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F-Bomb (Bear Bottom Guardians MC 9)

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I gave her more. One slow inch at a time.

It was when I felt her start to quake around me that I knew that she wasn’t going to last.

And neither was I.

Taking two giant steps to the side of the house, I pressed her back up against it, looked her in the eyes, and slammed myself the rest of the way home.

Her breath left her as she screamed.

Luckily, she paired that scream with a crack of thunder, causing it to be drowned out.

I was sure that if someone had heard that, they’d be calling the cops.

And right now, all I could think about was getting inside her. Over and over and over again.

Not the fact that we were breaking the law. Nor the fact that we should probably be in bed for her first time.

Instead, I was slamming my cock home inside of her, using the house at her back for leverage as I filled her full to bursting.

Her pussy started to ripple around me, and I couldn’t help but yell out a ‘thank fucking god’ as she started to come in long rhythmic squeezes.

“Fuck,” I heard her cry out, her sharp little teeth closing over the skin covering my pec.

She didn’t break the surface, but she did do it hard enough that I knew I’d have a bruise tomorrow.

My balls drew up at about the same time, and within two squeezes of her pussy around me, I started to come, too.

My mind was misfiring, and I was trying to figure out what in the hell just happened when Harleigh’s panting breath fanned against my lips as she said, “Let’s go inside and do that again.”

I didn’t bother to disengage from her tight sheath. Instead, I hugged her to me tighter, my arm around her hips holding her steady, and walked back inside without another word.

It was after round three, only an hour later, that I finally came back online enough to acknowledge that what we’d done wasn’t probably the smartest. One, because she was my neighbor. Two, because I worked for her father.

Three? Well, that one I wouldn’t acknowledge right now. For now, I’d enjoy being sated. Tomorrow? Then I’d think about the repercussions about not using any form of birth control.

I hadn’t felt this good in years…and if I was an honest man, ever.Chapter 11If you’re happy and you know it overthink it.

-Coffee Cup


I woke up disoriented.

I hadn’t slept this good—or this long—in so long that I wasn’t sure what it felt like at first.

But the longer I laid in the bed, waking up and coming back online, the more I began to understand the feeling.

I was content. I’d woken up and wasn’t sleepy. Any other time that I woke up since the attack, I knew that it was hours too soon. That I still had a good four to five that I needed—yet couldn’t accomplish.

But lying in bed, loving the way it felt to once again no longer be tired, I knew I only had one person to thank.

Rolling over in the bed, my hand went searching for the man in question, only to find it not only empty on the other side but cold as well.

As in, so cold that it had to have been hours and hours since he’d been in it with me.

Sitting up, holding the sheet to my naked body, I looked around the room.

It was lit with mid-morning sun, and my clothes were nicely folded—well, as nice as a man could fold that was—on the end of the bed.

My shoes were next to them, with my socks tucked in neatly.

My lips twitched and I flung the covers off of me, shivering slightly at the chilly air that slapped against my skin.

I looked at the blanket that’d been partially covering me—the same blanket that had started it all last night—and contemplated stealing it.

He’d know it was me, but would he actually go as far as to ask for it back? I doubted it. Something inside of me told me that he was probably overthinking things. Way overthinking them.

Me, on the other hand? I felt great!

Grinning at the thought of his reaction, I stood up and then immediately groaned.

There were muscles that I’d never felt before twinging in protest.

Twinging so badly, in fact, that I limped my way to the bathroom.

It was after I was cleaning myself up that I realized that I was really wet down below.

So wet that there was no doubt of what it was.

His semen.

Inside of me.

I bit my lip and considered my options.

I wasn’t on birth control.

In fact, I’d never even considered birth control. What kind of virgin would need it?

I considered my next move.

While I did that, I cleaned up as best as I could, went for my clothes, and dressed.

Once I was as presentable as I could be considering I was in a man’s house that had no amenities for a woman, I went looking for said man.

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