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Center Mass (Code 11-KPD SWAT 1)

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And with me being the most experienced, I was the ‘best man’ for the job, so to speak.

Not that I’d agree, but what-the-fuck ever.

Now I spent my days doing fucking paperwork out the ass, patrolling when I wasn’t chained to my desk, all the while I still did my duty as the SWAT team captain.

Then trying to spend some time with my child.

Trying being the operative word, because the demands of my job left very little free time since we were short nearly eight full time officers.

“You could’ve just called in telling me the results of your physical,” I said tiredly.

He nodded and sat in the seat across from my desk. “I’m sure I could’ve. But then I couldn’t witness the expression on your face when I told you that you’re invited to a party that your sister requires your presence at. Three weeks from Saturday.”

I grimaced. “Then why are you telling me, and not my sister?”

“I went by to give my wife a kiss and saw your sister there. When she told me she was going to come by here next, I offered to do that for her,” he smiled jovially.


My sister, Baylee, was married to a man I was fairly sure was a murderer.

Sebastian Mackenzie.

I couldn’t prove it, but deep down I knew it to be true.

However, Sebastian had been doing it to protect his sister, Shiloh, and the very man standing in front of me, who also happened to be married to Shiloh.

That didn’t mean I was completely forgiving.

I was a cop, through and through.

I’d served eight years in the marines as a MP.

When my daughter had been born, I’d gotten out and immediately found a job in my hometown as a Sherriff’s deputy.

Once I left Lydia, I moved to Texas to be near my sister, and joined the Kilgore Police Department.

It’d been six years since I’d moved here, and I couldn’t contemplate doing anything else.

Well…maybe less paperwork, but other than that, I love my job.

“How nice of you,” I said dryly.

He grinned unrepentantly. “No problem, boss.”

I flipped him off and shoved his papers back to the pile that was designated ‘fucking later.’

It wasn’t labeled or anything, but everybody knew it as that. Something about me saying, ‘Put it there, I’ll get to it sometime fucking later.’

That sounded exactly like something I wanted to do.

“What’s on the agenda for this week?” James asked, stretching his legs out in front of him, knocking my desk in a rhythmic pattern with his foot.

Sighing, I finally put the pen down, that’d been in my hands for over four hours, and looked at him.

“We have to go to the schools tomorrow,” I said, not that he didn’t already know this. “And have a talk about ‘school safety,’ at all of the Kilgore campuses. The superintendent says he wants to be prepared after the incident last week.”

The ‘incident’ I was speaking of was of an old man with dementia trying to go to lunch. He’d thought he was eleven again, and he’d tried valiantly to get into the school, but a teacher had called the police, and the campus had been locked down.

When we’d gotten there, I understood completely what had alarmed the teacher. Let’s just say that the man hadn’t aged well, and it was true what they said about your balls sagging with age.

“Who all signed up to go?” James asked.

“Nico refused. Downy has to be in court tomorrow. But the rest of us are a go,” I said.

It wasn’t that much of a surprise to me, either, that Nico had refused to go.

Nico was definitely the loner of the group.

A very quiet, laid back man. He had a heart of steel and a will of iron.

Nothing shook the man.

Nico was the exact opposite of Downy, my best friend.

Downy was talkative, friendly, and open- most of the time. He could talk with anybody, anywhere.

He had a gift and he didn’t waste it.

Downy started classes to become a hostage negotiator upon my request because he was so good at it.

He had the perfect ability to get nearly anyone to talk.

“Nico would’ve scared everyone anyway with his devilish looks and glare that could make even a woman’s balls shrivel up,” James quipped as he stood, cracking his knuckles and making me wince.

“Leaving already?” I asked.

I’d tried to sound saddened by the idea, but it came out sounding more hopeful, causing James to laugh.

“Yeah, man. I’ve got to go get some work done in the garage today. I bought a new bike. You should try it out,” James offered.

James always offered.

I just wasn’t a motorcycle person.

I was a hot rod type of person.

I liked a motor that was so loud your eardrums threatened to burst.

I liked the feel of a throaty engine vibrating the entire car around me.

I liked the feel of the stick shift underneath my hand as I waited to throw it down and give it all it had.

Currently, I was working on an old GTO.

It needed a lot of work, but in my spare time, that was what I did for fun.

I’d just dropped the motor in last week, and planned to get the tranny in this week.

It was going to be fucking sweet.

“I don’t want to try it out. I like my skin covering my bones, thank you very much,” I said as I stood. “Now get the fuck out so I can finish this shit and go home.”

He saluted me, using his middle finger, before turning to leave.

“Take it easy,” he said as he exited.

“Will do,” I nodded, then closed the door behind him.

Turning back to my papers, I sighed long and loud before getting back to work.

One thing stayed on my mind the entire afternoon, though.

Reese Doherty in her stupid superhero scrubs.Chapter 3Is it just me, or does Frozen suck just as bad the 299th time as it did the 33rd?

-Reese’s secret thoughts


“Rowen Diane Doherty, if you don’t go get your freakin’ shoes on, I’ll take that stupid princess doll away from you and rip her legs off,” I fumed.

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