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Look Don't Touch

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"Rylie knows that I'm still new to this relationship thing. She gives me a lot of space. That's why it's working so well. She's independent too."

"That sounds perfect for you."

"Yep. Wait, I see how you deftly changed the subject to me. No wonder you stacked up so much money after college, you sly dog. I didn't see your car out front of Fantasm, so I decided to go inside and grab a table for us. Only I walked into a very dreary strip club. Sour, sad faces all around. A couple of the girls told me you had stopped some creep from manhandling Shay, and she quit a few hours later. I figured she quit because a certain knight in shining armor with a big bank account had talked her into his devious and totally warped plan."

"It's possible that's what transpired." I pushed my running shoes off and dumped out the sand.

"I knew it. Well, I wouldn't show my face in Fantasm anymore. Everyone pretty much hates you for taking away the best thing that's happened to that dive since it opened a million years ago."

"I figured I might be given the evil eye if I returned."

A horn blasted through the phone, and I held it away from my ear for a second. "Shit. It sounds like you're standing in the middle of the highway."

"No changing the subject this time, Archer. I'm on to you. Well . . ."

"Well what?" I headed up the steps to the house.

"What's she like? Is she as hot off stage as she is on? Is your cock already in training and standing at attention waiting to be told at ease?"

"She's nothing like I expected. And definitely yes. And absofuckinglutely yes." I walked through the gate to the pool area and stopped at the glass door leading into the house.

Shay had pulled on skimpy shorts and a midriff length t-shirt. She'd moved aside the coffee table and she was sitting, legs wide, tilting her body over in a stretch. The run had tired me out but apparently my cock had its own energy source. The sight of Shay limbering up on the living room rug had pulled my focus away from the conversation.

"Nash, hey, did I lose you?"

"Nope, I'm still here."

"Did you hear my question? Why is she nothing like you expected? And what exactly were you expecting?"

I watched her stretch one arm up high, lifting her crop top high enough to show the bottom curve of her breast. More energy pumped to my erection. "Let's just say I totally underestimated the woman and my plan."

"That's just vague enough to give me a million more questions, but I'm going back inside for another beer. Remember, if she starts asking about a pet rabbit, it's time to evict your new houseguest. Later."

"Yep, later."

I decided not to interrupt the exercise session inside. It was far too entertaining to stop. I would tell her later that I had a workout room complete with mats and state-of-the-art machines. I felt like a damn peeping Tom but then I reminded myself I was paying the woman to let me watch her. And she was worth every fucking penny.


Shay had spent the rest of the day reading her book and walking on the beach while I finished some work. My enthusiasm for the new company was growing, and I decided to spend some time researching a few of the new companies in outdoor gear. I also divided my massive contact list into people who I might still want to network with and people who were just taking up space on the list.

A few hours of staring at the computer screen in my office and I was ready to head out and see what my tempting houseguest was up to. A hysterical scream blared out of the surround sound system as I walked down the hall.

Shay was sitting on the couch in her cut-off shorts and t-shirt, with her legs crossed kindergarten style on my couch. She was clutching a green accent pillow as she watched the horror movie she'd turned on.

"Is that pillow your shield in case that guy with the chainsaw steps out of the television?"

Shay stared down at the pillow and laughed. "I hadn't even noticed I was holding it, but I guess that's what my silly subconscious was telling me." She tossed the pillow aside and stretched out her long, sleek legs. "Come watch. I think a head is about to roll." She patted the couch cushion next to her.

I sat down but kept a cushion of space between us. It was safer that way. It seemed my plan was working. As foggy minded as I got when I was near her, I felt more focused in other aspects of my life. My business plan was coming together in my head, and I was looking forward to roaring back into the investment world again. Only this time, without someone else's name on the letterhead.

I stared at the side of her face for a minute. Her nose crinkled in distaste as blood sprayed across a white wall. "Yuck, see I told you a head would fall soon."

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