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Center Mass (Code 11-KPD SWAT 1)

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After a discussion I’d had earlier in the week with Reese, I knew I could count on her to watch Katy from now on if the need to run out quickly ever arose.

It was just a bonus that Reese was already at my house.

Knowing that I didn’t have to worry about my daughter sleeping anywhere but her bed was a huge relief.

I pulled into my driveway finding my parent’s rental, as well as Sebastian’s truck, gone.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I pulled into my garage and killed it.

Stepping wearily out of my cruiser, the first thing to catch my eye was my car.

Fond memories of taking Reese on the hood was enough to give me a hard on, even after such a grueling night.

My dick didn’t care that it was nearly three in the morning.

It cared that I had a hot, willing woman somewhere in my house. One that’d been more than receptive in the past to me sneaking into bed with her and fucking her senseless.

That was the only thought on my mind as I closed the garage door, and walked into the kitchen.

There were no dishes in the sink. No mess whatsoever, in fact.

That was my mother’s doing. She couldn’t stand a messy kitchen. Me, I didn’t give a fuck but my military training always kicks in and it gets cleaned eventually.

Locking the doors and checking the windows, I prowled through the dark house, going from window to window, making sure they were locked.

The front door was last because I wanted to double check that the alarm was set. Which it was.

I’d just turned around when I was blinded by a light.

I froze and rose my hand. “Fuck, Reese. Put the fucking light down.”

At the sound of my voice, Reese lowered the light. “I’m sorry. I thought you said you’d call. When you didn’t, and I heard someone moving around, I came out to see.”

“So you thought you’d blind me if I was a robber?” I asked, moving closer to her.

She was wearing the t-shirt I’d let her borrow the first time she’d stayed at my place.

The one that had a large Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup on it.

It swallowed her, but I enjoyed the shit out of seeing her in it.

I couldn’t tell if she was wearing any pants or not, but I fixed that moments later when I pulled her into my arms.

My hand trailed down over her hip to the top of her thigh where the t-shirt ended. Then up, where I quickly discovered that she was wearing panties, but no shorts.

She shifted into me, looping her arms around my chest and hugging me tight.

“I was scared for you tonight,” she said, running her nose along the middle of my chest.

I squeezed her a little tighter.

“I’m okay,” I said.

She looked up at me, the only thing I could see in the darkened entry way was the lights from outside shining in her eyes.

The rest of her was a silhouette, but my imagination was going wild.Chapter 17I know how to load more than a dishwasher.

-Coffee Cup


Three hours earlier

“Are you sure you don’t mind if we go?” Paige asked as she looped her scarf around her neck.

I shook my head. “No, really. I’m fine. Luke and I already worked it out where I’d be watching Katy on the nights he was called in. It’s all right, I promise.”

My reassurance was enough, and she gave me a warm, strong hug. “Alright, we’ll see y’all tomorrow afternoon. I’ll make apple pie just for you.”

I hugged her back. “Thank you.”

I’d gotten to know Paige, Baylee, Sebastian, and Travis well over the past couple of hours.

I’d been worried when Luke left, concerned for him, but they’d done well keeping me distracted.

They’d only said that they would leave when we’d gotten a text from Luke saying that everything was fine, and that he’d be tied up for paperwork for a little bit longer.

“Let her go, woman,” Travis said in exasperation. “I’m tired, and we still have to drive an hour back to our hotel.”

“You wouldn’t have to stay in a hotel if you’d stay with one of us,” Baylee muttered as she shrugged her jacket on.

“Yeah, but then I can’t have sex with your mother for a week,” Travis said dismissively.

Baylee made a gagging sound, and Sebastian hooked an arm around her shoulder with his free hand. “Let’s go.”

I held Blaise in my arms as I walked out with them to Sebastian’s huge truck.

I didn’t attempt to put her in. I waited until he got Johnny in, then handed Blaise over.

Sebastian’s truck was big, much like Luke’s. I wouldn’t have been able to transfer her over as smoothly as Sebastian was able to.

“When Rowen was little, there wasn’t a single time that I was able to get her out or into the car without waking her,” I shook my head in amazement.

“You just have to have the right touch,” he quipped as he closed the door quietly.

Then he ruffled my hair, smacked his wife’s ass as she crawled into the truck, and rounded the hood. His ease at getting into the truck was humbling. Why men had to be so much more adept at things like that than women were, I would never know.

I waved at them as they backed out of the driveway, followed shortly by Travis and Paige.

The silence of Luke’s house was eerie.

I didn’t know what to do.

Rowen and Katy had been put to bed over an hour ago. Paige had cleaned the kitchen. Then the living room. Then she’d started doing all of Luke’s laundry.

There was literally nothing left for me to do, and I couldn’t figure out how to operate the volume on the TV in the living room, nor Luke’s room.

So I did what I did best.

I snooped.

I started in Luke’s bedroom, then moved to his study, followed by his garage.

There I got a particularly bad idea when I saw the car, and chose to come back inside before I started to replay the naughty things we’d done on Luke’s car our first night together.

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