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Dominic (Benedetti Brothers 2)

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The pistol lay forgotten beside us as he used both hands to undo his jeans then push them and his briefs off.

“If I fuck you”—

His cock stood ready at my entrance.

“If you say yes”—

I opened my legs as wide as I could.

“You won’t be able to walk away. Not again. Not ever again.”

He thrust. He wasn’t waiting for my answer, not really.

And I wouldn’t have said no.

I cried out, and he held still inside me.

“Open your eyes, Gia. Look at me. I’m right fucking here.”

I did, trying to move my hips beneath him but unable to.

“Hear me, Gia. You won’t be able to change your mind. I won’t let you walk away again. Do you understand me?”

I nodded, arching my back. “Please. I need—”

He pulled out and thrust again, I gasped, biting my own lip, tasting blood. Blood. With him, there would be blood.

“More,” I said.

He smiled, pulled out, and impaled me again.

“You fucking left.”

He was angry and furious and sexy as fucking hell.

“I won’t ever let you walk away from me again. Fucking never.”

I bit my lip again, harder, until I tasted more blood, and I came. I came with him watching me. I came watching him. My pussy throbbed around his cock, and he never even blinked until I’d squeezed every drop of pleasure from him, taking from him what he gave, knowing this sealed our pact, knowing that when he moved again, when he fucked me and I watched him come, that I was his.

I was his forever.27Dominic“What did you have to do with Angus Scava’s arrest?” I sat on a stool at the kitchen counter peeling an apple, watching her as she made coffee. Although she had her back to me, I saw her stiffen.



She poured two cups of coffee out of the old-fashioned machine and set one before me. She sipped from her mug and stood on the other side of the counter, her eyes on mine. I could see her thinking as she worked out how to answer. Did she think I hadn’t realized the flash drive with the recording had disappeared when we’d left for my father’s funeral?

I picked up my mug and waited.

“Nothing,” she said again, turning away.

I sipped from the mug. “Christ. What is this shit?” I looked at the dark-brown water in my mug. That’s exactly what it tasted like: fucking dirty brown water.

“Don’t be a snob. The coffee machine was here when I moved in. It’s fine.”

She took another sip, but even I saw how she had to force herself to do it.

“You get used to it,” she said.

“I’m not getting used to it.” I stood and walked around the aisle to the sink and dumped my mug down the drain before taking hers and doing the same.

“What are you doing?”

“Let’s go get some real coffee.” I shook my head as she tried to argue. “You’re Italian, for Christ’s sake. You can’t tell me you like that crap.”

“I didn’t say I liked it.”

She grabbed her purse and jacket, and we walked out.

Once outside, we walked two blocks to a small café. Inside, we took a seat in a corner away from the windows. Gia ordered a cappuccino and I ordered a double espresso. After they came, I asked again.

“Gia, what did you have to do with Scava’s arrest?”

She shrugged a shoulder and kept her eyes on the flower design the barista had made out of her froth.

“I handed over the recording. I sent it anonymously.”

I shook my head. “Do you think Scava won’t know who sent it?”

“He’ll think it’s Victor.”

“He might, but he might not. He will retaliate, you know that.”

She met my gaze. “You’ll keep me safe.”

That took me back.

Yes, I would keep her safe, but I didn’t expect her to say it, because saying it came with so much more.

“I couldn’t just let him walk away scot-free, Dominic. Mateo died for that evidence.”

“I know. But you put yourself in danger now.”

“He’s behind bars.”

“He can run his entire organization from behind those bars. All he has to do is give the order.”

“I couldn’t not do it.”

I drank from my cup. “I know. You’ll come back with me today. You can’t stay in your apartment.”

“I have a job and school.”

“You don’t need a job, and you can take a semester off.”

“I’ve already taken too many years off. I’m twenty-five, Dominic.”

“If you’re dead, you’ll be taking the rest of your life off, won’t you? You’re studying to be an attorney. Which do you think is the better option?”

“Shut up.”

“I’m putting both houses on the market, my father’s and Salvatore’s. We’ll move to the city.”

“We’re just moving in together? Just like that?”

“You never once struck me as a girl for a long courtship with flowers and romantic walks on the beach.”

“I’m not. But it’s fast, isn’t it?”

“I want you with me. I thought I made that clear last night.”

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