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Bang Switch (Code 11-KPD SWAT 3)

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I blinked. Wow, like a freakin’ soap opera. The next thing she was going to tell me is that her father is Downy’s father’s brother.

“Mom married my father when Downy was sixteen. Downy and dad never really saw eye to eye, and he went into the army at seventeen; they were really only around each other for less than a year,” Ridley expounded.

“What’s the big deal about the land? Seems like he’d give up if it’s been going on for fourteen years now,” I asked.

I poured my own coffee, using my favorite mug in the world that said, ‘I like big cups and I cannot lie.’

“Ronnie and my mother bought the land when they were together. The judge made them split it down the middle when they broke up. Ronnie’s still bitter about it, and never lets Jackson forget it,” Downy said, surprising not just me, but Ridley as well.

We both gasped and turned to find Downy standing just inside the door, closing it quietly behind him.

“Shit,” I said, slapping my hand against my chest. “You just scared the crap out of me.”

“You should keep your door locked,” he said, coming in and grabbing himself a cup of coffee.

He had on a pair of track pants, a long sleeved gray t-shirt that was soaked all the way down, and a pair of tennis shoes.

He had sunglasses on, as well as a ball cap.

Pairing that with his beard, and he looked breathtaking.

Did I mention sweaty? He was that, too.

“How far did you run? You look like you’ve just lost half your body weight in sweat,” I teased, slipping around the counter and walking straight up to him.

I stopped when my toes met his, contemplating the merits of getting a good hug to how much I wanted to retake my shower.

He saw my indecision, and his eyes twinkled with suppressed laughter.

I went with giving him the hug.

I could retake the shower. Especially if he was in it with me.

He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in close.

I kept my head off his chest, trying not to grimace when he rubbed his scratchy, covered in sweat, beard on my cheek.

I giggled and pushed away from him, smacking him on the arm. “Yuck,” I giggled.

He winked and turned to his sister, studying her for a few long seconds before he said, “Your father’s waiting for you.”

I noticed how he said ‘your father.’ Obviously, he claimed no relation at all to the man.

Was he close to his sister?

Ridley grimaced. “Yeah, we have to go pick up Jonah from band practice.”

“Jonah?” I asked, raising my brow at Downy.

“Brother,” he muttered to me before turning back to his sister. “Tell him I said hi.”

She nodded and walked towards him, raising up to give him a peck on the cheek.

Downy bent down, allowing the exchange before he opened the door for her and escorted out.

“It was nice to meet you,” I said to Ridley.

She smiled over her shoulder. “I’d love to get to know you a little better.”

I nodded. “Maybe we can do lunch sometime.”

She nodded. “I think that’d be great.”

They left, Downy escorting her back down the stairs while I went to my bathroom, stripped off my towel and robe before pulling out my hair dryer.

I had my hair halfway dry by the time Downy got back, and I could tell he wasn’t happy.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Another fucking dog stolen. One of our neighbors this time. The lady downstairs in 2A,” he snarled, yanking down his uniform that he had hanging up on the back of my bathroom door.

I’d gone and picked up his uniform last night when I’d gotten off work since he was busy, with what I now knew, pulling the missing dog files.

I’d hung it on my side because that’d been where I was at the time.

However, three pairs of my pants and just as many shoes now resided on the floor on his side of the bedroom.

“Alright,” I said, sounding much more worried than I’d intended. “Be careful, okay?”

He nodded as he started to tuck his black polo shirt into the black tactical pants.

When he got to the shoes portion of dressing, he left the room, and when I came out five minutes later ready to head to school, he was gone.

I wouldn’t be admitting that I was upset that he’d left without a word, though.

That was just unheard of for Memphis Tennessee Conner.Chapter 11I like your boobs. They remind me of pillow pets, only they’re pillow boobs.

-Downy to Memphis


“The neighbor has a run that she attaches her dog to while she’s doing laundry. When she got done, she went to check on him and he was gone,” I said, handing over a picture to O’Keefe.

He groaned and sat back in his office chair.

“Listen, Downy. I realize that this is big for you, but I’m fuckin’ slammed. Like beyond slammed. I just got handed a child molester case this morning. I have a million other things that have to do with real, live people. You’re doing a good job, man. Keep looking into it,” O’Keefe said, handing over the papers.

“Fuck man, I’m no detective, but I have a feeling about this one. I tried to ignore it, but it’s still sitting right the fuck here,” I said, pointing at my chest where I’d had a funny feeling since I’d shot that dog trying to attack Memphis.

He nodded and stood. “Welcome to the life of a detective.”

With that, he headed out of his office with his phone to his ear.

I sighed and looked down at Mocha, who looked back up at me with a very non-pleased look on her face.

“What?” I asked and started out into the bullpen.

I found myself at the water cooler, filling up my jug of water that I carried with me while on patrol.

I heard the raised voices going on behind me, causing me to look over my shoulder at the commotion.

It was from a few of the prisoners that had yet to be booked.

Three real low lives that had taken to stealing their paychecks from mothers who frequented the local Target.

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