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End of Day (Jack & Jill 1)

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When she untied him, he charged at her like a bull out of its cage. What ensued after that was sexual grappling, both of them vying for the upper hand. It was—in its own right—combat, and that’s why two-hours-and-nine-ways-to-Sunday later when they left the hotel room in shambles, AJ wondered if his dick had made its final performance ever.

Jillian signaled to the cab driver outside of the hotel. She looked perky … fucking perky … and full of energy. AJ looked and felt like a wounded soldier being dragged back to the barracks.

They slipped into the backseat of the cab. AJ managed to mumble his parents’ address to the driver while Jillian nuzzled her nose in his neck.

“That was incredible. If I promise to be on my best behavior for the rest of the trip can we have an encore performance when we get home?”

There would be no encore performance—ever. At forty-two, AJ had the build and stamina of a thirty-year-old in top condition. Sadly, it was no match for Wonder Woman on steroids. He rubbed the rope burn marks on his wrists, which were nothing more than minor blemishes compared to the bite marks and claw scratches on other parts of his body. He looked like hell and the task of explaining any of it to his parents was daunting at best.

“Have you actually ever killed anyone?” he asked her.

The cabbie glanced at them in his rearview mirror.

She sat up straight. “Why would you ask me that?”

No, was the answer he was looking for.

“Look at me.”

She stared out her window for a second too long. Then turned with a soft smile on her face. “Hmm?”

“You didn’t answer my question.”

“You didn’t answer mine either.” Her eyes shone bright with amusement as though the conversation was absurd.

Was it?

Chapter Twenty-Six

Jillian Knight had never killed anyone. Period. That was the accurate answer to his question and to deliver that answer, every thought, every move, every breath had to embrace Jillian Knight. There was no room to flinch, pause, or even swallow. Jillian Knight had never killed anyone.

AJ shook his head. “I shouldn’t have asked that. I’m just stressed about seeing my parents.” He reached between the seats and held her hand.

She stared at the red marks on his wrist. What kind of barbaric person does what she did to him? How fucked-up does a man have to be to allow a woman to do what she did? Why did taking control feel like losing control?

“Are you stressed out because of me?”

“No. Yes … it’s complicated.”

She knew complicated. Jillian defined complicated.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“For what?”

“That you’re taking me home to meet your parents instead of someone more … normal.”

AJ leaned over and kissed her cheek, and then her ear. “Normal’s boring,” he whispered back.

The pain in Jillian’s chest from his words was almost indescribable. It triggered such vivid memories of Luke. She turned toward the window and the only thing she could see through the blurry passing of the city was Luke. Would he ever stop controlling her mind?



It was a shed, not a surprise.

“Thank you?” Jessica’s lips formed a tight smile as they stood in front of the old shed behind the house.

Lara loaned her a pair of work boots to go with Jessica’s old jeans and faded red T-shirt.

“You ready to show the old man up?”

Jessica turned at the sound of Tom’s voice. He handed her leather work gloves.

“Uh …” she looked at Luke.

He grinned. “You’re going to tear off the siding then reside the shed with my dad. Then I think he has an ax for you to chop down a few old dead trees.”

“Felicity has a few easy projects inside too,” Tom added.

“I-I’m good with this.” She nodded. “But … just to be clear. This is a gift and not a punishment for taking my clothes off in front of you, right?”

Tom cleared his throat. Luke’s eyes darted to his, wide with surprise.

Jessica turned to Tom. “I took a dip in the lake. Luke did not.”

Tom smirked. “I’ll grab an extra crow bar.” He gestured to the shed.

“You know he’s old enough to be your father, yet because he’s a guy and he can’t help it, he’s going to be picturing you frolicking in the lake naked. Thanks for that.”

Jessica trapped her upper lip between her teeth. “Do you think any of the other Jones men will be picturing me naked today?”

His gaze rested on her, but he was somewhere else. It was a familiar look that elicited a slap of regret. Jessica wanted his affection, not his regret.

“It’s a gift. I thought ripping something apart and whacking down a few dead trees would be a healthy release of all that energy you keep trapped inside.”

She nodded; a soft, pensive expression masked her enthusiasm. Luke was trying to help her, but she hated herself for needing it in the first place.

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