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F-Bomb (Bear Bottom Guardians MC 9)

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“Then maybe you should stop being Dad’s little bitch,” Monotone Girl suggested.

The gunman burst out laughing but stopped just as quickly when he saw a security guard creeping up behind him and swung the gun around. “No.”

The security guard got the message and backed up without a word.

My eyes went back to the gunman.

“And.” The man swung his gun back, aimed once again at Monotone Girl. The woman didn’t look scared at all. How did you not get scared when there was a gun aimed at you? “I’m not Dad’s little bitch, you are, which is why I’m fucking here instead of doing other important shit like…” He trailed off.

“Put the gun down,” the cop ordered.

“Can’t,” the gunman said. “I’m under strict orders to bring her home or…”

“Or what?” Monotone Girl laughed, this time with a little bit of her crazy leaking out in the manic state of her eyes. “Come on, tell us. Or what?”

The man looked at her sadly. “I’m tired of handling you anyway, Tara. You’re exhausting.”

“I’m exhausting,” she agreed. “But I’m Daddy’s baby. I’m Daddy’s one and only girl. I’m Daddy’s ticket.”

“Maybe,” he agreed. “But honestly, so is Theo. If you’re not here, then it all goes to Theo.”

The woman went absolutely…wild.

There were literally no other words for what happened next.

“Don’t say that!” she screeched.

The bed tipped over. The officer that’d seemingly come out of nowhere tried to catch it, but instead of holding it steady, they both went down.

Which was how both the officer and the woman ended up getting shot.

The gunman shot two off before anybody could react.

The officer took one to the foot, and the woman took one to the head.

Then, as if in slow motion, Slate moved.

Before anyone could get a shot off, the gunman was down, with hundreds of pounds of muscle and bone hitting him so hard that I could swear I heard things crack.

My last stray thought before everything was quiet was that ‘I hope I don’t have to do an X-ray on him.’


Turns out there was a lot of paperwork to do when someone was shot right in front of you…who knew?

My eyes kept trailing over to the man at my side—the man that hadn’t left my side since it’d all happened. Well, mostly. He’d left it to tackle the shooter.

He’d also left it to give his statement to a couple of detectives, though saying that, they hadn’t really gotten that much out of him seeing as there’d been three sworn in officers in the same room as us all when it’d all gone down.

Wade, a man that was in the same MC as Slate and worked for Bear Bottom Police Department, was a nice man and very attractive. He was tall, built a lot like my father was with the muscular arms and chest, but he looked stocky as well.

Then there was Zee, another cop that was also in the Bear Bottom Guardians MC, though he worked for the county and not the city’s police department.

Then there was the other officer, the one chatting up a nurse at the nurses’ station when I’d come on the floor. The one that had been shot and would likely lose his job for the shittastic performance at protecting his now very dead charge.

The woman who’d been shot in the head was dead. D. E. A. D.

Very dead.

Though they’d tried to do CPR on her, there was no saving her from that. There was just too much blood outside her body and not inside.

Though, from what I’d heard the men muttering, the woman was a real piece of work.

I’d only heard bits and pieces, and I knew that I was going to beg my dad for more information later, but from what little I had heard she hadn’t really deserved to be saved.

Which kind of shit me to say, but it was what it was.

“Is this all I have to do?” I asked no one in particular as I finished writing my statement out. “Sign and give it back? Because dear God, I’m ready to get the hell home.”

My father had already come and gone.

After checking to make sure that I was all right, taking one look at my face and seeing the damage from the backhand, he’d left.

I was fairly sure he was going to visit the man that had done the hitting, but at that point in time, I was just way too tired to give a shit.

Speaking of, my brother had been with him, and he hadn’t so much as said a single word to me before he’d turned around and left as well.

Though that had been hours ago now, and I still hadn’t seen them.

Which kind of sucked seeing as my brother was home for like a half a day and then he was leaving again.

“Just sign it and give it to one of those detectives,” Slate, who was sitting beside me, rumbled.

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