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Bang Switch (Code 11-KPD SWAT 3)

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He looked at me, and I mean really looked at me, when he asked, “Well then, what the fuck was it?”

I could tell he was getting mad. Really mad.

That made me happy that he would be offended on my behalf.

“A GPS,” I said softly.

“What the fuck? Who would do that?” He asked irately.

I sighed. “He had a good enough reason, I guess.”

He shook his head at what my mother had told me just that morning when I’d called her to ask her the very same question he’d just asked.

“Supposedly, when he was in his twenties, he got into some very bad stuff with the club, but he turned it around. In the process, he offended some of the members, and they left with a promise that they would retaliate in kind one day.” I shook my head, shivering now from getting splashed with the now cold water.

He flipped the knobs off and stepped out, grabbing a towel and offering it to me before he got his own.

He still hadn’t touched me, and that stung, but I’d give him the time he needed.

“So he decided to put his nineteen year old daughter at risk for getting pregnant, just so he could have peace of mind? Seems fucked up to me,” he admitted.

I shook my head. “Apparently, he found some evidence that the men that left had started terrorizing the dog that attacked me, Bobo, while nobody was looking in hopes that he’d attack one of the members. When the dog attacked me, they hightailed it out of town, but daddy found them after asking some questions around the area. He got a lot of conflicting evidence, but most of it was about a couple of men terrorizing the dog. They’d thought the men had been part of the club, so they didn’t think to say anything.”

He shook his head. “That doesn’t fuckin’ matter. Jesus.”

He raised his hands to his head and ran his fingers through his wet hair. “Is it…are you…are you, you know?”

I smiled. “You know?”

I feigned confusion, and it was quite funny to see him so flustered.

“P…pregnant,” he choked out.

I raised my brows. “Would it matter if I was?”

He glared at me. “Of course it would fuckin’ matter!”

I crossed my arms over my sensitive breasts. “Why?”

He sat down heavily on the bed. ”It would mean we’d be getting married right the fuck now. It’d also mean that I owed your dad a goddamned beer.”

My mouth dropped open. “What?”

He continued glaring at me. “Right now, would you be here this soon if you didn’t have a reason to be?”

“My ‘reason’ for being here, is because I keep hearing from everybody and their brother how much of a jerk you’re being,” I snapped.

“And who are you hearing that from?” He asked calmly.

Too calmly, if I were to be honest.

“Everyone. Literally. I’ve had nearly every member of the SWAT team stop by and tell me the progress on the case. How you’re doing. How I need to stop being a shit head and go back to you,” I replied haughtily.

He snorted. “Fuckers.”

I nodded in agreement. “But they were right. I was being a shit head…and I’m sorry.”

He looked up, giving me his green eyes, and smiled. “I’d do anything for you. Even wait three weeks until you came to your senses.”

I smiled, unoffended about his remark about coming to my senses. “Oh yeah?”

His eyes zeroed in on my breasts, taking in the new improvements.

Then I dropped the towel. “Tell me what you think about my new boobs.”

He swallowed, holding out his hand for me to come to him.

I did, walking straight into his arms.

“It’s true?” He rasped. “You’re pregnant?”

I nodded.

“About six weeks exactly,” I confirmed.

He let out a shaky breath, and then buried his nose into my neck. “I’m kind of fucked up. I don’t know how to handle kids, either.”

I smiled, leaning down until my nose was buried in the curve of his neck. “We can fuck them up together.”

He chuckled and reversed our positions, leaning into me so I could feel his hard erection.

I widened my legs, encouraging him.

He didn’t waste any time sliding his full length inside of me, filling me to almost bursting.

The sex was sweet. Much sweeter than we’d ever had before.

Usually we were all about quickness and mutual orgasms.

This time, though, he was all about me.

Licking, sucking, twisting and thrusting.

I came three times before he ever considered coming, and when he did, he did sharing each other’s air.

As he came down, he said, “I love you.”

I smiled, tangling my hands in his hair. “I love you, too, my bearded dragon.”

He bared his teeth at me. “Take it back.”

I shook my head laughingly. “Not a chance.”

“You’ll take it back,” he promised.

Needless to say, after another hour of love making, I took it back.

It was either that, or die from too much pleasure. Something I wouldn’t have thought could be possible.

As I lay in a boneless heap on his chest, I said, “I like the tattoo.”

He kissed my head. “Good. ‘Cause it’s permanent.”

I snorted at the familiar words.

“My name’s going to look bad on your hairy thigh in fifty years,” I teased.

He shrugged. “Don’t give a fuck.”

No, I didn’t doubt it.EpilogueYou have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do will be remembered and brought up in a fight eight months later.

-A man’s rule to live by


“Dadadada!” Lock yelled loudly.

Lock had his daddy’s mouth…as in he was really loud when he wanted to be.

I turned from paying bills to see Downy’s serious face on the screen.

He was talking to a reporter about something, but I couldn’t hear it over the loud music that Lock’s toys were blaring.

The scrolling banner underneath, though, said, KPD’s spokesman, Officer Lachlan Downy, comments on the SWAT team’s role in saving a young child that was kidnapped from Louisiana.

Shivers went down my spine.

Downy and the boys were asked to set up a road block on four major intersections through town since the kidnapper was suspected to be traveling to a family friend’s house in New Mexico.

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