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Keeping Her Safe (Boss Me Duet 1)

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At ten to three, I just can’t take it anymore. “Darius, I’m going to get going. I have an appointment I need to get to.” I lie, not sure why I’m explaining the reason I’m leaving.

“You do? Do you need someone to drive you?”

I quirk my head? Drive me? This guy has no clue. “No, I’ve got this. Thank you, though. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow Stacey.”

The minute I step out of my office, I feel like I can breathe again. The further away I get, my heartbeat decreases, and I can think clearly for the first time in hours. I know my brother meant well, but he missed the mark. An assistant is supposed to make my life easier, not harder.

I get into my black Range Rover SUV and sigh, melting into the cool leather seats. I bought this baby as a birthday present to myself this year. I stop and grab a strawberry banana smoothie on my way home to cool me down. By the time I’m home, I feel like I’m back to normal, for the most part. I even contemplate working from home tomorrow, but I’m not that much of a wuss. I might not have much experience with men, but surely I can be in the same room with the hottest guy I’ve ever seen and go about my day as if the world didn’t just upend itself. It’s like the moment I saw him, my heart sent a message to my brain and said, ‘That’s the one. He’s the one who’s going to be everything to her.’ Stupid heart for wanting someone she can’t have. Stupid brain for agreeing with her.

Darius is my assistant, although I’m still wondering where Jason found him and if there’s anything else going on there. Be that as it may, he works for me. I can’t be seen lusting over my employee. I already have to work twice as hard as Jason to earn respect in my own company because I wasn’t an adult when we started.

I spend the rest of the afternoon relaxing with a good book. Around six, I start prepping for my night out with Franny. I’m so excited that I met her the other day. Over the past five years, I’ve been so busy developing apps and growing this company with Jason’s amazing mind for business that I haven’t made time for friends. When I talked to Franny, though, something between us just clicked, like two perfect pieces of a puzzle.

I suggested we go out to Flames since she’s new to town and I’ve heard great reviews about the place.

I pull up outside of Franny’s apartment, and she comes walking out in a red dress that molds to her beautiful body, flaring out at the hips, stopping several inches above her knees. I’m not into women, but damn if I were, I’d be all over her. She’s simply stunning. My brother better figure himself out quickly before another guy snatches her up, and he loses out. The man was like a fish out of water when he noticed her at the cafe. I’ve never seen him like that before. Usually, he’s the master of control and exudes confidence, but he couldn’t even get his name out that day. I’m hoping this little outing will not only be a chance for me to get to know Franny better but will light a fire under Jason’s ass.

“You look hot, like smoking hot. The guys aren’t going to leave you alone tonight.” I tell her.

She rolls her eyes. “Oh, stop. Look at you. That dress is barely covering your ass, and your boobs are almost popping out of the top. Where did you get this? It’s beautiful.”

“I found it online a couple of years ago. I never had the chance to wear it before, so when I was looking for something to wear tonight, I figured why not.”

“I love the shimmery gold color,” Franny says, eyeing the material.

“You should see it in the light. It’s actually rose gold. When I saw it, I just had to have it.”

“I can understand why. You’re going to have to tell me where you found it so I can look and see what else they have online.”

“You got it, babe. Now, are you ready to have the time of your life tonight?”

“Hell, yes! It’s been a stressful week, and it’s only Tuesday.”

I laugh and pull out of her apartment complex, knowing exactly how she feels.



Following her home earlier was easier than it should have been. She never once looked at her surroundings. Waiting outside of her house for three hours almost killed me. I wanted nothing more than to storm in there and claim her, but I know that now is not the time. It is swiftly approaching, though. Her barely-there dress leaves a lot to be desired right now. The tiny scrap of fabric would look so much better on the fucking floor. We make a stop at an out of the way, run-down apartment complex. A similarly dressed, dark-haired girl climbs into the passenger seat. After a few minutes, Stacey pulls back out into traffic, and I follow her at a discreet distance. Jason texted me earlier and helped me come up with my cover for being at the club tonight. We are going to meet up in the parking lot and go in together. Flames is a dance club where douchey guys pick up girls. It’s not my scene, and it’s certainly no place for a lady like Stacey.

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