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Savage Love

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She wanted Ash.

She loved Ash.

“No,” he said.

Kallie felt the breath leave her lungs. It felt like she’d been punched in the gut. She took a step back, like someone had backhanded her across the cheek.

Then, Ash became cruel.

“I can’t believe I didn’t see it. Even after you got so upset with me for lying about who I was, you were lying about who you were the entire time.”

“None of it’s true,” Kallie said breathlessly.

“You’re a gold digger,” he said. “And the worst part is, you can’t even admit it to yourself. Is ruining rich men’s lives a game to you?”

“It’s not true,” she said as tears fell down her cheeks. “What James is saying isn’t true. He cheated on me, Ash. Eris caught—”

“Eris is in on it,” he said curtly.

“Eris is loyal to a fault, but she would never lie for me.”

“And it all makes sense. Eris was an attack dog in that club. And then she just let you go home with me? It doesn’t make sense.”

“She was distracted by Jeremy. Eris is wild, and fiercely protective, but she has a penchant for witty men.”

“Like you have a penchant for rich men?”

“Ash, stop it.”

“I’m only going to say this once, Kallie. This situation right here? It’s why I take up the life on the island like I do. Quick flings, no settling down. Because not even I can sense all the gold diggers in the world.”

“I don’t want you for your money,” Kallie said with a whisper.

“Then tell that to the rest of the world. Because we’re done here.”

He shut the door in her face, and Kallie fell to her knees. She was crushed. She thought they had finally gotten to a place of trust, but obviously they had not. Ash had been coldly ruthless. Like his mother had been the day before. Devastation rattled her bones as tears rushed down her neck.

“Please open the door,” Kallie said with a whisper.

But she knew Ash couldn't hear her.

No one could hear her over how loud James was talking.

Her hand fell to his door and she tried to push it open. Hoping maybe some shred of decency in him was still talking. But when it didn’t budge, she leaned against it to get up. It was clear she wasn’t going to convince him of her innocence. The only physical proof she had on her person was her phone records and her text messages. And all Ash thought was that she’d deleted the messages. Maybe someone had taken pictures at the wedding? The wedding photographer was supposed to be James’s project. Fuck. Maybe she could track them down somehow? Get pictures that proved both she and James were present and ready at their wedding?

Anything to discount the complete and utter bullshit he was rattling off on national television.

But she couldn't do anything standing at his door. She would accomplish nothing crying outside in the carpeted hallway. After finally convincing herself to stop walking away. To stop cowering into corners and to pick her head up and keep moving forward, she couldn't believe what she was about to do.

But Ash left her no choice.

So, as she cleared her throat and wiped the tears from her face and neck, she slung her purse over her shoulder and left.

Chapter 25


Ash slammed his fist against the glass and yelled. Roared. Groaned and bashed until his fist throbbed and his throat was hoarse. He was mad at himself for falling for her ruse. Mad at Kallie for finding him on that island. Mad at the world for dangling the most incredible woman in front of his face before making her the one thing he detested. Despised. The one thing he had tried to run from all the years of his life.

“Why?” he asked with a whisper. “Why, Kallie?”

He couldn’t believe he allowed himself to get played like that. Played like a fiddle in front of a nationwide audience. And the worst part of it was that he genuinely cared for her. He was ready to throw his entire island life away in pursuit of her. He was willing to compromise anything he had in his life to be with her.

Just like James had been ready to.

Shit, he loved her. And he was ready to tell her that too. Her deception. Her blatant disregard for how any of this would make him feel. That’s what destroyed him inside. That’s what made him so sick to his stomach. That’s what made it so hard to breathe. Hard to speak. Hard to do anything but beat against the windows of his apartment and yell until he couldn't make any more noise.

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