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I Like Big Dragons and I Cannot Lie (I Like Big Dragons 1)

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He felt it too.

I could tell, not only because his eyes were telling me all that I needed to know, but his erection was tenting the front of his drawstring pants.

“I’ll take you. I’ll pick you up. You’ll not leave, and you’ll call me with hourly updates,” he reminded sternly.

I shook my head, my mind moving from the inspection of his beautiful abs, and that mouthwatering V of his lower stomach that led to the promise land.

“I can’t have my phone on me,” I told him. “Not that I have my phone. Oh, my God! My sister’s probably going nuts!”

That’s when I set my hair on fire.

I screamed.

Keifer sighed.

“Cool stuff, Blythe,” Keifer replied impatiently.

I glared at him, smelling the rubber band in my hair starting to burn.

Literally. Fucking on fire.

I didn’t feel the heat, amazingly.

I could see the fire swirling around my face, but when I touched it, I didn’t feel it at all.

“Why don’t I feel it?” I questioned.

He sighed, his anger evaporating the longer he watched me.

“It’s a part of you. It’ll burn anything that’s not a part of you, but anything that is a part of you won’t be hurt.”

I closed my eyes, concentrating on the hot coffee on the table next to my hand, feeling the heat leave me and replacing it with the soothing cool that Keifer had taught me only a few hours before.

Channel it into something. Don’t make yourself become it. Make the area around you become it. If you are to be off on your own, you have to be able to control it, or those around you could suffer.

So that’s what I did.

I turned my iced coffee into a hot one.

“Good,” Keifer muttered. “Very good.”

I smiled, opening my eyes to see him watching me rapturously.

“Do you want to drive…or fly?” He asked.

I gave him a look.

One that said clearly, are you crazy.

Yes, yes he is.

I smiled at Declan’s telepathic intrusion into our conversation, and Keifer’s eyes narrowed.

“That really disturbs me,” Keifer muttered.

I grinned. “Car, please.”

He just shook his head. “Alright. You’ve got ten minutes before I’m ready to go. If you’re not there, then I’ll assume you came to your senses.”

I snorted, and went to my bedroom to quickly change into the scrubs that Skylar had been kind enough to loan me. Though they didn’t have the patch that the college uniform required, I knew that it’d have to be good enough for now. Otherwise I’d have to stop by my apartment for them, and that would take more time than I had.

Luckily, Brooklyn, my very good friend that I’d met on my first day of nursing school, promised to stop by my apartment for my name badge, stethoscope and paperwork. Fortunately, I was able to send her a message on the Internet.

Not to mention I needed my charger, laptop and the books that I’d need for class tomorrow afternoon—which she’d also informed me she’d pick up.

Oddly enough, in Keifer’s haste to get me to his house three days ago, he’d not been able to bring anything of mine with him since I kept setting it all on fire.

I, on the other hand, had been passed out so I couldn’t bring anything even if I had wanted to.

Hurrying through brushing my teeth, I rushed out the front door, waving to Bella as I left.

She waved back and smiled happily as I moved out the door.

My heart light, I ran down the length of the walk, and let my fingers trail over the sleeping dragons that were curled up on the patio furniture outside the door, before coming to a sudden halt at what I saw before me.

Keifer was on a bike.

He had on a leather vest that declared him a member of the ‘Dragon’s Warriors MC.’

And he looked freakin’ hot.

All of that sexual energy I’d done my damnedest to ignore over the past twenty minutes came bubbling right back to the surface, burning right through me and nearly bringing me to my knees.

I’d always had a thing for bad boys.

And the fact that Keifer was the ultimate bad boy had my knees shaking, and my panties melting.

Luckily not in the bad way.

Keifer, at seeing me watching him, stiffened, and he looked down as the muscles in his chest swelled as he hung on to the handle bars with a harsh, unforgiving grip.

The muscles in his arms bulged causing the veins to stand out in stark relief.

And I couldn’t help but pant over the perfect nurse porn he was offering to me.

I loved veins.

I had a fascination with veins.

I’d had it since I was a kid, and now it was only intensified.

“You getting on or not?” Keifer rasped, still not looking up.

I walked forward slowly, eyes on him as I went.

Once I reached his side, I placed both of my hands on his solid shoulders, and swung my leg over the back of the bike.

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