioned us using condoms.”

“I was caught off guard, Eli,” he says. “I mean, I handpicked Luca myself. I watched him the whole time he was at Harvard.”

“Well, trust me, I had no idea. When I saw him yesterday at the barbecue, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I never in a thousand years thought …” I say, now rubbing my temples.

The door opens, and Aiden comes running in. “I got a chocolate chip muffin,” he says to us, and I see chocolate smeared on his face.

“Where is my dad?” He looks around. “Did he leave me?” His face suddenly falling and looking crushed.

“Oh, no, honey,” I say, bringing him close to me. “He went to work, and I promised him that I would take you to say goodbye to him before we leave.” I kiss his head.

“How was the school visit?” my mother asks me as Aiden sits on my lap.

“Well, I’m sure the principal would love to have Luca visit again. She basically ignored me.”

My mother throws her head back and laughs. “You sound jealous.”

“I’m not jealous,” I point out to her. “I was there with our child. She could have had a bit more respect and not fawned all over him,” I tell my mother, who just looks at me.

“Do you want to date him?” my father asks, crossing his arms across his chest.

Yes, I say to myself but answer, “No, of course not.” I look at my mother, and she knows I’m lying. “We need to get together and make a parenting plan.”

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