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Savage Love

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“What happened?”

“I stole for him.”


“Yep. The money he used to spoil me, he got from robbing gas stations. Small grocers. Vegetable stands on the side of the road. I was so wrapped up in him that I helped him get away from four of them before I came to my senses.”

“Holy hell, Eris.”

“I was ashamed to tell you because I knew you would judge me. I knew you would tell me that man was no good for me, and I didn’t want to hear it. I could tell by the look on your face that James said something to you. He’s admitted to being with other women, hasn’t he?”

Tears sprang to Kallie’s eyes as Eris took her hands.

“No man is worth compromising your morals, Kallie. Take it from me. I almost ruined my life and got myself thrown in jail over it. You can’t just forgive him for the fucked-up shit he did to you, no matter how many good moments there are to hang onto. He did it. Repeatedly. And didn’t once apologize until he was caught.”

“Why did he do this to me?” Kallie asked breathlessly.

“I don’t know,” Eris said as she wiped away a tear, “but tonight is a girls’ night. And guys don’t intrude. So no more looking at your phone, or I’m flushing it.”

“Those are fighting words. You don’t touch a person’s phone.”

“Then turn it off,” Eris said. “Then it won’t matter who texts you. They won’t be able to reach you until you turn it back on. Plus, with the next place I’m taking you to, I’m going to need your full attention.”

“Needy much?” Kallie asked with a grin.

“I’ve missed my best friend. This is the first time we’ve both been single in years. I plan on living it up with you now. So, come on. Take out the phone and shut it down. Now. Right now.”

Kallie sighed heavily, then followed her friend’s orders. She took out her phone and turned it off, then stuck it back in her purse. The two of them finished their food and drank down the rest of their waters. Kallie felt revitalized again. Ready to take on the night with her best friend after that one simple move.

“You ready?” Eris asked.

“Yep. Let’s pay and then we can get out of here,” Kallie said.

“Good. Because the next place we’re going has too much music you won’t be able to hear yourself think.”

“Then what was the point of me turning off my phone?”

“I needed to see you do it. To see that you were still capable of putting distance between you and these men and taking a night to find yourself again. Moves like that are important. Being able to shut off the triggers that make you so uptight all the time is important to you finding your way back to yourself, Kallie. For years, you’ve been ‘James’s girlfriend’ or ‘James’s fiancé.’ It’s been a long time since you’ve been ‘Kallie Semple.’”

“It has,” she said.

“So come on, Kallie Semple, and let’s dance the night away.”

Chapter 4


The second Ash stepped foot back into New York City, it was like a siren sounded throughout the entire state. He made his way for his penthouse apartment that overlooked the city, and by the time his first night was over with, he had fourteen invitations to different exclusive events. Charity balls and opening nights of new clubs. VIP access to bars that only Hollywood elites frequented. Restaurants with their private parties and political figures wanting to schmooze him for his money.

But he ignored all of them.

That wasn’t the point of him being back.

There was one, however, he couldn’t ignore. Mostly because the invitation kept coming. Through the mail. Through his phone. Somehow, even through his email. An old college buddy of his—Jeremy—was literally begging him on his technological hands and knees to come to a new club that was opening. A club his friend held part ownership in. His friend was petrified that if the club didn’t give off the right vibe to the city, he would lose his investment.

And having Ashly Worthington at his club would give it the notoriety it needed.

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