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Defying His Charm

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Naya thought she could use a few cookies right about now. Emotional stress eating had a lot of good points, she thought as she reluctantly turned around.

Sure enough, Sex-God was approaching at her two-o’clock.

Her eyes glanced to the left and right, then back over at him. Green Eyes dared her to leave, dared her to stay. Sexy lips quirked upwards.

“Ms. Jefferson, right?” he asked, extending his hand.

Naya looked down at the hand and shivered. She wasn’t going to shake his hand, she promised herself. No way could she touch this man’s skin. It would be extremely dangerous!

But would the man listen to her telepathic command? Nope!

He reached out and took her hand, enveloping her cold fingers in his warm grip, his hand holding not only her hand, but her entire body in shocked silence.

Looking up into his green eyes, she wasn’t sure what was going on. People were walking around, talking and laughing, drinking coffee and scarfing down cookies. But she wasn’t aware of them. It was just this man holding her hand. It was just his eyes making her tremble and his warmth seeping into her body.

Someone bumped her slightly and she suddenly found herself surrounded by the man’s tall frame. The top of her head came to his shoulder, but there was so much more. One moment, the other real estate agents in the room surrounded her, the next, she found herself in the hallway. Alone. Still surrounded by this man and his strength.

“That’s better,” she heard him say.


He shifted slightly and Naya found her shoulders against the wall, this man towering over her. She felt vulnerable and feminine. She felt…heat.

“I was wondering if you had any other questions for me.”

Naya stared up at him as millions of questions swirled through her mind. The sensible reply would be No. She should definitely not ask this man anything. Unfortunately, her mouth spoke before her mind could stop it. “How tall are you?”

As soon as the words left her mouth, she blinked, trying to figure out if she’d actually said them out loud. Surely she hadn’t! Oh please, if there was any good luck in this world, she hadn’t just uttered those words! The surprised look in his eyes told her that no, there was no good luck in this world, and she really had said those words out loud.

“I mean…!”

His laugh was deep and sexy, powerful in ways she didn’t really understand.

“I believe I’m a few inches over six feet,” he responded easily. “And you?”

Naya was having trouble breathing. All she wanted to do was lean forward and smell the man, to reach her hand out and touch his chest. He looked so strong, so…male!

“I’m shorter,” she mumbled, glancing down at her leather-covered notebook.

“About five and a half feet?” he suggested, that dark eyebrow hovering over his amused expression.

Naya snorted as she shook her head. “I wish.” She straightened her shoulders, trying to appear taller than her five foot, four inch frame. “Listen, I appreciate your assistance but…I ummm…” her brain tried to function, to come up with a reason why she needed to run – fast, but he was too close. And way too male for her mind to function properly.

“Come,” he commanded, taking her hand and tucking it through his arm in a gentlemanly fashion, but Naya suspected that this man didn’t have any gentlemanly thoughts on his mind. He led her over to the elevators and pressed a button. “I’ll give you a personalized tour of the units that are available.”

Warning bells were ringing in her head but she couldn’t seem to do anything to stop this man. Her feet were walking into the elevator as if they were his to command. “I can’t…you don’t…” she blinked and shook her head, trying to clear the fog from her brain. “This really isn’t necessary,” she finally told him. Unfortunately, it was too late. When she’d summoned up the energy to pull back, the elevator doors were already closing.

She stood awkwardly by the doors, facing the man but unable to look up at him. “Why are you doing this?” she asked.

Luke looked at the gorgeous woman with the most beautiful skin he’d ever seen. He wanted to reach out and touch her cheek, run his thumb over the freckles she was trying to hide, or maybe tangle his fingers in her red curls. She was sexy, adorable, and provocative, all in one alluring package.

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