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Middle of Knight (Jack & Jill 2)

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He kept his gaze on Ryn. “No, thank you.”

Shaking her head she chuckled. “Our waitress is quite attractive.”

“Is she?” He still didn’t turn.

“I’ve never been with a guy that wouldn’t have checked out that waitress at least once. I don’t mind, you’re—”

“Well you should. Any guy that takes his eyes off you is a fucking idiot. Excuse my language.”

Her drink called to her again. This time she stopped gulping at half the glass. It was progress.

“Okay, I’m ready to talk,” her buzz declared as she licked her lips. “Let’s start with your vow of celibacy. If not a priest then why? And if it’s because some love of your life died, then just nod once and don’t say anything. I’m not in my right mind and even then I’m not sure what I would say back to you.”

Jackson studied her through slightly squinted eyes. “First, it really wasn’t a ‘vow of celibacy.’ Jillian takes too many liberties with things I say. Moving felt like a fresh start, a chance to be someone different. So I decided to seize the opportunity.”

“So if being celibate is different, then …” Even with that warm buzz, Ryn managed to add everything together. “You must not have been celibate in New York.”

Jackson frowned. “I was the opposite of celibate, as in very much not celibate. Like every day I practiced not being celibate.”

“So you had a girlfriend.”

“No … no girlfriends.”

“Oh …” Yes, two plus two equaled four. No girlfriends and not being celibate every day equaled a really bad answer. “You’re a playboy.”

“Was and I didn’t actually call myself that.”

Six gulps later the second Bloody Mary vanished. This time Ryn signaled the waitress for another, although it took a little more waving to get her eyes drawn away from Jackson. Ryn stopped shy of jumping up and down on the table.

“I take it something happened. Did you get someone pregnant?” That Ryn could relate to. “Or did you catch some nasty STD?” Bloody Mary asked that question. There wasn’t even a flinch like she shouldn’t have asked it or that she needed to take it back. Maybe she didn’t need another drink after all.

His brows drew tight. “No kids or STDs. I just liked sex but not relationships. My uncomplicated lifestyle suited me at the time.”

“But now?”

“Now I’m different.”


“Because I choose to be.”

The vodka seeped into her brain. They were the best Bloody Marys and never stingy on the alcohol. “You should choose to show me all your tattoos.” She slapped her hand over her mouth. “Oh God, I just said that out loud.”

Jackson’s eyes widened and it’s possible his ears perked up a bit too. “You did. Keep going. I think I like you uncensored.”

The impish twist of his lips had her grabbing for more of her drink, but her hands were greeted by an empty glass. That made his eyes glimmer with even more delight. “I’d love to show you my tattoos, but not here.” He ducked his head to her ear. “I’d have to remove all my clothes for you to see all my tattoos.”

“We can’t have sex!” she blurted so fast it sounded like one long—loud—word.

Jackson looked around at a few of his adoring fans while wiping his hand over his mouth as if he could hide or remove the smirk on his face.

“Oh bloody, Bloody Mary … cut me off right now. What I mean—”

Her most wildly entertained date held his index finger to his lips over his permanent smile.

Taking the hint, she lowered her voice, not realizing how loud she had been. “What I mean is I have some things to attend to in the sex department.”

Biting his lips together, he nodded. “More preparation?”

With inebriated confidence she sat up ramrod straight and nodded. “Exactly.”

“Mmm … I see, well you didn’t finish telling me about Maddie.”

Her posture sank again. “Oh Maddie, Maddie, Maddie. She’s so aanng-ger-ee with me all the time. I’m trying to protect her from him, but she just doesn’t see the whole picture.”


“The ex. He’s not a nice man.” She slid her celery in and out of her mouth, running her tongue down the center groove.

Jackson cleared his throat. “You’re not eating that celery like we can’t have sex. You need to take a bite or put it back in your glass … now.”

Ryn bit into it, eyes wide, then she chewed it slowly, keeping her gaze locked to his.

“That’s better. Now … the ex, why is he not a nice man?”

“He has too much money and anger management issues.”

“Anger management issues?”

Ryn tapped her fingernail against the side of her glass, exhaling a breathy laugh. “I’m a little inebriated. A couple swigs past tipsy, but not officially drunk. Talking about the ex is not a good idea right now. He probably has someone following me and listening in on our conversation.”

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