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Bang Switch (Code 11-KPD SWAT 3)

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“God, you look so sexy,” he said as he lifted my hips, moving me up and down slowly on his cock.

“Mmmm,” I said, no longer able to push forth a coherent thought through my rapidly losing control brain.

He lifted up, causing our chests to press deliciously close.

This way I was able to balance more, allowing me to move faster and faster on his cock.

He helped me, of course. He wasn’t able to stop himself.

Faster and faster we went until I gave up trying to help, just going along for the ride.

My orgasm blindsided me, bursting forth from the shadows of my core and blasting out like a nuclear bomb, stealing my sight and speech from me.

My pussy clamped down hard on his cock, which caused Downy to lose his own control.

He poured himself into me, bathing my insides with his release.

“You’re going to be late,” I panted.

He snorted. “All I have to do is show up. You’re the one who still has to get her hair done.”

I grimaced, but didn’t contradict him.

It was true.

Lifting up awkwardly, I went to the bathroom to get cleaned up, leaving Downy to take care of himself.

Knowing he was there to watch Lock, I took my time in the shower, relishing the peace and quiet that I knew wouldn’t be interrupted.

Or at least I thought, anyway.

“Baby’s hungry,” I heard Downy say over the shower.

His cry started to make my milk letdown, and I sighed.

There goes my shower.

Rinsing off as quickly as I could, because I knew if I didn’t hurry, he’d start screaming so hard he wouldn’t be able to eat, I dried off and went directly to the living room.

There I found my two men on the couch.

Lock in Downy’s lap, screaming his head off while his daddy read, what looked to be a report, over his head.

Shaking my head, I walked forward and took a seat beside Downy.

I hadn’t bothered getting dressed.

It would’ve been for nothing, seeing as Lock refused to eat unless we were skin to skin.

Which I’d found was very inconvenient.

I’d had to start bottle-feeding him while we were out, because I was fairly positive Downy wouldn’t like it if I was naked at the restaurant table.

Once I was situated, I took Lock off Downy’s lap, placing him to my breast as I leaned into Downy’s body.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close, allowing me the support of his body as I fed our son.

“Must be an interesting case,” I murmured tiredly.

“Yeah, you could say so,” he said distractedly.

I started to read, but decided against it once I saw ‘rape’ and ‘torture.’

Not on my wedding day.

For right now, I was happy exactly where I was at.***“You ready, baby girl?” My daddy asked.

He had my son, who was dressed in the tiniest little tux I’d ever seen, in his arms.

I smiled at him over my shoulder as my mother fussed with my ‘big boobs’ that couldn’t be ‘reasoned with.’

“Almost,” I said, turning back to my mom. “Mother, they’re boobs. They’re full of milk. They’re not changing unless I pump, which I’m not doing because the ceremony starts in less than five minutes.”

“Whatever,” my mother said, standing up with her hands on her purple clothed hips, and stomped out of the room, her hair bouncing in her wake.

“Uh-oh,” my daddy said.

I lifted my nose at him. “She needs to get over it. They’re not that bad.”

My dad studiously ignored my boobs, and offered me his arm.

He looked sad.

“What’s wrong?” I asked as I took his arm.

I leaned down and gave Lock a kiss on the cheek and leaned my head against my dad’s arm as we walked out into the bright sunlight.

We’d decided that the best place to have the wedding was at The Chief’s ranch that he owned outside of town.

They had a large barn that we’d decorated the night before so we could have the reception there once the ceremony was over.

There were over three hundred guests, nearly all of them a public servant of some kind, and we needed the room.

We’d decided to have it here so we could escape after the reception to have some alone time at our own place, which had shaped up to be exactly what we wanted it to be.

Especially now that we had the land that used to belong to the Prescott’s.

There’d been a big to-do during the trial that was sentencing Ronnie Prescott.

Apparently, when the land had been ‘split’ between Ronnie and Downy’s mother, he’d made an error in that he hired someone shady to do the appraisal, giving only a fraction of his land to Downy’s mother.

Downy had then turned around and sued Ronnie Prescott in a civil suit, and won. He was awarded not just the property that Ronnie owed him, but also 1.2 million dollars in oil and mineral rights that Ronnie profited from over the past ten years.

With no other way to pay him the money back, Ronnie signed over the deed to his land to Downy, who was now the owner of over a hundred and ninety acres of riverfront property.

It cost a whack in taxes, though. Downy was still considering his options since we weren’t sure whether we could afford it on both of our salaries or not.

I was guessing not, but there was no telling what he’d do. He had a special tie to the land that all of those dogs had died on.

He’d set up a memorial, and had turned about four acres into a large dog park, feeling that those dogs forever deserved to have somewhere to run and play in their eternal resting place.

It was very nice, and had seen a lot of business since we’d opened it to the public four months ago.

The dogs that were rescued that night were also returned to owners, or if the owners couldn’t be found, adopted out.

They were the lucky ones.

“I’m giving my baby away to somebody that doesn’t deserve her. So, I’m upset,” my dad said quietly, breaking into my thoughts with his sweet words.

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