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Three Rockstars of Sin

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Because Helena deserved a bouquet of flowers for finding Kate for us. Giving them to her in person sounded like the proper and gentlemanly thing to do, even if none of us were actual gentlemen.

Brody cleared his throat. “We toured in that shitty little VW for a while. Helena found it in the newspaper and booked all our gigs, making the arrangements.”

“We only had about thirty bucks between us.” Gunner started to smile. “It was enough for gas to make it to the next gig, and maybe get some food. Maybe.”

“It was a struggle...” Brody started.

“But damn, it was fun,” I finished.

Those had been some of the best times for me. The nostalgia was making all of us feel old—geriatric even. Reminiscing was not something that we often did.

“Yeah, it was the shit, wasn’t it?” Gunner’s blue eyes glimmered. “You could be on stage, nice and low, and see everybody. You saw the sweat on their faces and the excitement in their eyes. It wasn’t just a ton of crazed girls on drugs.”

The packed little dive clubs we played back then smelled like spilled beer, sweat, and funk. I missed it.

Brody tugged playfully at Kate’s toes and she smiled down at him, her cheeks going pink. “The fans were so close that we could touch ‘em.”

“You touched the shit out of ‘em, all right,” Gunner laughed at Brody. “Even the ugly ones.”

“That was fun, seriously, man,” Brody replied, ignoring Mr. Caveman’s comment.

And it was. I missed the hell out of those days. “Now the fans are packed in these fucking stupid amphitheaters. It’s impossible to see anyone, all the silhouettes are dark and blend together. They’re all rapacious socialites looking for a rich boyfriend.”

“It’s like a wall of shadows except when some skank jumps out of the crowd and tries to shove her pussy in our faces,” Gunner agreed.

Kate made a noise of shock. “You guys would rather be broke?”

Gunner threw back his head and laughed. “Yeah, Brody. You miss being broke?”

He laughed like a madman. Brody really got off on the money and power. He wasn’t a diva, but he was damn close with his “only flavored water” bullshit during interviews.

“Maybe not being broke,” Brody growled. “But I miss the authenticity. We all do.”

Gunner nodded.

“That’s one of the things we love about you, sweetheart,” I told her and kissed the back of her hand. “You are absolutely real and open. You have no idea what that means to us.”

The color rushed into her cheeks and she bit her lush, pink lower lip. “I’m only that way with you guys.”

Our Kate’s voice was so soft, so sweet as she continued. “I was the chubby girl in school. Everybody pretty much walked past me and I got used to keeping everything to myself. Well, if I was lucky, they’d walk past. Sometimes people stopped to make some nasty comment about me. Eventually, I just started to hide whatever I was thinking. My emotions, my thoughts, everything.”

Gunner growled and pulled her closer. The drummer wanted to keep our girl safe. He was determined to protect her from that past, just like Brody and I wanted to.

“I had a boyfriend in high school but he...” Kate bit her lip again and blushed. “He only wanted something to stick his…thing into. That’s what I think now. It didn’t matter who, and when I didn’t want him anymore, he was only upset because he never was able to make it to home base. In the end, I didn’t care because he wasn’t all that nice. He probably thought he could do better.” She shrugged like she was throwing off the past and losing the shadows. “But now it doesn’t matter because even if he can’t do better, I can.”

“There’s nobody better than you, baby,” I told her and kissed the back of her hands.

“Nobody,” Gunner agreed.

“Damn right.” Brody kissed the bottoms of her feet and looked up at her through the thick fall of his long, black hair. “You’re the best there is, and if Hard Fought tells you something, you know it’s the absolute truth.” He grinned, a flash of white teeth, and sucked her big toe into his mouth.

“Oh!” she gasped and jerked against Gunner.

I swear her hand and arm laying on top of mine heated up about ten degrees.

Leaning close so she could see the want blazing in my eyes, I spread each of her fingers with my thumb and pushed between them like I planned to push between her thick thighs later. Wide brown eyes told me that she wanted more. I ran my tongue across her fingertips.

“Oh! Oh!”

Already, she was getting worked up. Her robe fell open. It was the way she was grinding back into the steady push of Gunner’s dick against her ass. I shivered at the view. By her feet, Brody finished up with her big toes and pushed her foot into his lap, pressing it hard against his massive rod.

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