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Keeping Her Safe (Boss Me Duet 1)

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“Yeah, all of that.”

I let out a laugh, bite my bottom lip, then go to the black leather couch in my office and sit down. Resting my elbows on my knees, I hold my head in my hands, letting my hair cascade down and shield me from view. I let out a deep breath, then the cushion dips at my right and I can feel Darius’ large form beside me.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you who I was from the start, baby. I didn’t want to lie to you, but your brother insisted this was the only way I could protect you.”

Lifting my head, I look at him. “I’m not mad about that. I knew you weren’t an assistant from the moment I laid eyes on you. I just didn’t know who you were or why you were here. Is there anything else you’re not telling me?”

“Baby, I was real with you from the get-go. The only thing I lied to you about was my profession. My name is really Darius Johnson. I’m thirty-six years old, and I used to be in the Marines. When I got out five years ago, I opened a private security company. That’s pretty much all there is to know about me.”


“Okay? That’s it?”

“What do you want me to say?”

He shrugs his shoulder. “I don’t know. I need to know this doesn’t change anything between us.”

“What’s between us?”

“I’m pretty sure I just fucked my baby into your virgin pussy. Not to mention I’m in love with you. I’d say there’s a fuckload between us.”

“Easy there, big guy. I was just teasing.” I say, and pull him in by his collar to my lips for a kiss.

“Don’t tease me about that, Stacey. I’m a serious man, and you’re the most important thing in my world.”



Before going to Stacey’s house, I swing by my sad apartment to grab some clothes. Hand in hand, I lead her to the elevator and then down the hall to my place. Locking us inside, I watch her looking around.

“For some reason, I expected a holy hell mess. Panties everywhere.”

“I don’t wear panties, babe, and no other woman has ever been in here.”

“Fine, so you go to their places.” I move so my hand is lightly around her throat and my fingers resting on her chin I speak, my voice harsh, full of lust.

“Cut that fucking shit out, Stacey. You are the only woman who has ever captured my attention. You are the only woman who has ever captured my heart. My love. You have to know you are my everything. My one and only. ”

“I know,” she whispers, unshed tears in her eyes.

“So why are you saying shit like that?” I demand.

“It’s hard to believe. This is going at the speed of light. It’s hard to believe it’s real.”

“It’s real,” I move my head closer to hers and capture her lips. Still connected, I lift her in my arms and carry her to my unmade bed and gently set her on it. She leans back, lifting her skirt as she does so. She’s showing me what’s mine. I pull her panties down her legs and stuff them in my pocket. Looking at her pretty pussy, I kneel in front of her and lick it from her clit to her ass. Her back arches off the bed. I groan. She tastes like both of us, but I don’t care. It shows she’s claimed. Claimed by a man who will never let her go.

“Darius, please stop teasing me. Fuck me. Fuck me hard. I need you.” I can’t resist her. I unzip her dress and pull it down her arms and around her curved hips before tossing it away. When she’s bared to me, I stand and stare at her while I strip off my clothes.

“You are so fucking beautiful,” I groan as she spreads her legs for me. Her pink pussy is still swollen from our first time.

“Let’s take a shower, baby,” I say, wanting to take care of her.

“No,” she says, shaking her head. “I’m in your bed, we are naked,” she deadpans, staring at my cock, then licks her lips.

How can I say no to that?

Climbing onto the bed, I run my hands up her legs, gripping her thighs tightly. I pull her closer to me, lining my cock up with her tight little pussy hole and slide inside of her. Her guttural moan makes me fucking crazy.

“How can I be so fucking addicted to you? One hit and I’m a fucking junkie for you,” I growl, slamming into her cunt, but not moving. She reaches her hands up and cups my cheeks, running her fingers through three days worth of scruff.

“We can be junkies together, Darius. You are already in my veins, my blood.” I move my hips and feel her pussy muscles squeeze my cock. “God. This is everything.”

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