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The Millionaire's Games

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“Kind of.” She paused and then made her choice. “I only kind of remember what happened. I want to go home to my parents in Florida. When can I leave?”

“If you promise to stay home on bed rest for the next month, I think I can release you in a few days.” The doctor sighed at her words. He had felt sure that her memory would have come back by now but he figured that a personal trauma was blocking its return.

“Thanks doc.” Louise tried to smile her happiest smile at him but she fell short in its delivery. Now that she could remember everything, she realized she had nothing to smile about and it was all she could do to stop from crying.


Four days later, Richard drove her to the airport and she sat there looking out of the window, pretending to not know who he was. She was worried that she would slip up and tell him something that would alert him to the fact that she had her memories back. She felt panicked that something would happen in the last few days or that the doctor would tell him that she was pregnant. She was scared that he would try and take the baby and raise it with Monique and she knew more than ever that she couldn’t let him know that she remembered anything. She rubbed her belly as she sat in the car. She was overjoyed that she was carrying his baby. She would always have something to remind her of the man she loved with all of her heart.

He pulled up to the curb and held the door for her as she stepped out. “Are you sure you don’t want me to fly with you to Florida Louise?” He looked at her searchingly.

“I’ll be fine thanks doctor. Oops I mean Richard.” She smiled at him causally, remembering to stay in her role.

“Promise me you will call me when you arrive.” He looked at her in anguish. “You won’t know what I’m talking about now Louise but I want to thank you. You made me believe again.”

“You’re welcome.” She smiled at him while ignoring the pain in her heart.

“You made me believe in true love. In the purity of a woman’s heart and soul. I never thought that there were soul mates before I met you.”

“I see.” She didn’t want to hear anymore. She couldn’t stand to hear about him and Monique.

“I’ll never love anyone like I love you Louise.”

She looked at him in confusion, unsure if she had heard him right. “Huh?”

“I know the doctor told me not to tell you for fear of confusing you more than you are. But I can’t just let you fly away without telling you. I love you Louise and I hope that one day you remember me and allow me a chance to win your heart.”

“But you love Monique.” She whispered to him in shock, all thoughts of her role forgotten.

“You remember Monique?” He looked at her in shock.

She slowly nodded her head and swallowed. “I remember that you and Monique are in love and that you are engaged to her.”

He looked at her like she was crazy. “What are you talking about Louise?” He held her in his arms and looked at her carefully. “I never proposed to Monique. At one point in my life I thought it would be a good idea to marry her but then I met you. And you swept me off my feet with your beauty, honesty and trust and I knew that Monique never meant anything to me.”

“But you never broke up with her.” Louise cried out in pain.

“I was going to call her the day she arrived to tell her I couldn’t see her anymore. I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend.”

“You were?” She looked at him in shock. “But you didn’t say anything that morning. When we were at breakfast.” She paused as she saw the shock on his face.

“You remember?” He looked at her with narrowed eyes. “Do you remember me Louise?”

“Yes.” She spoke softly and waited for him to shout at her. Instead he saw a bright light in his eyes and she gasped as he grabbed her into his arms and kissed her.

“Oh thank God. I love you Louise.” He kissed her lips and her nose and her cheeks and she felt tears falling from his eyes. She looked at him in shock.

“You love me?”

“Yes, you little wrench, I love you and I want you to marry me and never leave my side.”

Louise felt her face flush with happiness and she started to grin. “I love you too my Lord.” She delighted at the look of pure pleasure that crossed over Richard’s face and she almost fainted with pleasure as he kissed her deeply once again.

“I love you Louise. Promise me that you will always stay be my side.” He looked into her eyes deeply and she nodded her head. “What’s that?” He looked at her in shock as she whispered.

“If you promise to always love me and our baby.” She whispered once again. She grabbed his hand and placed it next to her stomach and he stared at her in wonder and happiness.

“I could never love anyone even half as much as I love you and our baby my darling Louise.” He stared into her eyes intently. “I am going to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love every inch of your body and mind and I hope you let me take you home now so I can start showing you.”

She nodded at him and got back in the car and they drove away from the airport. Louise sighed with deep satisfaction and contentment, glad that ultimately her choices had lead her to the man of her dreams.

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