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Luca Vitiello (Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles 0.5)

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“No?” Aria grinned, her entire face transforming, and I just couldn’t resist. I kissed her hard, needing to taste those lips.

“No. But I’d like to explore your body,” I said, my hand trailing over her waist and hip, imagining how it would be to taste her beautiful tits and pussy, to bury myself between her legs. Fuck, I was getting hard again.

“What do you mean?” Aria asked, her voice low.

“Tonight, I’ll try to be home early from the meeting at the club, and I want us to soak in the Jacuzzi for a bit, and then I want you to lie back and let me touch you and kiss you wherever I want.” I ran the tip of my tongue along her ear, showing her what I’d do to her lovely pussy. “You’ll love it.”

Aria exhaled, her body tensing under my touch. Her eyes reflected her conflict, torn between curiosity and anxiety.

I slid my hand between her thighs, putting pressure against her clit. Aria’s resulting moan and the twitch of her hips made me smile. Her mind was anxious, but her body definitely wasn’t. Her panties were wet with her need for more. She was so wonderfully responsive. The idea of how slick she’d be around my cock almost drove me to insanity.

“You like this, Aria. I know you do. Admit it.” There really was no doubt about it. Her body sent a clear message, and the soaked lace was all the answer I needed. I pressed the heel of my palm against her clit again, earning another gasp.

Aria’s face was flushed, her eyes hooded. “Yes.” Watching her, I rubbed my palm over her slowly, enjoying her amazed pants. “Don’t stop.”

“I won’t,” I rasped against her throat. I wouldn’t stop at all if she allowed it. I wished she’d allow herself to turn off her brain and let her body take over control. “So, will you let me have my way with you tonight? I won’t do anything you don’t want.”


I kissed and nibbled her throat as I stroked her pussy through her panties, faster and harder, matching the rhythm of her desperate rocking. She arched and cried out as she came under my touch.

I regarded her closed eyes, parted lips, pink-tinged cheeks. Breathtakingly gorgeous.

I left another lingering kiss on the tip of her chin before I met her gaze. It was obvious that Aria’s mind was a whirlwind of thoughts again, worrying, wondering.

She pressed her head against my shoulder, gripping my biceps.

“So, can I call Gianna and tell her to buy plane tickets?” she whispered against my skin.

Back to business, the little minx. “Sure, but remember our deal.” The buzzing of my phone ruined the moment again, and any chance of me getting another hand job or, better yet, a blowjob. I didn’t even look at the screen before growling, “For fuck’s sake, Matteo, what now?”

“We got another message from the Russians,” he said. “They left pig heads in front of Ferris’ best restaurant.”

I shoved down the string of curses lingering on the tip of my tongue. Business wasn’t something we should discuss in detail over the phone. I gently untangled myself from Aria and stood. “We’ve got his back. I won’t let another fucking restaurant go to the Russians.”

“Father wants us to have a word with him.”

“Yeah,” I gritted out. I’d assumed that much. Ferris’ restaurant chain paid a shitload of money for our protection. We definitely didn’t want to lose him to the Russians because their threats got to him.

“ASAP,” Matteo added.

“Yeah. I’ll be ready in thirty minutes.”

So much for enjoying a nice, calm morning with my wife. I dropped my cell on the nightstand. At least my annoyance over the Bratva had gotten rid of my boner.

“I have to talk to the owner of a restaurant chain,” I told Aria.

She was propped up on her elbows, her hair spread out behind her. There were a million things I’d rather do than convince Ferris that being on our bad side was worse than having the Bratva as his enemy.

Aria’s face fell. “Okay.” She looked honestly sad about my leaving. The realization gave me a strange sense of satisfaction.

I moved back to her and bent over her. “Call your sister and tell her she can come. And I’ll be back in time for dinner, okay? I have a few take-out menus in the kitchen. Order whatever you want.” I kissed her, realizing with a start that I, too, was disappointed about not getting the chance to spend more time with her. I enjoyed being around Aria, and not only because I couldn’t keep my hands off her. “Let Romero take you to a museum or something like that.”

Aria nodded. I kissed her again then headed into the bathroom for a quick shower. When I emerged, Aria was typing on her phone with a small smile, probably telling the bitchy redhead that she was allowed to visit. Seeing Aria’s happiness, I couldn’t even be pissed over having to endure Gianna for a few days.

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