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Pleasing Her SEAL

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She kissed him back, her tongue exploring his lips and then his mouth. Heat surged through him, and suddenly playing fantasy games didn’t seem like such a great idea. He wanted to be inside her, taking her deep, hearing her call his name as he thrust and she came. They could go slow the second time. Or tomorrow.

He kissed her more intimately, his tongue exploring her mouth thoroughly. When she moaned, he decided she really liked what they were doing. Thank God, because she’d tell him exactly what he was doing wrong, too, if she felt his kissing needed improvement or direction. His Maddie didn’t hold back.

Her tongue tangled with his as she angled her head, trying to find a way to take him more, deeper, hell if he knew except it was raw and sloppy and the biggest turn-on ever. He’d be the best lover she ever had and then maybe she’d give him another night. Another chance. And at least he kept his dumb-ass thoughts to himself as another bolt of pleasure seared through him.

When he finally broke their kiss, his breathing sounded ragged, but she got to him and he didn’t mind her knowing. Not like she could miss the evidence pressing against her sweet pussy. Her mouth was slick and wet from his kiss, her lower lip trembling. She stared at him, a dazed look in her eyes, her breath catching.

“Do that again.” She punctuated her order with another naughty wriggle.

“Happily,” he growled, pulling her down for another kiss. His hands got busy, too, sliding her straps down. One good tug and her breasts popped free. That wasn’t nearly enough, so he cradled her against his chest, pulling her dress and panties down and off, before falling back on the bed with her.

He definitely had her attention now, because she leaned up an elbow and grinned cheekily at him. “So, big guy, are we doing it missionary style?”

* * *

HE LOVED A good challenge, because he gave her another one of his slow, panty-melting grins. “Right. You prefer kinky.”

She had a feeling she preferred him. Since he still had his jeans on, while she was buck naked, she reached down and popped his buttons, working her hand inside his boxers. If it was make-Maddie’s-fantasies-come-true night, she knew exactly where she was starting. His penis butted against her palm and she fisted him, dragging her fingers slowly up the hard length. “This works for me.”

He pulled away. That was the wrong direction. He was supposed to be moving closer, like get-inside-her close, not putting distance between them.

She squeezed his dick, running her fingers over the thick crown. “Stay put.”

“I’m coming right back.” He peeled her fingers off him, pressed a kiss against the tips and then tucked her hand against her pussy. “Think of something to do while I’m gone.”

“I’m not waiting for you,” she warned. “And you’d better come back naked.” Kinky games were one thing. Walking away was definitely not on her list of sexy things.

He flashed her that quick grin of his. “Then I’ll hurry.”

“Masturbating’s only sexy if you watch,” she called after him as he disappeared into her hallway. She tried to listen for him, but the man moved like a stealth ninja. When he returned a few minutes later, he had a bowl in his hands. The contents rattled softly as he set it down. The good news was that he’d listened to her and lost his pants somewhere on his journey. And yeah, his penis was spectacular.

She levered up on her elbow, her hand falling away from her pussy as she stared at him. She’d rather have him than her fingers. “What’s that for?”

“You’re impatient. You know that, right?”

Ha. And he was an overachiever in the patience department. “Do you really care?”

In answer, he pulled an ice cube out of the bowl and drew it over her collarbone and down the slope of her chest. She didn’t even try to hold back her shriek.

“Oh, my God, Mason, that’s cold! You can’t try everything you read about on the internet.”

He didn’t stop, just kept dragging that damned ice cube lower. “Shh. You’re spoiling my game.”

He touched her again, moving the ice cube lower. Honestly, she wasn’t sure how she felt about this. It seemed kind of silly, really. And they were totally going to make a mess out of the sheets and the resort had one of those eco-friendly policies where they only changed things on request and... Oh. He circled her nipple with the ice cube and the tightening sensation shot straight to her clit. She’d had no idea there was any kind of connection there, but now the ice was an exquisite torment she couldn’t get enough of. She pressed into his touch and he did it again, drawing a smaller circle this time. Okay. She could be convinced.

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