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Center Mass (Code 11-KPD SWAT 1)

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Speaking of the man, Trance walked in with three large dogs at his side. All German Shepherds. One was pure black, but his mask of white around his face showed his advanced age. The second was the standard color one thought of when they heard ‘German Shepherd.’ Tan coloring, black face. Large black splotches.

The last one, though, was the dog that would be coming to work for us; hopefully, very soon.

Beautiful snowy white, the large girl named Mocha, took in the room with sharp eyes and a keen interest.

I stood, and each dog’s eyes latched onto me, taking me in as the primary threat to their master.

“Trance,” I said, approaching slowly with my hand out.

He nodded and took my hand. “Luke. How’ve you been?”

I shrugged. “Same shit, different day.”

He grinned, “I know that’s right.”

He looked at all the other men and I introduced them to Trance.

“Trance,” I said indicating Downy. “This is Downy. That’s Michael, John, Bennett, Nico, and you know James.”

He nodded at each of them, shaking each of their hands before he looked down at his dogs. “This is Radar,” he said indicating the older dog at his right. “He’s retired, but I bring him along so he doesn’t feel totally useless at home. This,” he said pointing down at the standard brown one. “Is Kosher. He’s currently my K-9 partner. And this,” he said pointing at the white German Shepherd. “Is Mocha. She’s going to be the one we fit you guys with. And please, for the love of all that’s holy, do not tell my wife that she’s so close to home. She’s been crying for days since I told her that someone needed Mocha’s services.”

The men all nodded solemnly. We all knew how attached women came to things, and it’d be the same in my own home.

“Alright,” Trance said, rubbing his hands together. “Let’s get started.”***Two hours later

“I can’t believe she chose you when she could’ve chosen anybody,” Michael sneered at Downy.

Downy grinned and kept petting the newest member of his family. “Yeah, I’m awesome like that.”

“Alright, boys. Let’s take this back inside. Trance, when do you…” I trailed off as Pierson Howell came out of the back doors with a look on his face that would’ve flayed the skin on lesser men.

My men, though, weren’t even affected by his demeanor, which only enraged him all the more.

“You goddamn little piece of monkey shit!” He yelled, spit flying from the corners of his mouth.

So he got his warning from the chief. Good.

“Listen, Howell. Take your shit back inside and meet me in my office if you want to discuss it. We’re not doing this outside in the middle of the fucking town,” I said calmly.

He hissed. “Fuck you. You’ve cost me the biggest goddamn case of my career.”

I most assuredly, had not. His attitude had.

After he’d decided to come over the night before Christmas against the chief’s orders, he’d gotten a warning. One I hadn’t had any hand in. Then he’d started harassing my team. Going by their houses. Talking to their wives. When he’d cornered Rowen in my own goddamned yard the day before yesterday, I’d given the chief an ultimatum.

Either he took Pierson off the case and put someone on that wouldn’t hound his fellow officers, or I was gone.

Naturally, he chose me.

“Pierson,” I said, holding my hand up.

He lunged, however, Radar was in front of me before I even realize he’d moved, snapping his teeth at the enraged man.

Pierson froze and stared down at Radar before pointing at me over his head. “You’re going to regret this. You’ll see.”

With that, he left, and a part of me wanted to make him eat those words.

Preferably by me shoving my fist into his face.


“Well,” Trance said, shaking his head. “I can see that you’ve got friends.”

I flipped him off, causing him to laugh.

“I’ll be back at the end of the week,” he said. “Noon. Friday.”

Downy walked with Trance to his car, and Michael and Nico flanked my sides as we watched them get into the car.

“He’s going to do anything he can to ruin your career,” Nico said honestly.

“I know,” I confirmed.

Michael slapped me on the back. “What are you going to do about it?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know yet.”

But I sure as hell needed to figure it out.Chapter 23‘Never have I ever’ isn’t in my vocabulary. Instead I use ‘Don’t judge me, but…’

-Secret thoughts of Reese


“Hello?” I answered the phone that was sitting on my desk next to me.

“Do you have a TV you can get to?” My sister asked frantically.

Did she hear about the campus’ lockdown?

I’d been assured it was just a drill by the principal only a few moments ago. So why would she be calling me about that if it were just a drill?

I looked at the small TV that the school had installed when I’d asked for something for the sick children to watch until their parents came to get them, and stood. “Yes, why?”

“The news. Now,” my sister blurted.

Worry tightening my gut, I walked over to the remote and pointed it at the TV.

Slowly, the picture lit up the screen and I changed it to Channel 7.

What I saw next made my heart start to pound, and my breath come in pants.

“What’s going on?” I whispered frantically.

“There’s been a shooting,” my sister said. “They don’t know any more information. But it’s right down the street from you.”

I looked at the familiar buildings, and my already chilled blood turned to ice when I realized that the lot the shooting had taken place in was the one next to the police station.

I read the banner at the bottom, and my knees went out from under me.

One officer dead, two wounded in shooting that happened outside of Kilgore Police Department.

“Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God,” I repeated over and over.

My sister’s soothing voice had no effect on my out of control emotions. None whatsoever.

I didn’t consciously find myself moving to the front of the building. But I walked out the front door to Mrs. Spire’s, the office receptionist, consternation.

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