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Savage Love

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“Are you talking about that place right in the middle of the city? What’s it called...?”

“The one across the street from the cinnamon bun store? Oh yes. That’s the one I’m talking about.”

“It’s a date then,” he said with a smile.

“What are you eating, by the way?” Kallie asked.

“Roasted figs. Would you like to try one?”

“They look slimy.”

“But they taste delicious,” he said with a smile. “Here, just a small bite.”

Ash pierced one on his fork and watched Kallie wrap her lips around it. The image alone had his cock throbbing for more of her. He watched all sorts of emotions and reactions cascade over her beautiful face. Intrigue and confusion, a bit of disgust until she bit into it. Then her facial features relaxed and she rolled her eyes, moaning as the taste flooded her tongue.

“See?” Ash asked.

“Oh my gosh. That’s really good,” Kallie said.

“Here. Let me try a bite of your octopus. I have to admit, I’ve been eyeing it.”

“I’ve never had octopus before, but this is really good. Here, hold on.”

Ash watched her spear some onto a fork before she brought it to his face. He smiled at her as he wrapped his lips around the delicious morsel, his body coming alive when Kallie giggled. And she was right. The octopus was fantastic. And in the restaurant’s defense, Ash had never had anything here that wasn’t good.

But it was better with Kallie sitting across from him. Feeding it to him.

Enjoying it alongside him.

“Is that Ashly Worthington I see?”

Ash cringed the second he heard that voice. Like nails on a chalkboard.

He watched Kallie furrow her brow before her gaze turned off to the side. He considered taking her hand and bolting. Running down the back steps and getting away from the dastardly woman approaching them. Fuck. Sasha Benson.

Of course she would pop up at the most inopportune time in his fucking life.

Ash turned his body and watched the woman walk toward them. Her smile was a mile wide and her face was tanned and taut. Her platinum blond hair hung down to her shoulders and her slim build made her look like she hadn’t eaten in days. Sasha Benson. Fuck, that woman was a shark. Sasha was everything Ash hated about the elite. She was snooty. Snobbish. Entitled to all the fancy things in life. Didn’t have to work for her money because her good old daddy made all of it for her to spend. She was an entitled heiress. A typical young New York City socialite.

And she was headed straight for them.

“Sasha,” Ash said curtly.

“And why in the world didn’t you tell me you were back in the city?” Sasha asked.

Her features were as plastic and as brittle as the fake attitude pouring from her lips.

“Probably because I didn't want to,” Ash said.

“And who is this?” Sasha asked.

She turned and gave Kallie a tight grin, and there was a look in her eye that he didn’t like. Sasha positioned herself so he couldn't even see Kallie any longer, and he could feel anger pooling in his chest. His father had always taught him to respect a woman, but Ash had no intentions of respecting her if she couldn't respect the woman he was with.

“If you could move, I’d really enjoy that,” Ash said.

“I was hoping I’d be able to catch you on the island,” Sasha said. “I know you’re usually there this time of year. What brought you back to the city?”

Ash watched Kallie peek out from around Sasha’s body and he desperately searched for a way to get them out of this position.

“You remember that time you taught me how to surf?” Sasha asked. “I was hoping you’d be able to give me a few more lessons.”

“Nope. Have to say my ticket’s all filled up,” Ash said.

“Such a shame. Will you be back on the island anytime soon? There’s a new club opening up, and I was hoping we could go dancing. I always love it when we dance together, Ash. I’ve missed it.”

He could see Kallie wilting in her seat and it boiled his blood.

“While it’s flattering that you miss our interactions,” Ash said as he stood, “we were just leaving.”

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