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End of Day (Jack & Jill 1)

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“You’re running out of hot water.”

For the first time since she stepped in the shower, AJ opened his eyes and slowly lifted his head. Surprised and relieved that the pain was nearly gone.

Jillian stared expressionless with rivulets of water racing down her face, lips parted. AJ’s eyes homed in on a single bead of water on her neck. He watched it make a leisurely descent to the swell of her breast. His gaze flicked to hers for a split second before finding that drop again. He leaned in until his lips pressed to her wet flesh, his tongue capturing that single drop.

Her breath hitched. AJ lingered, his hands resting on her legs.

“I’m soaked and Dodge is expecting me by noon.”

AJ nodded, keeping his head down.

She stood and offered her hand. He took it and let her help him up, pausing a moment to gather his bearings.


He nodded. She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her body, then grabbed another and dried him off.

“You might need some dry underwear.” She smiled and handed him the towel.

AJ relinquished a small grin that felt foreign to his lips and wrapped the towel around his waist. He collapsed on his bed, completely exhausted. Migraines drained all of his energy. After a long sigh he opened his eyes capturing Jillian in the bathroom with her back to him. She unhooked her bra setting it on the vanity. Then she removed her wet panties. He had never seen the human body in such perfect form.

She stepped into her jeans and glanced back. He held her gaze without apology. Jillian wasn’t embarrassed, or angry. She looked … sad. Turning back around she finished pulling on her jeans, shoving her feet into her boots at the same time. He closed his eyes. Nothing about the morning felt like reality to him in that moment.

When the edge of his bed dipped, he opened his tired eyes again. Jillian traced the pad of her thumb over his eyebrow.

“What does AJ stand for?” she whispered.

He closed his eyes again. “Why do you live with your brother?”

He felt her lips curl into a smile as she pressed them to his forehead. “Feel better, Sarge.”

Chapter Eleven

Jillian sneaked in the garage door. There was a car in their driveway which meant Jackson was in the middle of a lesson. She tiptoed to her room trying to avoid the two creaky spots on the wood floor.

“Is it raining?”

She jumped, whipping around. “Jesus! You scared me.”

“Jackson, not Jesus. Why is your hair wet?” He looked at her hand. “And why are you carrying your undergarments instead of wearing them?”

“Where’s your student?”

“Bathroom. Are you going to answer me?” He crossed his arms over his chest.

“Are you seriously wearing those stupid glasses?”

Jackson pressed his finger to the white taped bridge of his black nonprescription glasses. “They make me look professional.”

“Pfft, they make you look like something for sure, but professional is not the word.” She turned, heading to her closet.


“Yes, it rained,” she hollered. “One of those pop-up storms. I saw it on the horizon so I pulled over and stripped down to my bra and panties so my clothes wouldn’t get wet. You know what a pain in the ass it can be trying to peel off wet denim. I dressed again in the garage when I noticed you had a student.”

“Screwing AJ is a bad idea.” He peeked his head into her closet as she shrugged off her shirt.

Jillian covered her breasts with one arm and tossed her shirt at his face with a menacing scowl. “I’m not screwing AJ. But if I were, I’m quite certain it would be the best idea I’ve had since we landed in this whole big mess.”

“Jackson?” a female voice called.

He adjusted his glasses. “We’re not done talking about this.”

Jillian rolled her eyes after he left. She had done a good deed that morning, one that warranted a merit badge not an interrogation.

By the time she dried her hair and donned new undergarments she found herself skidding onto Dodge’s front step at exactly noon. She would have been there sooner had Stan not stopped her to talk about the upcoming board meeting that he thought she should attend. There was an open spot for Treasurer and he’d asked if she was good with numbers. Jillian shrugged and said she was competent in basic math skills. That was all he needed to hear and somehow she got the impression the job was already hers. Just what she needed: another job.

“Hey, young lady!” Dodge greeted her with his usual exuberance.

“Hi, Dodge. Did Cage drop off the supplies?” she asked while he stepped back to let her inside.

“Yes, but I don’t think you have any idea how much Stan is going to bust my chops if he finds out the neighbor lady installed a handicap bar in the bathroom for my wife.”

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