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Look Don't Touch

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"Fuck, is there anything you do with food that's not erotic? My dick is pushing against my fly just watching you blow on your tea."

She smiled up at me. "Is that right? I believe that's what we call giving the enemy secrets. Maybe I should grab one of those bananas sitting in the fruit bowl."

"Yeah, leave the banana and sip your tea, my seductive enemy. So your mom had to survive out on the streets while she was carrying you?"

Shay nodded. "For the first few months. But I guess she had some terrible morning sickness, and with no prenatal care, she ended up weak and dehydrated in a homeless shelter. They took her to the hospital. Then social workers knocked on Gran-gran's door to let her know she was going to be written up for child neglect. The old witch took my mom back in. Eventually, she came to grips with the idea that her daughter was going to bring a baby into the world, and, of course, once I arrived, I was so damn irresistible, she fell in love."

I laughed at first. "Actually, that sounds very plausible. Something tells me you've spent your whole life stealing people's hearts, and you're barely even aware it's happening. I'm glad the story ended well for your mom and grandmother."

Her lashes dropped over her eyes, and the steam from the tea made her nose shiny. "It didn't end all that well. They fought all the time. Then my mom met this guy, Toby." She rolled her eyes. "Total goober. Butthead in the extreme. But my mom grew starry eyed whenever she looked at him. I was only five, but I can still remember that his trailer smelled like rotten, dead fish. And I had to sleep in this creepy dark closet space on a blanket and pillow that smelled like the same rotten fish. I didn't move back in with Gran-gran until after—" She sighed. "You know the story. And Gran-gran wasn't the least bit prepared to take in her prepubescent granddaughter, that was for damn sure. Plus, I think I reminded her too much of my mom, which made her both sad and angry all at the same time. Those were tough years."

"And yet you came out of it amazingly well."

"Thank you, Nash. My grandmother might argue that point, but thanks anyway."

"So she's still alive?"

Shay nodded. She stretched forward her arms. "If you don't mind, I think I'll head into bed. I've got a busy day of sitting around looking tempting tomorrow, and I want to get an early start."

I bowed my head. "Of course. Oh, and thanks again for tonight, Shay. I never would have known about the Animal Justice logo. You might just have helped me land my first official client."


There was a smoky pink glow in the room, like the colors of sunset. The lines around me were muted, indistinct, but the ache in my body was pure desire. I was so aware of my erection, the strange surroundings had no effect on me. Nothing was clear except my need for release. Then her face appeared through the haze, the face of the only woman who could give me what I wanted. I reached for her arm, but it vanished in my grasp like a fine, silky mist.

"Nash.” The deep, sultry tone of her voice and my name on her lush lips was all I needed to take me to the edge. I watched through heavy lids as she leaned over me, her lips parted ready to take me into her mouth. It was too much. She was too much. I stiffened and groaned as hot seed ran down my cock.

"Fuck." My eyes shot open, erasing the misty colors of sunset and the hot beauty leaning over me. But the hot trickle of my seed was not gone. I couldn't fucking remember the last time I'd had a wet dream, but I was pretty sure it was when my voice was still cracking and hair was starting to sprout on my body.

I yanked a tissue from the nightstand, wiped myself off and stomped to the bathroom for a shower. I wasn't going to let my adolescent style masturbation throw me. Shay and I were a week into the contract. We'd worked into a routine where she gave me what I called 'a good fix' for a few hours as she strutted around looking irresistible. After I'd reached full physical exhaustion just from watching her, I went in to work on my proposal for the Harvard scientists. We'd set a meeting for the following week, and I had a shitload of things to do to prove to them I could take their product straight to the top of the outdoor adventure industry.

I showered and got dressed. The smell of bacon sifted down the hallway. Shay was sitting at the table in her shorts and an oversized sweatshirt. She had on her usual warm fuzzy socks, she complained that the hardwood floors in the house were too cold for her feet in the morning. She nibbled a piece of charred bacon while she stared intently at the laptop she had borrowed.

"I made bacon," she announced unnecessarily.

"Sounds like a good, well-rounded breakfast to me." I had never expected it to be so easy and so natural to have a woman living in my house. I'd never invited anyone for longer than two days, other than Kimberly, on those rare occasions when we decided to stretch out one session of endless sex to three days. But Shay had been in my house for a week. I looked forward to seeing her sitting in her fuzzy socks doing whatever it was she liked to do in the morning.

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