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Look Don't Touch

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I stretched up to see over other heads. "One has on a cream colored beanie?"

Shay hopped up to get a look. "I see them. They definitely decided to dress down. Good for them. I'm heading over to the bar for another glass of wine." She disappeared through the crowd.

Rob elbowed me. "Wow, just wow. And I'm not talking about the shocking news that you have a girlfriend. I'm talking about the girl. Good for you." He clapped me on the shoulder again. "There's Rex Mitchell, I need to talk to him. Good seeing you, Archer." He motioned in the direction Shay had walked. "And good for you. Now get over to those women and give them a good old Archer sales pitch."

"Heading there now." I sidled through the people mingling in front of the dessert table when a familiar voice snarled my name.

"Nash, how the hell did you get into this party?"

I turned back slowly. Grant looked older and leathery under the thousands of chandelier lights in the room, even though it seemed he was trying to look younger. He'd let his gray beard stubble grow out and his hair was a little less gelled than usual. He was clutching his signature drink, a gin and tonic.

"Morris," I said curtly. "How do you know I wasn't invited? Or maybe you are working overtime to keep me from scooping business right out from under you. Especially since I was bringing in seventy percent of your new clients these past few years."

"Yes, clients who prefer to stay with someone they can trust rather than an out of control hellion like yourself."

I laughed. "Hellion? I assume this—" I rubbed my own chin to point out his stubble. "Is your attempt to look cool. You might want to hold back the old man words like hellion."

"Fuck off, Archer. By the way, you were easily replaced." He pointed his drink hand across the way. "You might have noticed that sharply dressed young man with the Rolex, who's been winding himself into every conversation. He's a Yale graduate, and frankly, unstoppable. His name is Curtis Young. I'm sure you'll hear it a lot soon."

"As you know, Grant, I prefer women, but I did notice him. Not because of the Rolex but because I thought it was amusing that he brought his own booze flask to a party where the alcohol is flowing. And he's been nursing that thing between conversations like a baby with a bottle." Grant's face lightened a shade or two as he scowled over at his newfound protégé.

I leaned closer. "Maybe he doesn't like to drink out of a glass. Or maybe he brought it so no one would notice just how much he was drinking." I walked away, satisfied that I'd left him with food for thought.

For the millionth time, I found myself searching the room for the white blonde hair. It turned out Shay was standing with the women from Harvard, deep in what looked like a friendly conversation. I walked up to the circle of women. Shay's smile flashed brightly, temporarily rendering me breathless.

"This is the wonderful man I've been telling you about," she said cheerily. "Nash Archer, this is Glynna, Sheryl and Max—short for Maxine."

"How do you do?" I said with a polite nod. "I understand you have come up with something that will transform the world of outdoor sports." My phrase caught their attention.

"That would make a great catch phrase for our company," Glynna, a tall red head who was wearing a gray t-shirt with a small logo that read Animal Justice on the sleeve, said.

"Do you like outdoor sports, Mr. Archer?" Sheryl pushed her thick green framed glasses higher on her nose.

"Please, call me Nash. I love mountain biking. I've done a little downhill racing. And more than my share of downhill falling." They laughed. "However, I can think of numerous ways a lightweight metal alloy could make life easier for the outdoor adventurer. Backpacking with a tent that weighs no more than a bag of marshmallows, and one that would withstand a blustery storm at the peak or ward off a bear in search of real marshmallows." I earned another round of laughter. For the first time that night, even the first time in a month, I felt as if I was getting my stride back. And strangely enough, having Shay right there at my side was helping me regain it. "The marketing options are endless." I pulled out my card. "If you're interested in an investor to help you get the company moving, please give me a call. Come up with the numbers you all are comfortable with and let me know."

Sheryl took the card from my hand. "Thank you. We'll certainly keep you in mind."

It wasn't the enthusiastic response I'd hoped for, but at least I'd put my foot in the door. It was entirely possible that Morris Grant had already secured an investors meeting with them.

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