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Red Hot Reunion

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She was so sick of being classy. Boring. For all Jason knew, she’d turned into a rampant sex kitten during the past ten years. And the truth was, she had—at least in her triple-X dreams.

And that’s when it occurred to her: Here in Napa, with Jason, she could be anyone she wanted to be. No one knew her. No one could tell her she was being a bad girl, that she was a disappointment.

For the first time in her life, she could be the woman she’d always secretly dreamt of being.

A sexy, fearless, and very bold woman.

Suddenly excited about playing the sex goddess, going to a new, über-sensual place she’d never dreamed of allowing herself to go, she pitched her voice into a soft, sexy purr. “Are you kidding? I’m all about taking risks. Especially when it means I’m going to have your c**k in my mouth in sixty seconds.”


Jason’s thigh muscles jumped beneath her hand and Emma smiled, enjoying her newfound power, the feel of the word “cock” sliding from her tongue. Grasping the gold zipper on his jeans, she pulled it down and Jason’s shaft sprang free from its denim confines.

She reached for the waistband of his boxer shorts. “Do you know how much I wanted to taste you in college?”

His huge, beautiful penis pushed out from his pelvis, and she couldn’t wait another second to suck him inside, to taste his smooth, throbbing head, and then his shaft.

First one inch. Then another. And another.

Blowing him was as amazing as she’d dreamt it would be. His penis twitched once, then twice in her mouth, and she pulled away, just enough to circle his engorged head with her tongue.

“Emma,” he groaned, his hands in her hair, holding her against him as he stood in his empty restaurant, in broad daylight, letting her throat him with gusto. She’d never been this wet before and although she wanted Jason to come in her mouth, sheneeded him in her pu**y.

Continuing to lick his shaft in long strokes, she undid the zipper on her skirt. She stood up and let it fall down her legs.

“I have a condom in my purse.”

In a whoosh, he picked her up—God, how she loved to be manhandled by this man—and carried her over to the bar stool she’d formerly been sitting on.

“Get it. Fast.”

Smiling at his rough, sexy command, she pulled out a long, newly purchased string of condom wrappers, ripping one off with her teeth.

“Put it on me,” he demanded, nothing soft or loving whatsoever in his tone. Suddenly, even though it had been her idea to come here, to give him a blow job, to have sex with him, she felt completely out of control.

Jason owned her as completely now as he had ten years ago.

Only ten years ago she’d never allowed herself to slide a latex condom down Jason’s erection. Which, she noted, was definitely one of the hottest sexual experiences of her life.

“Take off your panties.”

Rather than being afraid of his bullying tone, she relished it, thoroughly enjoying being wicked with Jason. She stood up and slid her pink satin panties down her hips, past her thighs, finally letting them fall to the floor.

Never taking his eyes from her bare pu**y, he ground out another delicious order. “Sit down and spread your legs.”

His command gave her pause and a moment later his hands were on her knees, and she knew that he would have no compunction in spreading them for her. This, surprisingly, turned her on even more and she quickly complied.

Gasping at the sensation of her fully aroused vagina opening up to his hot gaze and the cool air, just inches from his throbbing penis, she struggled for breath as he grasped her hips, pulled her to the edge of the leather seat, and slid hard into her.

To the hilt.

She braced herself on the cool bar top with her hands and forearms as Jason pounded into her, again and again, harder and harder. His eyes were closed and she was glad for the chance to watch him surrender to ecstasy. This moment was what she had waited for her whole life. This chance to be with the man she loved. To give herself to him in the most elemental way.

All rational thought fled as everything tightened inside her. She gripped him tightly, and as he grew harder, thicker with each thrust, her need grew stronger, wilder, until she could no longer do anything but throw her head back, lean her weight fully against the bar, and be f**ked into a crushing climax by the man she loved.

“Who are you?” Jason finally asked when they’d caught their breath and were reaching for their clothes.

The new, sex-goddess Emma—the woman who had taken everything Jason had demanded and given him

back just as good, thank you very much—had no trouble looking him directly in the eye. “The same girl you knew back in college.”

“No way. The girl I knew never would have fallen to her knees to throat me.”

Hearing him say those words, about her, was a strange feeling. Instinctively, she felt bad, dirty. Exactly how she’d been taught to feel her whole life. Sex had always been clean and infrequent.

Suddenly, Emma hated those strictures with a fury she hadn’t known she could feel. What was wrong with giving the man she loved a blow job? They’d both enjoyed it, and hopefully, her newfound sexual prowess would bring them closer. For once, she decided, she refused to feel shame at her own pleasure.

“Funny, seemed like you liked it to me,” she found herself able to tease.

“Hell yes I liked it,” he replied, wearing the look of men all over the world who just didn’t understand women’s minds. “Are you crazy? What guy wouldn’t like it?”

She shrugged, enjoying her newfound confidence along with her evidently much-appreciated blow job technique. “So then what’s the problem?”

“No problem. Except for the fact that my employees are going to start showing up in ten minutes. And I doubt any of them were planning on seeing their boss naked tonight.”

“How many women work for you?” Emma asked, her voice all innocence.

“Three. Why?”

“I’ll bet they wouldn’t mind getting an eyeful,” she said, hardly able to believe the flirty words were coming out of her mouth.

Seemingly against his better judgment, Jason threw his head back and laughed. Emma slipped her feet into her shoes and enjoyed Jason’s laughter. Unfortunately, her pleasure didn’t last long.

Evidently just because she’d given Jason a blow job in broad daylight didn’t mean she could completely outrun who she was at her core.

Because she was already worrying about her next step. Mostly because she didn’t have one. And after a lifetime of minute by minute planning she was far out of her element.

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