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End of Day (Jack & Jill 1)

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“Tell me about the spirit.” He tugged at her hands until she released her firm grip, then he held them in his.

“When Four died … I think his spirit transferred to my body.”

“Why?” Luke whispered.

“Because I killed him.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven


The Monaghan’s lived in a small ranch style house with mature trees in the front yard and a stunning view of Mt. Hood from their back deck. AJ’s father, Jim, was a mirror image of AJ aged another thirty years, except Jim smiled more. His mom, Charlene “Char,” bubbled with personality as rich as her strawberry and gray hair that fell past her shoulders. She embraced Jillian with all the warmth of a daughter the second they walked through the door.

“I take it your parents don’t buy that I’m your ‘friend.’”

“Why do you say that?” AJ questioned as he set their bags at the foot of the bed.

“They have us sleeping in the same room, genius. Which you realize can’t actually happen.”

“They’re not stupid. The last woman they saw me with was Brooke.”

“Your ex-wife?”

He nodded, tossing the folded blanket from the end of the bed and one of the pillows onto the floor. “Don’t worry, I’ll be sleeping on the floor tonight.”

Jillian pushed him back until he sat on the bed, then she crawled up on his lap. “You told your parents the bruises on your face were from a training incident. Thank you.”

“Yeah, well my mom used to counsel victims of domestic abuse. I’m not sure how she’d feel about her son being one.”

She shoved his shoulders until he fell back. “Domestic abuse? Really? You think I’m abusing you?”

AJ stared at her as he slid his shirt up revealing the bite marks and scratches. Jillian feathered her fingertips over them.


“Don’t.” He pulled her onto his chest, silencing her with his lips.

Desire stirred a need for him. She shifted her hips to feel his arousal between her legs. His acceptance and forgiveness turned her on as much as his body.

“Not now.” He gripped her waist, ceasing her movement.

She buried her face in his chest and nodded. “You’re right.”

“Up you go.” AJ sat up, lifting her with him and setting her on her feet as if she weighed nothing.

“I’m going to stop … doing that. Okay?” She could do it. She could do it without Luke. There was no other choice. Jackson was right. She had to make a choice between AJ and Jessica.

He nodded, but his eyes lacked conviction. Hers did too.

“I hope your control is stronger than mine.” He pulled her between his legs and rested his forehead against her sternum.

Jillian kissed the top of his head. Her feelings for him were intense and real. Comparing him to Luke wasn’t fair. Jillian had never been with Luke, Jessica had. As messed-up as making that distinction in her head felt, it was necessary. Luke was the love of Jessica’s life. Jillian deserved one too.

“We’re taking a walk before dinner. You two want to join us?” Char called down the hallway.

“Be right there,” AJ answered.

Jillian placed her palms on his cheeks and smiled. “I like your parents.”

“They’re good people.” He pressed his lips to her for a quick kiss. “There’s something I need to tell you.”

“You’re adopted?” She smirked. “I’m not surprised. They…” she tipped her head toward the door “…are genuinely nice, happy people. And I’ve only exchanged a handful of words with them since we arrived.”

“Exactly, give them twenty-four hours, and they’ll be ready to kick your crazy ass to the curb.”

She kept her smile firm in place. He had no idea just how “crazy” she really was.

“As I was saying … I didn’t mention their neighbors.”

“You said Dodge and Lilith used to live next door.”

“Yes, but on the opposite side is Brooke, her husband, and their twin girls.”

“Oh … that’s …”

“Strange. I know, but it’s not as crazy as it seems.” AJ pursed his lips. “Well, it may be, but long story short, we bought the house next to my parents so my mom could help with Cage. I gave her the house in the divorce since she had Cage more often, but honestly I figured she’d sell it and move.”

“But she didn’t?”

“No. She stayed, married her boss, and five years ago they had twin girls that my mom babysits since Brooke’s mom passed away three years ago.”

Jillian took a step back. “Wow. Cage never mentioned he had twin sisters.”

“It is surprising because he thinks the world of them, but lately he’s been distracted by football and the naked neighbor lady getting the mail.”

“You realize you’re funny when you want to be.”

AJ shrugged. “I don’t try to be.”

“Yeah, I know that’s why it works. So why the warning? Are we all having dinner tonight?”

“No, but you’ll eventually see them.”

“We’re leaving tomorrow.”

“I know, but I also know Brooke. Trust me, my mom told her about our visit and Brooke never misses an opportunity to throw her perfect little life in my face.”

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