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Defying His Charm

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He laughed, shaking his head as lust surged through him once again with her smile. Damn, she had absolutely no idea of the impact she had on him. She was such an innocent and yet, her body begged for him to make love to her. His imagination had gone haywire last night as he lay in bed, thinking of all the different ways he wanted to make love to her. Which was why, around three o’clock this morning, he’d come up with the idea of building his own home. Yeah, he could find a piece of land on his own. He had the connections to dig through the real estate listings and find what he wanted.

But it would be so much more interesting and fun with Naya as his agent. So he’d called his brothers around six o’clock this morning, ignoring their curses at him for waking them up so early while he explained what he wanted. When he’d gotten both of their agreements, mostly to just get him off the phone, he’d moved on to his next target. Naya.

He backed up, giving her a bit more space. Otherwise, he was going to forget his plan even before it started. “I need you to look up land for sale and then we’ll go out and look at them. You can show me what’s available and, if the topography works for what I have in mind, I’ll buy it.”

Naya couldn’t hide her excitement at the project. All of her cautious instincts were suppressed as her curiosity took control. “Do you know what kind of house you want?”

“Ideally, I’d like something that is on a hill and that overlooks the water. I don’t want to be right on the water, but higher up so that I can see it in the distance.”

She smiled, immediately understanding. “Away from the traffic and the tourists?”

“Exactly,” he agreed, impressed that she instantly appreciated his vision. “What’s available?”

Naya’s sexy tongue stuck out between her lush, red lips and he almost groaned at the picture she presented. “I don’t normally deal with land properties, but there were some that stuck out when I flipped through the listings last week.”

She walked over to her computer.

“You don’t have other things to do today?” he asked.

She shook her head. “I sent out all the information to my clients last night around two o’clock,” she explained as her fingers flew over the keyboard, completely unaware of what she’d just revealed to him.

“I’ll make some breakfast while you search,” he said, but didn’t move for several moments, enjoying the way her body looked. Her desk was placed near a window so the sunshine streamed in, making her hair shine with glints of fire and light. The sun made the red in her hair look like it was on fire and he loved her pale skin. He imagined her skin turning pink when she blushed. All over!

Damn, he had to stop thoughts like that forming in his mind. It didn’t suit his purposes at the moment. He had to get her talking. The more he understood Naya, the faster he could figure out how to get her into bed.

Well, it wasn’t just his bed he wanted her in. He’d suspected last night around three-ish that he wanted Naya forever. Gone were his assertions that he wasn’t a “forever” kind of guy. Naya had changed all of that. He wanted her to build the house with him, to give her preferences so that, once he had his wedding ring on her lovely finger, he could carry her luscious body over the threshold and start making love to her in every room possible. And he wanted a house with lots of rooms!

Pulling his eyes away from her adorable bottom, he forced his feet to take him into the kitchen. Food. She needed something to eat. She hadn’t eaten anything at the event last night and he still wasn’t sure why she’d continuously said the word “broccoli”, but she hadn’t eaten any of the broccoli salad that had been on the buffet table. It had been delicious, he knew, since he’d eaten it himself.

“You don’t have any food, Naya,” he called out after opening her refrigerator. There were a couple of containers of yogurt and lettuce, a sad looking tomato, and an enormous head of broccoli. The lettuce and tomato looked as if it had been used. But the broccoli was still whole, untouched.

“There’s food in there,” she called back, but he could hear the distracted tone in her voice.

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