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Center Mass (Code 11-KPD SWAT 1)

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It was as if that was the first time they’d ever heard a reprimand before; although, it probably was.

The mother stood in outrage, but Luke’s glare had her quickly sitting down.

Which caused me to snicker, making Luke’s eyes turn toward me.

His glare showed me he wasn’t as amused as I was, but he winked at me, eyes flicking down to Rowen before he turned back to the man in front of him.

Who was absolutely livid.

“I’m going to call the cops on you,” the man snarled.

Luke’s lips tilted up into a slow grin. “Go on, make my day.”

Turns out that the man didn’t have to, because in the next moment the show was stopped, the lights turned on, and two cops came striding down the theater’s main aisle.

They were in uniform.

Just not the standard black uniform with yellow writing that most cops wore. These men wore black cargo-type pants, a black shirt with KPD on it in large yellow letters.

Large gun belts were strapped around their waists. They had a walkie talkie that was strapped on to the belt that had a wire connected to a hand held device that clipped to their shoulders.

Their badges, worn around their necks, were big, gold, and shiny.

The taller of the two was a red head.

Big and brawny.

I bet he could pull off a kilt very nicely. I could visualize him perfectly playing a bag pipe and his kilt floating up to reveal his nicely muscled ass.

He had a beard, as did the other man. Must be a thing, because now that I thought about it, Luke did, too.

The other man was Mexican American. He was tall, but only about six foot or so. His eyes were dark, taking in the theater in a quick efficient way that only someone that was experienced would.

I’d found that since I’d started being in the presence of my sister’s boyfriend’s motorcycle club, The Dixie Wardens, that all of those men took in a room much the same way.

Most of them had military backgrounds, and quite a few were cops. There was just a certain aura about them that fairly screamed ‘Cop!’

They passed my row, both of them looking at me before dismissing me completely, eyes on the scene in front of us.

“Well, the police are here,” Luke drawled. “What now?”

By now the man had the attention of the entire theater, instead of the back four rows, and you could tell he was losing steam.

He knew he was in the wrong.

“It’s time to go, woman. We’re getting our money back for this shit. Fucking cocksuckers,” the man growled, grabbing his wife’s arm and forcing her to stand.

The kids followed nicely, slipping out of the theater as quickly as they could manage.

“Downy, follow them to make sure they actually leave without causing any more trouble,” Luke sighed.

I blinked in surprise.

“What an asshole. He ruined my movie,” Rowen exclaimed, drawing the attention of Luke and the other officer.

My eyes closed, and my face heated. “Goddamn Tru. I’m going to kick her ass.”

I said it softly, but when I opened my eyes, I realized that both men had heard, somehow.

What, did they have super hearing as well?

Luke smiled.

The other officer did not.

He looked like he had a permanent scowl on his face.

“Nico, would you mind asking them to restart the movie on your way out. Preferably from about fifteen minutes ago. We missed some,” Luke said, not sparing me another wink…or look.

The officer, Nico, nodded and started back out the door.

Luke went back to his seat in front of me, and kissed a child’s head that was sitting next to him. By my guess, it was Katerina, but I couldn’t see her over the edge of the seat so I couldn’t confirm my suspicion.

When the lights darkened again, and the movie started to rewind, I sighed.

This had to be the most boring movie ever.

On the plus side, though, Rowen was excited.

With a quietness I’d never heard before in a theater, the movie played.

And the entire two hours, I watched the dark form of Luke in front of me, all the while wondering why I had it so bad for him.

He was just a man, after all.

Right?Chapter 4You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do will probably be put on YouTube by the time you make bail.

-Fact of life


“I need for you to place your hands on the hood of the car. Slowly,” I ordered the man I’d just pulled over for speeding.

“Fuck you, you fucking pig. You can go fuck yourself,” the old man hissed.

However, he didn’t resist, which was good. I didn’t want to have to hurt him.

I’d originally pulled him over because he was naked. Now I was taking him in because he fit the BOLO, or be on the lookout, for an old man out of Oakland Heights Nursing Home who’d gone missing last night.

I’d been at the stoplight in my SUV cruiser at Stone Road and 259 when I’d looked down at the car next to me. What I’d gotten was an eyeful of ball sack.

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I waited for the light to turn green, then immediately pulled him over.

The man had been pleasant at first, but I figured the man had to have some sort of short term memory loss, because the next thing I knew, he was running down the street naked.

Which had caught the attention of Downy in a police cruiser of his own.

Now, I knew exactly what was going to happen the moment I realized who it was that was pulling up.

Did he help?


Did he watch and laugh?

Yes, his ass off.

Did he stop traffic?

Fuck no. Instead, he laughed with passing motorists as I was lead on a turtle’s pace chase down the main fucking road in Kilgore.

I was fairly sure I was going to be the butt of every joke in the near future, too.

But it was all in good fun.

If this had been anyone else in my position, I’d have done the same.

Cops were nice like that.

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