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Three Rockstars of Sin

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But every time I shifted around, my cunt throbbed like mad.

Alphas or parents? The decision is easy.

My twat drizzled its honey in my panties, eager to take all three pieces of meat again. I squeezed my legs together and nearly whimpered with need. Hudson, Brody and Gunner were at the hotel. In an hour, if I took the subway, I could be back there with them. A taxi would take even less time.

Decision made.

“Yes, Mom, that would be great if you could pack some food. I’d appreciate it so much.”

Ethel’s look said she knew exactly what I was rushing back to.

“Wait,” Dad said, looking like he’d lost the plot. “I thought you were going to spend the night here.”

I bit my lip and hid a sigh of sexual frustration. “I was, but I got an urgent call on the way to Brooklyn. I have to get back to work. They need me. Told you guys that the band was pretty demanding.”

I crossed my fingers and hoped not to get struck by lightning for the lie.

“They work you too hard over there, Kate,” Dad said, looking worried, but not too worried to stop eating.

Mom smiled beatifically and raised a spoonful of creamy mashed potatoes to her lips. “I’m sure she doesn’t mind, honey. Like her mother, our Kate isn’t afraid of a little hard work.”

More heat flooded my face, but I giggled and pushed away from the table. Ethel had a sense of humor for sure, and I appreciated her for it because things have turned out so different from what I expected. Was it just a couple months ago she’d pushed me to apply for this job? And now, things were so different.

Because I’ve fallen in love with Hard Fought. It’s not the hours, the non-stop traveling, or the ceaseless demands. It’s how I feel about the three men and how those blue eyes haunt my every waking moment.

But this wasn’t supposed to happen. I’m a lowly assistant, hired to serve their needs. And yet, my mind couldn’t help wondering. Where was this going? Were we going to figure out something permanent? Or was I merely a temporary fixture, someone and something to ease their stress during an especially difficult tour?

There were no answers, and I knew that at some point or another, I’d have to level up. Because I’d spun into the abyss with these men, head over heels in love … and there was no coming back as hard as I tried.12KateI bounced happily down the pavement. Because tonight was going to be a surprise. Gunner, Brody and Hudson had ordered me to take a night off, and yet I was heading back to Manhattan to be in their arms. Ethel and Bernard were already fading from memory, the taste of meatloaf dissipating as I looked up at tall Manhattan skyscrapers.

Walking quickly towards the hotel, I shoved my hands into the pockets of my thin coat. Leaving my parents was usually tearful and a drawn-out affair, but not when the band was involved.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted my reverie.

“Hey, Kate!” Vaguely, I heard the voice from behind but didn’t pay it any attention. Instead, I walked faster toward the hotel where my lovers waited.

“Kate! Wait up. I want to talk to you!”

Who? What?

Sighing, I turned around, eyes narrowed, trying to see who was calling my name so loudly in the street. A guy stumbled toward me through the crowd. Something about him was familiar. His walk maybe.

“Damn, girl. I’ve been calling you for the last couple of blocks,” the man called again.

I crossed my arms and backed away from the stranger.

Who was this guy?

No way was I going to talk to some random stranger just because he wanted attention. But he came closer, gesturing wildly at me and my mouth dropped open.


I was just talking about him to my parents and suddenly, he just showed up out of blue? Life was fill of crazy coincidences.

“Hey,” I called back to him. “I’m in kind of a rush, so if we could make this quick,” my voice hesitated.

He huffed over, waddling like a duck.

“Thanks for giving me some of your time,” was his smarmy comment, openly sarcastic. The guy was seriously out of shape.

What the hell?

The years since high school hadn’t done Darren any favors. His face was still pimply and pale, and he walked awkwardly as hell, uncoordinated and jerky like he was about to fall over any second. The posture was nothing like that of my three alphas who stalked the earth like they owned it. Their slim hips rolled with the promise of sex, penetrating blue gazes irresistible to women.

Compared to them, Darren looked worn down by life. His greasy hair hung down in his face, long and in need of a trim. That flabby body looked even more doughy than before—nothing like my rock hard men.

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