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Stealing the Billionaire's Heart

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Nixie’s eyes narrowed into the most adorable…no, the most annoying glare he’d ever seen. In return, Nick slid into an arrogant, conceited smirk before he turned his back and began rifling once again through her lingerie drawer just to spite her.

“You…you are such a vain…snob.” Nixie spat the words angrily. “You are so wrapped up in yourself.” She gave an ineffective tug at the cuffs. “At least when I broke into your place, I made sure you got a few orgasms out of it.”

Nick turned slowly to stare at her, incredulity written on his face. “That is what you’re worried about? Nearly my entire living room is missing and you’re pissed because I didn’t stop to worry about whether the woman who took everything was sexually satisfied?”

“I didn’t take anything!” Nixie shrieked.

Nick ground his teeth painfully together. “I really, really hate being lied to.”

“I’m not lying!”

Nick strolled over to the side of the bed and stared down at her with a scathing look. “If I give you what you want, will you shut up so I can finish searching the place?”

“What I want?” Nixie asked in confusion.

Without a word, Nick climbed onto the bed and made his way over to her side. Bending down, he kissed her forcefully.

Nixie gave a cry of surprise and pulled back. “What are you––”

Nick cut her off with another kiss, the pressure of his mouth on hers strong enough to bruise. He heard her squawk of outrage, but didn’t remove his lips from hers.

He felt her teeth sink into his bottom lip, but he didn’t pull away. Instead, he swung his leg over both of hers, straddled her lap, and swallowed up her rage and anger. He took her fury and returned his own back into her. He kissed her with what almost felt like desperation. He thought that maybe if he kissed her passionately enough, she’d realize what she could have had, perhaps even regret betraying him. He wanted her to ache with need just like he did every time she crossed his mind.

Nick felt a surge of satisfaction when her lips softened against his and she opened her mouth to him. He grabbed her face in his hands and swallowed up her whimper of pleasure.

Her tongue flicked out and she ran it gently along his bottom lip. “I’m sorry.” She whispered against him before drawing his lip into her mouth, sucking lightly at the tender flesh she’d bitten only a minute ago.

Nick groaned in arousal and felt his resentment slipping away. He didn’t care what she did, how many rooms she wiped clean as long as she kept touching him. “I want you so much it frightens me,” he said in a quiet undertone. “I can’t think around it.”

Nixie wiggled, trying to press her body to his and having a hard time of it due to her restrained hands. She whimpered pitifully before begging. “Fuck me, Nick. Please, please. Just take me.”

* * *

Nixie would have been embarrassed to find herself pleading for him to touch her, but she desperately needed it. She’d get down on her knees and beg him if it would mean getting what she wanted. She needed Nick like she’d never needed anyone in her life. He was an addiction.

At her desperate plea, Nick moved until he was kneeling between her legs. He gazed at her with those astounding blue eyes and stated the obvious. “You want me.”

She nodded fervently in answer.

Nick’s hands slid her skirt up around her waist and he lowered his mouth to her. “Say it,” he said, his breathing hot against her intimate parts. “Tell me you want it.”

“I want it,” she whimpered.

Nick slid his tongue along her, lapping at her sensitive flesh. “You want this very badly,” he informed her.

Nixie gave a cry as he nibbled softly at her skin, his tongue swirling in a careless pattern. “Yes,” she agreed. “Yes…yes…” Biting her lip, she grunted. “I want you in me. Now. I need it.”

Nick seemed more than willing to oblige her. He scrambled off the bed and frantically began climbing out of his trousers.


Nick rewarded her with one of those deliriously wonderful grins. “You think I’m not trying?” He struggled out of his boxers and tossed them to the side, not even bothering with his shirt. He quickly returned to her, positioning himself between her knees, but soon found that the cuffs limited their movement.

Nixie couldn’t slide down far enough to give him the room he needed. She squiggled and squirmed before finally huffing. “Just let me loose. It’s not working like this.”

Nick shook his head stubbornly. “No…can’t trust you…”

Nixie sent him a dirty look, but he couldn’t see it due to the fact that he was still trying to find a way to get them properly positioned. “This isn’t working.”

Nick gave a weary sigh and moved away from her. “This isn’t working,” he agreed. He sat down next to her and took in a few deep breaths, surveying the situation. After a moment, he said, “You’re going to be on top.”

Nixie raised an eyebrow skeptically. “How’s that gonna work?”

Nick slid closer to her. “Turn over and climb on top.”

Nixie rolled her eyes. “This would be so much easier if you’d just let me go, but whatever.” Very gingerly, she climbed to her knees and turned to face him. When she spun, the handcuffs dug uncomfortably into her wrists for a second, but she managed to get turned over and onto his lap without too much effort or discomfort.

Nick gripped her thighs in his hands and pulled her down onto his lap. “Now ride me.” He demanded it, his tone conveying that he expected no argument. She didn’t plan to give him one.

With a little assistance, Nixie managed to get him into place, and in one fluid motion, she impaled herself on him.

Nick let out a low, deep groan from underneath her.

She knew exactly how he felt. With a soft sigh of satisfaction, Nixie began moving on top of him, driving him deeper inside of her. Her head fell back and she had to bite her lip to keep from crying out in ecstasy.

Due to the handcuffs, she was forced to stay pinned tightly against Nick’s chest. Her breasts were crushed firmly against him, her nipples tingling with each thrust as they were rubbed along his shirt.

Nick’s arms were around her back, holding her to him just as much as the cuffs were. His breathing was sporadic and labored as his hips thrust upward to meet hers.

Unable to hold back, Nixie began whimpering, noises that sounded almost like sobs escaping her throat each time their bodies crashed together. She heard the springs on the bed protest as they rocked simultaneously against each other.

Nick gave a grunt and his hands slid down to her hips, yanking her down onto him as far as she could go. The headboard smacked against the wall with a crack, drawing a chuckle from him.

His laugh was infectious and Nixie giggled in response. She didn’t remember a time in her life when she’d ever been happier. It didn’t matter that Nick thought she was a criminal. As long as he continued to see her, things would be okay. She was happy just to be around him. It was absolute pleasure to feel his lips as they grazed over her throat. She loved the sensation of his arms around her, the possessive way his hands slid along her skin. She loved his smile, his laugh…she loved him. She gave a small gasp and her eyes widened at this realization. She couldn’t love him. It was impossible. They barely knew each other.

Nick groaned her name into her shoulder and just the sound of her name on his lips made her body tighten in pleasure.

She finally gave in and accepted the fact that maybe she was in love. When the mere sound of his voice sent her pulse skyrocketing, there had to be something there.

While she was coming to terms with this insight, Nick brought his right hand up and ran it slowly along her throat. He then slid it leisurely downward, his hand exploring skin that was slick with sweat. His palm slid steadily, descended over her belly, and finally settled between her legs. He began gently stroking her clit with his thumb, rubbing her until stars practically danced in front of her eyes.

Nixie picked up her pace, rocking on top of him as quickly and vigorously as she could. A minute later, a hoarse cry was torn from her throat as orgasm washed over her in wave after wave of pleasure. She heard Nick’s holler of fulfillment, but was still too busy riding out her own to fully concentrate on him.

After what felt like an eternity, their frantic rhythm slowed and Nixie sluggishly returned to her senses. She sat on top of him gasping for air with her limbs trembling weakly. She collapsed against him, settling into his chest while they both struggled to catch their breath. She lay there for a long time just letting him hold her loosely in his arms, his body still resting inside of her.

Nick nuzzled her ear, leaving a small kiss before whispering. “I need you in my life.” He ran his cheek along her jaw, snuggling against her body. “I wouldn’t be able to survive if you were to leave.” He sighed, the sound almost weary. “I tried so hard not to, but I need you. I can’t explain it, but I do.”

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