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Dawn of Forever (Jack & Jill 3)

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Jackson bounced Livy gently as she stirred then settled back into him, resting her other cheek to his chest, her tiny fist at her mouth.

“Her parents were willing to move wherever we moved, but it was still a hard sell until Maddie took that job in Baltimore.”

“I never want to ask, but how are they?”

Jackson lifted his shoulders. “Maddie is … Maddie. Stubborn. Young. Immature. Defiant. And unforgiving. But she’s smart so she’ll do well with her job, marry some guy who can tolerate her attitude, and if she has a child of her own someday, I suspect she’ll come crawling back to Ryn.”

“And she’ll welcome her with open arms because a mother’s love is unconditional.”

Jackson stared at Livy, his face stone. “I still can’t forgive her.”

Jessica felt that familiar pang in her chest that came every time they talked about their mother. She thought of Dr. Harper’s words. Your mother told you the story of her life in just two sentences.

“Mom’s dead. I don’t think she’s spending her afterlife worrying about you forgiving her, because I don’t think she regretted any of it—not with Knox, not with Dad, and not with us. The same way I don’t regret mine.”

“The unconditional love?” He looked at her. “It’s gutting.”

Jessica smiled. Livy would break him some day … one boyfriend at a time. “Yes, yes it is.” She glanced out the window. “Oh she’s coming … gimme, gimme, gimme.”

Jackson followed her gaze to Ryn walking toward the building. He smiled. Jessica loved the way he looked at Ryn, like each time he fell in love with her all over again.

Before he could protest, Jessica had the Ergo latch unfastened and Livy in her arms.

“God … I love how she smells.” Jessica held her close, inhaling the essence of her niece. Livy’s blue eyes blinked open as she sucked at her fist.

“There’s my beautiful wife.” Jackson stood, freed the carrier from his body, and hugged Ryn, palming her ass and kissing her like they were the only two in the room. But they weren’t and there were plenty of wide eyes staring at them.

“Daddy’s ready to give you a little brother already … right here in Samovar,” Jessica baby-talked to Livy. “Maybe they should go work on that in private and we’ll go visit Jonesy.”

Ryn giggled with Jackson’s greedy lips still pressed to hers. “Hi, Jessica.” She freed herself.

Jackson adjusted himself before sliding back into the booth next to Ryn.

Jessica shook her head and rolled her eyes.

“What?” Jackson took a sip of his tea, hiding his cocky-bastard smirk.

“So how was your last day with Dr. Harper?” Ryn asked, stealing Jackson’s sandwich and taking a huge bite.

He gave her the hairy eyeball.

“Sorry, baby. I’m starving,” she mumbled. “Think of it as feeding your daughter.”

Jessica widened her eyes at Jackson. For all the years he gave Luke crap about submitting to Jessica, there he sat—no testicles—lovesick for his wife and utterly smitten over the bundle in Jessica’s arms.

“I’m cured. My words, not hers.”

“Is Luke still seeing her?” Ryn wiped her mouth as Jackson reclaimed the rest of his sandwich.

“Yes.” Jessica laughed. “The guy had me iron his socks to take to Goodwill. You can’t fix that kind of crazy overnight.”

The twins shared knowing looks. Luke not only had AJ to deal with, he had the memory of watching Jackson deliver a violent death to Preston Iverson. After two months and still no Preston, Ryn asked Jackson if he killed Preston. In true Jackson style, he replied, “Do you really want to know?”

Ryn shook her head and they never discussed it again.

“Speaking of crazy …” Jessica glanced at her phone next to her plate. A photo of Luke pinned beneath Jones on the floor lit up her screen with the caption “Play time. Where are you, Mom?”

“Looks like it’s time for Livy and me to head home.” She stood.

Jackson cleared his throat, but it sounded more like a growl.

“Fine.” She handed Livy to Ryn.

“Get your own.” Jackson smirked.

Ryn elbowed him. “Don’t be mean.”

Jessica typed a message into her phone. “No, he’s right. I plan on remedying this situation as soon as I get home.”

Jessica: I’m on my way. Get your dick out. I want a Livy too.

Jones: Still waiting for your doctor to give us the go ahead.

Jessica: Dammit, Jones! Meet me in the GTO in 20. Dick. Out. NO CONDOM!

“There. I just sent Luke a love letter. Wish me luck. I’m going to get Livy a cousin.”

Jackson and Ryn laughed.

“Bye.” Jessica winked and blew them a kiss before floating on her dreamy cloud all the way home.


“So remind me … why aren’t they married?”

Jackson chuckled, stealing Livy from Ryn. “You know I don’t speak woman.”

“Yeah, yeah … and I don’t speak Jackson, but I got you something anyway.” She pulled a box from her purse.

“You’re too late. Christmas was last week.” He sucked on Livy’s fingers.

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