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Center Mass (Code 11-KPD SWAT 1)

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I’d been sick to my stomach before the meeting, but now I was positively green.

I felt god-awful. In fact, I wanted nothing more than to go crawl in bed with Rowen and Katy, and have Luke’s arms wrapped around us, protecting us from this harsh world.

“Only time will tell, unfortunately. The kid lived, mostly due to the part Nico’s played in keeping Anita alive long enough for the medics to get there. Anita’s death is bound to have some backlash; but, as of right now, I won’t know what kind until we look into it more.” Agent Lawrence shook his head.

My eyes squeezed shut at the thought of any ‘retaliation’ at all.

I was, however, deluding myself.

I lived in a world that was harsh and cruel.

We would definitely need to be vigilant, and I knew Luke would be there for us. Always.***Later that night“I love you, Luke,” I sighed, resting my head on his chest.

He kissed my forehead and dragged the covers up over our naked bodies.

He’d just let me, for the first time ever, make sweet, slow love to him.

I was totally in control, and he took it like the man he was.

Only taking over at the end when my orgasm had leached all cognitive movements from my body.

I was still on top of him, and he was still inside of me.

His cock had gone down, but not completely as we caught our breath.

“I love you, too,” he rumbled.

I turned my head and kissed his naked chest, right over the strong beating of his heart, then laid my head down to listen to it.

“Your heart is talking to me,” I teased.

I could tell he was smiling.

“And what’s it saying?” He played along.

“It’s saying that you need to take your pain medication,” I quipped.

He chuckled softly. “Yes, ma’am.”

He didn’t move, though, and neither did I.

“It’s also saying that we need to have a quick wedding. ‘Cause I’m not living with you until we’ve got the same last name,” I said in all seriousness.

He sighed. “My heart knows my head. We’ll get married next week at the courthouse.”

I laughed, running my nose along the ridge of his pectoral muscles. “Nice try, big boy. But I want it all. The huge poofy dress and the large flowers surrounding us.”

He grumbled. “Somehow, I knew you’d want that. You’re not easy, that’s for sure.”

I bit him softly on the nipple, and felt his cock jump inside of me. “Nothing worth fighting for is ever easy.”

“No, I can’t say that it is,” he said as he started to move slowly inside of me again.EpilogueLove, because chocolate isn’t always enough.

-Valentine’s Card

A decade of notes

I sat down on the edge of the bed, lifting the large book that Luke had given me only moments before.

Luke sat on the bed beside me, smiling, as I opened the first page.

My eyes started to water instantly.

He’d saved them.

Each and every one of them.

My hands shook as I scanned page after page.***My soon to be husband,

I can’t believe I’m marrying you in less than an hour. It seems like just yesterday when I met you at Katy’s school.

I knew you were hot, but as I looked at you through the window while you are playing with Rowen and Katy a few minutes ago, I find you beautiful. I’ve never felt like this. Never even thought it’d be possible.

I just want you to know how happy you make me, and I’ll try with all my heart to get over how you never pick up your socks from wherever you happen to be when you take them off.

Reese, your soon to be wife***My soon to be wife,

Your ass looked good in your scrubs. I liked how Captain America’s shield cupped your shapely behind. If anything, you should be thanking the maker of those scrubs, otherwise I would’ve never taken a second look at you. (Just kidding.)

Your daughter’s your mini-me, how could I not love her since I love her mother with all my heart?

Thank you for putting together my socks. Just for that, I’ll put up with she-who-shall-not-be-named (Reese on her period) every month without complaint (To your face, anyway.)

I love you, now come walk down the aisle to me. I’m ready to put a ring on it.

Lucas, your soon to be husband (If you’d pull the lead out)***Luke (My dear husband),

I see that you forgot to take the trash out again. Let me remind you that I’m thirty months past due with your spawn of Satan. It pains my vagina greatly to walk more than five feet. Stairs are a DON’T! When you are the one carrying the spawn, I’ll take the trash out for you. Marriage is give and take.

Your lovely, beautiful, pregnant wife.

Reese***Reese (Satan’s carrier),

I’m sorry I forgot to take the trash out. I got a page that took priority over the trash. Please, forgive me. I’ll take it out now. There. Done. Now what else do you have to bitch nit-pick about? I gave you my dick last night, what more can one want? Not to mention I brought home some pickles. I’m the best husband ever!

You’re devoted and ever so helpful husband,

Luke***Lucas Roberts (Asshole),

I’ve spent the last seventeen and a half hours trying to push out your baby, and I’d like you to know that my vagina will never resemble the perfection it was before. You shall forever be sliding your dick into the endless black hole that will be my new vagina. I hope you know what kind of sacrifice I made when I chose to have our baby vaginally.

Reese Roberts (The Asshole’s wife)***Demon Spawn’s soon to be mother,

I love you and your loose vagina.

Roberts (Demon spawn’s mother’s lover)***Ungrateful bastard,

I made you motherfucking dinner last night, after spending three hours with your children making sure they had enough Christmas cookies each to take to their school Christmas parties. The least you could’ve done was say thank you.

After spending hours in the kitchen with your child on my boob half the time, you don’t even eat it?

If you value your life, I suggest you take it to lunch.

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