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Make Me Melt

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“I made choices that I knew were wrong, and I didn’t care who got hurt.”

“That’s not true. You did care, or you never would have agreed to my father’s conditions. You wanted to change your life, and you did. And the only reason you made those bad choices was to avoid being hurt.”

Caroline wound her arms around his waist until they were skin to skin, absorbing the feel of him. “I’ll never hurt you,” she promised and pressed a kiss directly onto the marks.

With a rough sound of need, Jason lowered his head and caught her mouth in a kiss so passionate that she felt it all the way to her toes. She didn’t object when he backed her up to the bed and pushed her gently down across the coverlet, following alongside her.

The bedspread was cool against her bare back, but Jason’s skin was hot against her breasts. Breaking the kiss, he worked his way unhurriedly down her throat and over her chest, nuzzling her breasts with his mouth. She watched him, spellbound by the sight of his dark head against her pale skin and feeling the rush of heat and moisture between her legs. When he took a nipple into his mouth and drew deeply on the stiffened tip, she gasped and arched upward, clutching at his shoulders.

He tormented first one breast and then the other, ignoring how she twisted beneath him, her hips shifting restlessly against his. He used his mouth to worship her body, moving from her breasts to her stomach, where he teased her navel with his tongue. His fingers moved to the waistband of her pants and released the fastening in one easy flick of his fingers.

“Yes,” she panted as he slowly drew the zipper down. She lifted her torso, helping him to push the garment down over her hips. Jason knelt over her and dragged the pants down the length of her legs until she lay on the bed wearing nothing but her panties.

“Oh, man,” he breathed. “You are so damned pretty.”

Reaching out, Caroline caught him by the waistband of his jeans and tugged until he came over her on all fours, with her fingers still tucked into his pants.

“Take these off,” she urged, needing to see him. “Hurry.”

“I’ll take them off,” Jason said. “But I want to go slow, okay? Last night was amazing, but tonight I want to do things a little differently.”

“Okay,” she agreed, too eager to see him to tell him that she had no intention of going slow. She was past ready for him. Even now, her panties were soaked with desire for him and her sex throbbed. She had no idea if this was how it was for other women, but she found she enjoyed sex. She was still a little tender from the previous night, but even that evaporated beneath the wave of desire that swept over her now.

Leaning back, Jason unfastened the snap on his jeans, and Caroline helped to push them down over his hips. Her breath caught as she saw his erection tenting the material of his cotton boxer shorts. As he stood up to kick his jeans free, she sat up on the edge of the bed. Reaching out, she laid her hand over the hot ridge of flesh beneath the fabric, thrilling at how he quivered beneath her touch.

“I want to see you,” she said and slid her fingers beneath the stretchy waistband to take him in her hand. His breath hissed in through clenched teeth as she curled her fingers around him, and her body pulsed hotly in response.

“You’re so gorgeous.” She sighed, pushing his boxers down to stroke his length. Glancing upward, she saw Jason watching her through half-closed eyes, his face taut. “You know what I want to do.”

“Yeah.” His voice came out on a raspy groan.

Caroline smiled. She’d never felt so sexy or powerful before in her life. This guy was the embodiment of masculine strength and beauty, and yet she literally held him trembling in the palm of her hand. The effect was an aphrodisiac.

She cupped his weight from beneath with one hand as she ran her fingers along the velvety shaft with her other hand. The head of his penis was like a ripe plum, and her mouth watered with the need to taste him again, as she’d done last night. Leaning forward, she ran her tongue lightly over the blunt tip.

“Mmm,” she murmured. “You taste delicious.” Then she took him fully into her mouth.

Jason made a rough sound, a mixture of surprise and arousal. His hands came up to frame her face, his fingers massaging the tender skin behind her ears. Emboldened, Caroline took him deeper, swirling her tongue around him as she used her hand to stroke and caress his length. She pressed her thighs together, squeezing against the sharp throb of desire between them.

“That’s enough,” he gasped and eased her away, his breath coming fast. “Jesus, where did you learn to do that? I won’t last if you keep that up, and I’m not ready for this to be over.”

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