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A Hot Montana Summer

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She heard Jamie give a small groan of surrender, and then he was kissing her, his lips pushing against hers until she opened willingly for the hot slide of his tongue. She speared her fingers into his short hair, urging him closer. He complied, slanting his lips over hers and licking at the inside of her mouth. He smelled delicious, and the warm, heavy weight of him against her breasts sent an ache of longing to her groin. She shifted slightly to accommodate him, and he responded by sliding his free hand to her breast.

Rachel gasped into his mouth as he cupped her gently, and then kneaded the flesh with his strong fingers. She hadn’t been touched this intimately in a long time, and the sensations were almost overwhelming. When he brushed his thumb over her nipple, and then plucked at the sensitized bud through the fabric of her shirt and bra, she arched involuntarily, seeking more of the delicious contact.

“I want you to touch me,” she breathed against his mouth.

“I am touching you,” he said, laughing softly. “And you feel amazing.”

In answer, Rachel covered his hand with hers, and brought it down to the vee of her legs where an insistent throbbing had begun the moment he began kissing her. He made a deep sound of approval and cupped her through the thin cotton of her pants, before rubbing his fingers along the seam of her sex.

Rachel realized her breathing had quickened, and she shifted her hips restlessly as he deepened the kiss. Her hand crept to his waist. More than anything, she wanted to touch him the way he was touching her. She could still recall how thick and hot he’d been when she’d touched him by the pool.

Jamie pulled away. His breathing was a little ragged, and even in the indistinct light, she could see the twin patches of hectic color high on his cheekbones.

“Sweetheart,” he said, and his voice was a husky rasp. “We should probably move this indoors, where we can, uh—”

Looking down, Rachel saw the blanket had slid off. Beneath the soft sweatpants, Jamie was fully aroused, but was having difficulty getting into a comfortable position on the inclined chaise.

“Your leg!” Rachel exclaimed. “I’m so sorry! I wasn’t even thinking—”

“Shh,” he hushed her. “It’s all good. I just think we should go indoors where we can get more comfortable.”

“What about the fire?”

“Which one?” he asked, laughing and kissing her at the same time. He glanced at the fire pit. “I’ll put the screen over the top. It’ll be fine.”

He eased himself away from her, and the cool evening air washed over Rachel’s heated body, making her shiver. She immediately missed Jamie’s solid weight and warmth. Pushing to a sitting position, she gathered up the blanket and their wineglasses, watching as Jamie eased himself to his feet.

He gave her an apologetic look. “If I could, I’d carry you inside. I don’t want to stop touching you for even a second. Promise me this won’t ruin the mood.”

Rachel smiled. “It won’t. In fact, I’ll do the touching while we head inside.”

If she was smart, she would take this opportunity to change the direction of the evening, maybe even send him home. But her body still thrummed from his touch, and the sight of his arousal made her remember she was a woman, and she still had desires. So instead of doing the right thing and putting an end to the night, she waited while Jamie secured the fire pit, and then walked with him into the house, keeping one hand on his back as he swung his crutches. Once inside, she set the glasses and blanket down, and turned to Jamie.

“Where were we?” she asked.

Jamie moved closer to her, crowding her against the island. He supported his weight on one crutch as he slid a hand to the back of her head, gently tangling his fingers in her hair and tipping her face back.

“I’m crazy about you, Rachel McCafferty,” he said softly, and lowered his mouth to hers. “I always have been.”

Alarm bells rang in Rachel’s head, but then he was kissing her, and she lost any ability to think coherently.

Chapter Nine

Jamie noted with satisfaction Rachel didn’t correct him on her surname. Instead, she wound her arms around his neck and kissed him, deeply. She tasted faintly of the wine they’d drunk earlier, and her body was warm and firm against his. She tangled her tongue with his, stoking his desire and causing a rush of heat straight to his groin.

Rachel pulled away and began pressing hot, wet kisses against his jaw and neck, even as her fingers slid beneath the hem of his shirt and pushed upward. Her hands were cool against his heated skin, and when she slid her palms over his abdomen, his flesh contracted beneath her touch.

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