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For the King

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“My Queen,” he said in that deep, baritone voice that had every part of my body coming alive.

I walked over to him and he immediately pulled me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me and burying his face in the crook of my neck, inhaling deeply.

“I could get drunk off your scent,” he said and inhaled again, causing a shiver to race over my body.

I shifted slightly on his lap and looked him in the eyes. His brows lowered and I could see the confusion settle across his face. It was clear he could tell something was up. Now I just needed to find the courage to say the words.

This shouldn’t have been as hard as it was, or as difficult as I was making it. We both wanted this, but I supposed now that I was faced with the reality of it, I was a little nervous.

“What’s wrong?” he said and pulled me in closer, kissing me on the lips gently. He rested his forehead against mine, his fingers gently digging into my sides, keeping me close to him.

“Nothing’s wrong,” I said honestly. He pulled back and cupped my cheek, his thumb stroking underneath my eye. Instead of saying the words I reached up and took his hand, guiding it down to rest on my belly. It took him a moment to understand what was going on, but I could see the realization of why I’d placed his hand there filter across his face.

“A baby?” he asked but I could hear the truth in his words.

“A baby,” I replied and couldn’t stop myself from grinning. I placed my hand over his, which rested on my stomach still. I wanted to say it was hormones, but the truth is I was just emotional because I was so damn happy. Tears stared to well up in the corners of my eyes and I chuckled, closing them and willing myself to stay strong.

“Look at me, My Queen.”

I opened my eyes and stared into Victor’s, feeling my love for this man grow. Our relationship might not have started off in the most conventional of senses, with him all but forcing me to marry him, but the truth was I was glad things worked out the way they did. He was a ruthless and brutal leader to all who came up against him, but to me he was a gentle giant, treating me like the queen I now was by title.

“I love you,” he said in a husky voice and leaned in to kiss me softly on the lips. “I love you too,” I replied and wrapped my arms around his neck, resting my head on his shoulder.

I knew without a doubt I was his world, that he would do anything for me. And now I was having his baby. Who would’ve thought a commoner like me would now be standing by the king as a queen and carrying the future heir?

Life had a funny way of working out. That was for sure.

Epilogue Two

King Victor

Five years later

“Papa, Papa.” Asher came running up to me, his dark curls bouncing. I scooped him up and held him as I walked over toward Willow, who stood over by the gardens holding Bethany. She was already starting to show with our third child, and if I had my way we’d have a dozen more. To hear my children’s laughter, see their little faces looking up to me for guidance and protection, showed me what the meaning of life really was.

Stopping beside Willow, I adjusted Asher on my hip and wrapped my arm around her shoulders, bringing her in closer. Bethany started giggling and held her arms out for me. I took the little girl in my arms, setting Asher down on the ground and watching him chase a bird before it flew off.

I wrapped my arm around Willow again and leaned in to kiss her on the neck. She looked over at me and smiled before resting her head on my shoulder. For long moments we just stood there, watching as the birds flew above, the butterflies and bees moving around the flowers in the garden.

“Crazy, isn’t it?” she asked before looking at me and rising on her toes, pressing a kiss to my lips.

“What is, my love?”

“That this is where life has taken us.” She looked at me and grew serious. “Who would have imagined I’d be your queen? Who would have thought I’d be standing by your side with two gorgeous children and one on the way?”

I didn’t need to think about what she said to know how I thought, what I felt. “I saw it,” I said honestly and turned her so she faced me fully. “I knew this would be the outcome from the moment I saw you.” And then I leaned down and kissed her, knowing that for the rest of my life this feeling—my love for her—would only grow.

The End

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