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Defying His Charm

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Bending lower, she thought about going to her knees, but then calculated the distance. She was too short. She’d have to just…

“Damn!” he hissed when her hands wrapped around his erection. He closed her fingers, needing a firmer hold.

She loved that he liked this, because she certainly loved it. But she wanted…oh yeah. She was going to…. She bent lower and ran her tongue along the tip of his erection. He jerked backwards and she pulled away quickly.

“Did I hurt you?”

He laughed, his head falling backwards slightly. “Hell no! You’re driving me crazy!” he told her.

Naya liked that. Her hand was still holding his erection and she smoothed her fingers up and down the shaft, feeling, exploring and comparing the feel to her own body. They were so dramatically different. “I like this,” she whispered and bent down to taste him again. But this time, she wanted more. She wanted all of him. She wrapped her lips around his erection and tasted the man. In the back of her head, she heard his palms slap against the wood of the door again, but the sound didn’t really register in her mind. At least, not as something she needed to concern herself with.

This man, this amazing part of his anatomy…that was her focus. When she moved her mouth up and down along the length, she heard him groan and doubled her efforts. It was all so wonderful!

“Naya!” he almost yelled but she ignored him and continued her ministrations, wanting him to feel exactly how he made her feel. Crazy.

“Naya!” he called out again, but this time, he pulled out of her mouth and lifted her into his arms. “Enough. Any more and I’ll…” he shook his head as he carried her into her bedroom. “I want to be deep inside of you when I climax. I want your heat wrapped around me and I want your inner muscles pulling me deeper into your gorgeous body!”

A moment later, he placed her in the middle of her bed and stood up, taking off the rest of his clothes. Tie was tossed behind him, slacks, socks, and shoes discarded with complete abandon. He didn’t care where they landed, as long as they weren’t on his body any longer.

“Now you’re going to pay for that,” he growled, as he looked down at the ravishing woman with the silk robe halfway on and halfway off, hiding only some of her curves from his view. Damn, he loved this robe!

His finger moved up, his hands cupping her breast as he teased the nipple with his teeth and his lips, his tongue, his fingers moving across the other one, pinching and teasing. He didn’t stop with one nipple until she was writhing against the bed. Only then did he move to the other one, making her scream out his name.

He wanted to move lower, to taste her and drive her nuts just like she’d done to him, but he was too far gone. He stood up and pulled her to the edge of the bed, rolling the condom down his length only moments before he grabbed her legs and pressed into her heat.

Luke watched as her mouth opened upon his invasion, her body arching to take him deeper and her body moved against his. When he was fully embedded in her heat, he stopped, looking down at her. “Pull the robe away, Naya. I want to see your breasts.”

She did as he’d instructed, but she was still shifting against him, encouraging him to move. He liked that. A demanding lover. Not that she’d get away with it, he thought with relish. But he liked that she would try.

“Tell me what you want,” he ran a finger down the middle of her chest, between her breasts.

“Move!” she almost growled, grabbing his hand and pulling his fingers over to her nipple. “Touch me and move!”

He laughed, delighted with her. “Like this?” he asked, moving in and out of her slowly.


His fingers tightened on her nipple. “Like this?” he asked and moved in and out of her faster.

“Yes!” she sighed, arching so that his pelvis was hitting her on that bud. Damn that was hot, he thought.

Both of his fingers were tweaking her nipples, teasing and torturing the sensitive buds while he watched her move against him. It occurred to him that, if she were on top, he could pleasure her breasts more thoroughly, and she would have a better time of shifting against him the way she wanted to.

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