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F-Bomb (Bear Bottom Guardians MC 9)

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Her mouth tightened as she tried not to laugh.

My dick started to fill with blood as she lifted her shirt and started to flap it, fanning herself.

Her tummy had a light sheen of sweat, and she looked absolutely edible.

I wanted to pull her into my arms and smash my lips against hers, yet I didn’t. Mostly because I was too tired to move.

“I walked over nine miles today,” I said. “I went to Magic Kingdom, Epcot, and Hollywood Studios. Who the hell’s idea was it to buy the park hopper pass?”

She started to laugh. “I think that was your brother-in-law,” she said as she stripped her jeans off. “Who looked just as frazzled, if not more so, than you. And did you see Bayou?”

Bayou, I’d learned over the last couple of years, hated when he was in crowds that he couldn’t control. And the crowd at Disney World was definitely one of those crowds.

At one point I’d noticed that Bayou was just gone. And after, Phoebe had told us that he just couldn’t handle all the loudness and the people touching him constantly.

I’d learned over the last two days that Disney World didn’t know the meaning of personal space. Not the facility itself or the fuckin’ people that came to it.

For instance, when going onto a ride, they shoved as many people as humanly possible onto a single ride. Or into the goddamn line.

I mean, what was it to them if I wanted a small gap in between me and the person in front of me.

Sure, usually that person was Harleigh, and the gap wasn’t absolutely necessary. But then there were the other times that it wasn’t Harleigh, it was some Chinese man, or handicapped man in a scooter.

I couldn’t tell you how many times that I’d been molested—unintentionally of course—by the person behind me.

And for a man that needed to have his back watched at all times, it was incredibly uncomfortable to have someone so close and not put any distance between us.

Luckily Rome had seen the panic and had tried to always be behind me—with Izzy or Harleigh between us of course—and things had gone a lot smoother since.

“Bayou doesn’t like being touched. I’m not surprised that he never went on any of the rides,” I admitted. “I don’t like being touched either, but I made do. The rides were worth it.”

“I can’t believe the group has a babysitter here, too.” She shook her head. “I would’ve never even guessed people had this kind of pull. Who the hell has a babysitter at a resort to watch your kids for you so you can go play and be free?”

I shook my head. “They still have them at night. The babysitter is part of the resort’s amenities.”

She shrugged. “But still. That’s so cool. I didn’t realize that was even a thing.”

She flopped over onto her side, then kicked off her shoes one by one.

It was only as her socks were coming off that I saw the expanse of her back as she bent over.

My dick started to get hard—which I thought was nearly impossible after the day that I’d had—and I decided not to fight it.

After feeling Harleigh’s ass and back up against my erection the majority of the day, I was over trying to fight it.

She knew exactly what she was doing, too.

Reaching for her, I rolled her over onto her back and crawled over the top of her, loving the way her eyes widened in surprise at my move.

Using my knees, I pushed her thighs open wide to accommodate my big body, then dropped down so that she could feel my erection pressed against her.

“Do you know how hard it is to hide a hard-on in a pair of workout shorts?” I asked curiously.

Harleigh bit down with her top teeth, causing her lip to get all pouty and plump on one side, making me want to be the one to bite it and not her.

“Yes,” she admitted. “Why do you think I continued to stay in front of you the entire time?”

I ran my large palm up the side of her leg, stopping when my fingertips came in contact with the seam of her underwear.

“So you could torture me with your body,” I answered her. “I think you liked getting that kind of reaction out of me.”

“Is it bad that I did?” she asked, one of her hands going up to stroke over my sweat-dampened t-shirt.

I thought about that for a moment, then shook my head.

“No,” I stated. “I don’t think it’s bad. But I do think that you tortured me all day knowing that I wouldn’t be able to do anything about it.” I paused. “I did notice your hand on my cock while we were on that roller coaster today.”

She blinked innocently.

“I was only trying to take your mind away from the way you were feeling,” she admitted. “I thought it might help.”

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