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End of Day (Jack & Jill 1)

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Char entered the kitchen. “Did Jillian tell you that you, Rob, and the girls can stay at her house when we all fly out in a few weeks?”

“Really?” Brooke’s perfect eyebrows peaked in surprise.

“Yes, we’d love to have you.”

“We?” Brooke questioned.

“I live with my brother, Jackson.”

“Oh … well, sure. That’s so nice of you. But only if you’re sure.”

Jillian wasn’t sure of anything since dealing with Jackson and the Lilith revelation.


“Amazing pie, Mom.” AJ brought in the empty bowls.

“Jillian’s graciously invited us to stay with her, AJ. Are you okay with it?” Brooke crossed her arms over her chest.

Jillian noticed her doing that whenever AJ was in the same room. Maybe it was habit—protection of sorts. Regardless, there was no denying the tension between them.

“It’s her house. She doesn’t need my permission to invite you to stay. I would have asked you to stay with me, but I don’t have enough beds.”

Jillian looked at AJ with a slight twitch of her brow. Would he really have offered to let them stay with him? Would Brooke have agreed to sleep under the same roof when her tolerance for sharing space in the same room as AJ seemed minimal?

“We’ll talk as it gets closer, but I really do appreciate the offer, Jillian.” Brooke gave her a genuine smile. “We’d better get going. The girls have to be to camp early in the morning.”

Brooke gathered her family and they said their goodbyes. She whispered “Don’t let your guard down,” in Jillian’s ear before leaving. It should have sent chills racing down Jillian’s spine, but instead she felt sorry for Brooke and how she still grieved the man she’d loved and feared the man she hated.

“I’ll have breakfast ready by seven,” Char gave both AJ and Jillian hugs before they went to bed.

“Sounds great. We’ll have to hit the road right after that.”

“Good night,” they all chimed.

AJ locked the bedroom door behind them. Jillian’s body shivered with promise.

“Brooke is gorgeous.”

AJ toed off his shoes and peeled off his socks as he looked at Jillian with his head cocked to the side. “You’re not the jealous type.”

Jillian shrugged as she undressed. “No. Not usually.” He was right. Jealously was an unnecessary emotion, toxic and destructive—but entirely human.

“Well don’t start now. When I fuck you it’s fifty percent your body and fifty percent your attitude. It’s a close tie as to which one arouses me the most.”

Jillian wet her lips and rubbed them together as he sauntered toward her in just his briefs and a dark look in his eyes. She slipped off her bra.

AJ shook his head. “Not tonight.” He picked up the blanket from the floor and spread it out by the pillow.

“You’re joking right?”

“No. My parents are just down the hall and you’re too loud.” He settled onto the floor, giving his pillow a quick fluff. “And my body is still recovering from the post-flight beating.”

“I won’t make you bleed.”

His brow peaked.

Jillian swallowed, searching for conviction in her words. “I won’t … and I-I won’t make a sound.” She slipped off her thong and tossed it on his chest.

He brought it to his nose as his eyes perused her naked body. Men were such dogs. She loved smelling Luke’s clothes, but never in her life had she considered taking a sniff of his underwear.

“No.” He slingshotted the thong back to her. “Besides. I’m fighting a headache.” Closing his eyes, he rubbed his temples.

“Isn’t that supposed to be my line?”

“Believe me, I’d gladly give you this headache.”

“You’re such a gentleman. Come here.” She slipped on his T-shirt and knelt on the bed.

“I’m good down here.”

“I’m not going to break your nose. Get your ass up here … on your stomach and I’ll give you a massage.”

He peeked open his eyes, then crawled up onto the bed.

“Have you taken anything for it?”

“Yeah, right after dinner. But it’s not doing the job.”

Jillian straddled his butt and kneaded his muscles.

“You were nervous earlier before you left to call Jackson. Was there a problem?”

“What makes you think I was nervous?”

“I’m good at reading people. You looked terrified.”

She dug her fingers into a knot under his shoulder blade and he moaned. “I said I would call him as soon as we landed and it occurred to me that it had completely slipped my mind. I guess I was just thinking of how worried and pissed he probably was.”

“And was he?”

“Of course. But everything’s fine now.”

“Why were you crying?”

“I wasn’t.”

“Your eyes were red when you came out.”

Jillian had met her match in so many ways. “He yelled at me about leaving without telling him first. It hurt my feelings.”

“Bullshit,” AJ mumbled.

“Excuse me?” She paused for a moment.

“It would take a helluva lot more than that to hurt your feelings. Try again.”

“You make me sound like a cold bitch.” She shoved her thumb into the back of his neck, her nail making claim to his skin.

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