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Defying His Charm

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Feeling his body relax slightly, he turned to face her more fully. She was willing to give in to him. She was going to be in his bed, and he was going to make it so perfect, she wouldn’t be afraid any longer.

Naya sensed as well as observed the change in his body language and she felt that tension coil more tightly. She knew she’d have to speak quickly, to finally get out what she’d been planning to say. Because the moment he touched her, she would be lost. Completely lost!

“Yes. We’re going to establish rules. And before we do anything further, you’re going to promise me, swear to me, that you won’t violate any of these rules.”

Luke stared down at her, not liking where this conversation was going. “What kinds of rules?” he demanded.

Naya started pacing again. She’d come up with a list of rules last night while staring at her ceiling, unable to sleep. Again. “No dating.”

What the hell did that mean? What did she think they’d been doing for the past week?! “Excuse me?”

She nodded her head emphatically. “Yes. No dating. This is an affair. This will be about sex. No romantic dates. No going out to dinner. We’re just going to work this sexual thing out of our systems. When it burns out, neither of us will be sad because it will have just been an itch that we scratch.”

Luke looked at her eyes and knew something didn’t sound right. The trembling in her lower lip told him that something was seriously off. That trembling, plus the fear in her eyes, gentled his anger. It was still there, but he couldn’t stand the fear. “Is that really what you want, Naya?” he asked softly, feeling her pain and confusion.

She hesitated but eventually nodded her head. “Yes. That’s what I want.”

He didn’t like it, but he was at the end of his rope. He needed her and it was now painful. “Okay. Fine. No dating. We’ll just meet for sex.” Like hell, he thought, that anger flaring up again. No dating! What the hell?! But maybe if she’d relax around him more, he could understand this stipulation.

Her eyes widened a fraction then she nodded. “Good. Fine. No dating.”

“What else?” he demanded.

She paced again. Once around the room. Twice. “No one can know about our relationship. It has to be kept a secret.”

He didn’t like that at all! “Why the hell not?”

She wiped away at another tear. “Because I don’t want to be another name that the gossips chitchat about, Luke. There have been so many women in your bed. I’d be just another name. Another face that the people in our industry wager on how long it will take for you to grow bored with me and move on to the next woman.”

His heart hurt with her words. “And you think that I’ll grow bored?”

She nodded emphatically, even as another tear slipped down her cheek. “It will happen. I’m nothing special. You’ll grow bored and I’ll still need the respect of my peers. So, our relationship must remain confidential. If anyone asks, we barely know each other.”

No way! Oh hell no! He knew with absolute certainty that he wouldn’t grow bored with Naya. Never! Not if he were to stay in bed with her for weeks. Months. Years! He found her fascinating.

She drove him crazy, she made his body ache, and she continuously charmed him with her energy and kindness. Naya would never bore him.

But he would agree if it would help her. He’d agree for now, he corrected silently.

“Fine. What else.” He wanted these rules laid out so that he could take her into his arms and hold her. Yes, he wanted to make love to her, but he wanted more to make her smile. He wanted to hear her laugh and see that beautiful twinkle in her eye. He wanted to do anything to stop her tears. It was killing him!

Naya walked back and forth over his thick carpeting, her mind absently noting the soothing décor, the neutral palette that was broken by pops of color. Someone had done a great job of decorating his condo. Probably Gaia, she thought. Goodness, the woman was talented.

Focus! Naya berated herself because she was so nervous. “No kissing.”

There was silence for a long moment before she heard, “No.”

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