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Defying His Charm

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“Naya!” he snapped. When he caught up with her, he grabbed her elbow, slowing her down. But she was furious with him.

“What are you doing?” she demanded, so angry and frustrated that she was almost growling.

“I’m going to walk you to your car!” he snapped right back.

She fisted her hands at her sides. “I do not need you to walk me anywhere! I’m perfectly fine on my own!”

He lowered his head so that he was glaring right back at her. “I don’t care! I see my dates to their cars or doors at the end of the evening.”

She huffed a bit, almost stomping her foot. “I am not your date!”

“Oh, so you generally kiss random men like that?” he came back.

“No! But…” she pushed her hair out of her face. “Luke! Just leave me alone!”

There was a long pause, as his green eyes looked over her pale features in the dim lights of the parking lot. He shook his head. “I can’t!” he replied, but with a softer tone. No yelling this time.

His softness brought back a margin of her own sanity and she stared up at him. If anyone had passed by them, they would have seen two people that looked about to kiss. Again.

“This has to stop,” she told him and turned away, heading towards her car. Her feet ached, her body was still throbbing with need, and she was hungry because she hadn’t eaten enough today. All she wanted to do was go home and curl up on her bed, forget tonight ever happened.

Luke followed her, still not exactly sure what to do. He’d never been with a woman who affected him like this, and who reacted to his touch like Naya did every time they touched. Why in the world would she run away from something so amazing?

When she fumbled with her car keys, he stood by her side. Fortunately, her fingers were shaking too badly to press the button that would unlock her car so he gently took the keys out of her hands and did it for her. Even opening the driver’s door for her.

But he wouldn’t let her step into the car. Not yet anyway. “Hey,” he said gently and pulled her into his arms. She was stiff, but he was relieved when she allowed him to hold her. “I won’t kiss you again. I promise.” He couldn’t believe he was promising such a thing, but he would avoid any sort of sexual touch.

She was stiff in his arms, but as he rubbed her back and kissed only the top of her head, she slowly relaxed. “We’re going to have to talk about this, Naya,” he told her and felt her stiffen once again. “Don’t,” he soothed. “Not tonight. I’ll leave you alone for tonight. But soon. We need to talk and figure out what’s going on, honey.”

“No, we don’t,” she sighed and tried to pull out of his arms. But he only held her more securely so she slumped against him, giving up the battle because…well, she needed his arms right now. Which was odd because his arms, being in them and feeling his power surrounding her back in the lobby was exactly why she was all mixed up right now. But there was no denying the fact that it felt good to stand here in his arms. For the first time, she didn’t panic, didn’t feel that surge of need. Sure, the awareness was still there, but it was mellowed at the moment.

“Have breakfast with me tomorrow morning.” He felt her stiffen again and kissed her red curls. “Just breakfast. Nothing else.”

She laughed and pressed her face against his white shirt. “No. Too dangerous.”

He chuckled. “Breakfast is dangerous?” he teased, peering down at her but she had her forehead against his chest so he couldn’t see her pretty, brown eyes. He was fine with that though. She was in his arms and felt absolutely wonderful.

“Yes. Breakfast is too dangerous.” She pulled out of his arms and stepped back. “I have to go.”

He shook his head even as he stepped back to let her get into her vehicle. “We’re not finished, Naya.”

She smiled slightly. “You say that every time I leave you.”

“So stop leaving me,” he teased.

“I’m in survival mode.” And with that, she stepped around him and ducked into her car, starting the engine as quickly as she could.

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