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From Playboy to Papa!

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He clinked his glass against hers. “Tastes good going down,” he said and swallowed a glass of bubbly in two gulps.

Nicole’s head was spinning. “But will we pay in the morning?”

“Maybe,” he said. “I say if we’re going to get a hangover, then let’s make it worth the pain.”

He lowered his mouth to hers and her head spun even more. His kiss heated her from the inside out.

“You’re so cool then you’re hot,” he muttered against her mouth. “I spend too much time wanting to make you as hot as I feel.”

He slipped one of his hands over her breast, the other beneath the hem of her silk dress. She gasped at the heat that rolled through her like lava from a volcano.

“Rafe,” she whispered.

“You’re my wife,” he said, rubbing his mouth against her cheek then lower against her throat. “We’re married. We may as well make the most of it.”

He was now her husband, her man. The knowledge unleashed something primitive inside her. Arching against him, she didn’t fight when he slid her dress up over her h*ps and pushed her panties down her legs. The world seemed to spin around her. She thrust her fingers through his hair, steeping herself in his strength and passion.

His kisses sent her into another galaxy where only he existed. His erection thrust inside her intimately, taking her. Shocking herself with need, she craved being taken. The rhythm took her up and over to heights she’d never experienced.

“Rafe,” she whispered, clinging to him.

“Nicole,” he muttered, flying into his own cl**ax. “You’re mine. All mine.”

A half hour later, they pulled into the drive of his house. Rafe’s eyes were lowered to a sexy half-mast.

“We will have a honeymoon,” he said. “Just later.” He took her mouth in a sensual kiss. “Damn, I’d like it to be now.”

“We don’t want to leave Joel yet,” she said.

“I agree,” he said, sliding his hands through her hair and taking her mouth again. “Just keep reminding me.”

She could almost believe that he wanted her, not just because she was Joel’s mother. “There’s so much I don’t know about you.”

“You’ll learn,” he said. “And so will I.” He sighed. “The mother’s helper took Joel to preschool, right?”

She nodded.

“I hate it, but I need to do a little business,” Rafe said. “We can meet again after dinner.”

“Okay,” she said. “In the den?”

“No,” he said, his gaze dark with sexy possessiveness. “You’re my wife. You’ll sleep in my suite now.”

That afternoon she rode with the chauffeur to pick up Joel after preschool. Rafe, Nicole and Joel shared a barbecue prepared by the chef for dinner. Steak for Rafe and Nicole, hamburger for Joel. Tired from his active day, Joel took an early bedtime.

Rafe took advantage and led Nicole to his big bed. “I’ve wanted you since I met you,” he whispered, removing her clothes from her body.

He made her feel sexy and sensual, forbidden and powerful. “I’ll do whatever it takes to make you and Joel happy,” he said, sliding his mouth down over her throat and br**sts and lower down her abdomen.

Nicole’s breath caught in her throat. She’d never felt so sensual and sexy in her life, but she couldn’t help wondering if she was a means to an end. She tried to push the doubt aside.

She felt him lower his mouth to take her femininity and her mind scrambled. “Rafe.”

“Let me have you,” he urged. “In every way.”

His mouth took her to a level she’d never been, sending her into spasms of pleasure. Rising upward, he plunged inside her again and she felt herself tighten around him. His gasp of pleasure took her over the top again.

“More,” he muttered, cl**axing inside her. “Can’t get enough of you.”

She embraced him intimately and slid her fingers through his hair. She understood. She couldn’t get close enough. Sliding her legs around his waist, she embraced him. She wanted more of him. She wanted everything. But would he give himself to her the same way she gave herself to him?

Rafe had never felt better in his life. He awakened the next morning with Nicole n**ed in his arms. His first instinct was to roll over and slide inside her, but he restrained himself.

Best to give his new bride a chance to adjust, although she’d done a damn good job of taking him to Neverland last night.

He luxuriated in the sensation of her n**ed skin against his. Her br**sts meshed with his chest, her thighs twined through his. Her cheek nuzzled against his throat.

He could take her again at this second. The only thing that kept him was that she was his bride. Since Tabitha, he’d never believed he would get married, but Nicole had changed his mind.

She thought he only wanted her because of Joel, but that was wrong. He wanted her in every sense of the word. He wanted her because she made him feel things he’d never thought he could feel. She reminded him of things about himself he’d forgotten. She made him feel cherished and needed. She made him feel as if he wanted to step up and meet her needs, Joel’s needs.

“Good morning,” she said. Her eyes fluttered open and she dipped her head, sighing against his bare skin. The sensation was soft and sensual.

“Good morning,” he murmured. He trailed his fingers down the sides of her br**sts, groaning as she rubbed against him.

She lifted her hands to his shoulders, tracing the contours of his muscles all the way down his arms to his hands. Then she stroked his chest and lower with a feminine curiosity that made him hard.

“I thought I would give you a break,” he said, groaning again as her hand barely skimmed his erection.

“Why would you do that?” she asked.

Unable to resist the sexual challenge in her gaze, he rolled on to his back and pulled her on top of him.

Her eyes widened in surprise, but two heartbeats later, she rose and slowly lowered herself on to him, encasing him in her moist femininity.

He’d known there was a fire underneath her cool composure, but he hadn’t suspected the siren who would take his breath away as she began to ride him. Her br**sts rubbed against his chest and she lowered her mouth to his. He suckled her tongue into his mouth and quickly felt himself pushed to the edge, but he held back until her body clenched and shuddered in release.

“Can’t get enough of you, Nicole,” he said, and finally allowed himself to cl**ax.

The following morning, Nicole awakened, dimly recalling Rafe’s kiss before he left her. It almost seemed like a dream, but her lips were swollen and her body ached in secret, sensitive places.

“Mommy, wake up,” Joel said, bouncing up and down on Rafe’s bed.

“Look at you,” she said, smiling at his enthusiasm. “What is happening at preschool today?”

“Turtles,” he said, looking at her as if she should have remembered. “We get to pet turtles. Can I bring one home?”

“Not today,” she said, ruffling his curly hair. “But I want you to give me a report on turtles.”

“Are we gonna get one?” Joel asked, bouncing up and down.

She tapped his little nose with her finger. “We’ll see. We need to do some research. Now scoot so I can take a quick shower.”

An hour later, she took Joel to school, then returned home. Just as she was entering the house, she overheard the chauffeur, Dan, talking to Carol.

“I’ll have to cancel the repair for the limo. Mr. Medici called and he needs me to bring an envelope from his home office.”

“I can do it,” she offered. Rafe had extended an open invitation for her to visit him when he was working on the yacht. She knew he would be busy, but she would be satisfied just to see him for a few moments. The last couple of days had felt like a dream. Even though she wore the diamond band he’d placed on her finger, their marriage still felt surreal.

“That’s very nice of you Miss-” The chauffeur broke off and smiled. “Mrs. Medici, but not necessary.”

Hearing the man refer to her as Mrs. Medici took her off guard. “It’s okay,” she said. “It’s really no trouble. I didn’t have anything else planned.”

“If you’re sure,” he said. “Mr. Medici said the envelope was on his home-office desk marked NA.”

“I’ll take care of it,” she said and grabbed the manila envelope. Stopping in her bedroom-her old bedroom, she mentally corrected herself-she ran a brush through her hair and put on some lip gloss. She gave a quick glance in the mirror and surprised herself with her image. Her eyes sparkled, her cheeks were flushed with excitement and her lips curved in a smile.

Because of Rafe? she wondered. She decided, for once, not to second guess herself. She was happy. Joel was happy and she wanted to help make Rafe happy.

She hopped into the town car and followed the instructions from the GPS to Rafe’s yacht. Valet took care of parking and she walked toward the yacht with the envelope in her hand. The sun shone brightly, matching her mood.

A staff member greeted her, invited her onboard and pointed her in the direction of Rafe’s office. Descending the stairs, she heard voices as she drew closer. The door to the office stood ajar.

She pushed it open and found Rafe in Maddie’s arms.

“We were always meant to be together,” Maddie said, sliding her fingers through his hair and pressing herself against him. “This marriage won’t change a thing. You’ll never be able to trust her like you can trust me.”

Stunned, she dropped the envelope and Rafe immediately looked up at her. “Nicole,” he said. “It’s not-”

“No,” she said, shaking her head and stumbling backward. Her heart felt as if it shattered into a million pieces. The pain was staggering. “I-I-” Her throat closed around a huge knot of emotion, forcing out a squeak of distress.

Terrified that she would burst into tears, she turned and fled. Blindly climbing stairs, she ran toward the light, wondering when she would breathe again. She brushed past the staff, all the while hearing Rafe call after her.

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