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Bang Switch (Code 11-KPD SWAT 3)

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I’d met Brianne my first day of sonographer school, and we’d been study buddies ever since. However, she had a family and three kids under four, so it wasn’t all that often, outside of school, that we got to hang out unless I wanted it to be at the animal shelter.

Which I couldn’t handle, because there was no way I’d be able to go to the shelter and not come home with a pet of some kind. One of which I couldn’t afford to feed, although I suspiciously didn’t owe anything for my rent this month, and I suspected it had to do with the red headed boyfriend of mine, rather than my dad who still found a way to pay for some of my things, even though he was six hours away.

“Memphis Tennessee Conner,” Mrs. Bower’s voice boomed over the loud speaker.

Sighing, I stood up, when a deafening roar filled the auditorium.

Startled, I turned around, frozen to the spot, to find not only the entire KPD SWAT team, Downy right in the front, but also my father and about half of his club members.

They were all standing against the far wall, beyond where I’d been looking for them in the seats.

Which shouldn’t have surprised me any. They weren’t the type to take seats.

My mouth dropped open, and I heard Mrs. Bower’s snickering voice call my name again.

Turning on shaky legs, with what I was sure was a loony grin on my face, I walked up the steps to the stage.

My high heels cracked against the wooden stage, announcing my approach to damn near everyone that was within hearing distance.

“You did well, my dear. I hope to see you soon,” Mrs. Bower smiled down at me.

She’d offered me a job, and although I hadn’t accepted yet, I knew I would.

“Thank you, Mrs. Bower,” I smiled.

Patting my hand, she handed me my diploma and I turned to the crowd, staring straight at my father.

Pointing to him, I gave him a smile.

“That’s my baby girl!” He boomed, using his cop voice so he could be heard over the crowd.

Causing the crowd, of course, to jump, because it was just that authoritative and demanding.

Smiling wide, I turned my grin to Downy, and then blew him a kiss.

The manly man that he was, caught my ‘kiss’ and pressed it to his heart.

Full SWAT gear and all.

My heart was so full.

I loved that man with all my heart.

Walking down the steps, I kept my eyes on my feet as I made my way back to my seat, followed shortly after by Brianne.

“My husband was loud, but he couldn’t compete with your family,” Brianne teased, bumping my shoulder.

I beamed at her. “They’re pretty awesome, right?”

“My husband is a construction worker, and I wasn’t really aware they could get any more alpha than that…but I think your man has him beat.” She shook her head.

I snorted. Her husband was a big guy. Bigger than Downy.

He was also more muscled from hours and hours of solid, backbreaking labor.

He was categorized as a ‘construction worker’ but he owned his own construction business where he built houses.

“You’re nuts,” I teased her.

She smiled. “After having three kids, in four years, and not having my tubes tied? Yes, yes I am.”

I snorted, but didn’t say anything, as I thought about my own possibility with kids.

When I’d been attacked, when I was younger, I’d been given a slim chance of ever having kids. That didn’t stop me from wanting them, though.

Downy had never confirmed, nor denied, that he wanted any of his own, but I was willing to work on him.

At least trying to have them would be fun.

I smiled inwardly at that. Yes, it’d be fun indeed.

Another hour passed as we chatted back and forth, talking about everything under the sun while we waited for the ceremony to finish.***“I don’t think you’re supposed to get drunk on my graduation night,” I teased my dad.

“If I can’t get drunk the night my baby girl graduates college, when can I get drunk?” My daddy asked.

My mother snorted, but refrained from saying what we were both thinking.

My father didn’t need an excuse to drink.

He and the men of his club drank damn near every weekend, and twice on Tuesdays.

“Hey,” my mother said. “Who’s that boy?”

I turned from my perch against Downy’s porch railing to find Downy’s brother standing off to the side of the party, looking for someone.

I straightened up and said, “That’s Downy’s brother. Be right back.”

Downy was across the yard talking to a few of the boys off the SWAT team and their wives. Reese and Luke. Nico and Georgia. James and Shiloh.

I didn’t know James and Nico as well as I knew the others. They kept to themselves. Their wives, however, were all very outgoing and welcoming, and I looked forward to getting to know them better.

Luke and Reese, however, I was starting to know very well. Since Luke was Downy’s best friend, I saw him more than the others, which meant I saw more of his wife as well.

Reese was quickly becoming a very good friend and confidant, as well as the shoulder to lean on when all the police business Downy was involved in was getting to me.

As I walked towards Downy’s brother, he turned to me and heaved a relieved sigh.

“Hey,” I said as I came up to him. “Are you okay?”

He looked nervous. “Uhh,” he said. “I need to talk to Downy.”

I blinked, but nonetheless said, “Okay, I’ll go get him.”

I would’ve taken Jonah to Downy, but he didn’t look like he was very comfortable there, and among the crowd, he’d draw more attention if he was with me rather than him just staying where he was.

“Okay,” he said thankfully.

I weaved in and out of the party goers.

Circling around the huge bonfire that my father’s men had spent the entire afternoon erecting, and thus being the reason why they were late.

Downy, at least, had a legitimate excuse.

As I got closer to the group, I caught Nico’s dark eyes, and he watched me approach with an unreadable expression on his face.

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