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Stealing the Billionaire's Heart

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“I don’t think I’ll have any trouble rising to the occasion,” Nick said wickedly. He put a special emphasis on the word ‘rising’ that had her knees shaking with the promise that was left unspoken on the air.

“Oh…well…” Nixie managed to get out between the soft kisses he was giving her. “I suppose…” She never got to finish her sentence.

Nick covered her mouth with his, drowning out any protests she might have. His hand grabbed her thigh and in one smooth motion he wrapped it around his waist, sliding inside of her.

Nixie let out a shaky moan and wrapped her arms around his back to keep herself from sliding to the floor.

As she fought to not make embarrassing yelps, Nick pulled her flat against his body then pressed her back into the cold tile wall.

She gave a gasp at the chill it left against her skin, but quickly forgot all about the wall as Nick began thrusting inside of her. “You…” she whimpered. She lost all train of thought, any sense of where she’d been going with that sentence as he nipped at her throat.

Nick moved inside of her, his breath coming out in short gasps. “This is what sex is supposed to be like,” he breathed against her ear.

“Uh-huh.” Nixie panted, moving her body in time with his. He’d taken the words right out of her mouth. Being with Nick was like nothing she’d ever experienced. It was something she’d never even thought was possible. It made her think that everyone before him had been doing it wrong. Very, very wrong.

With each thrust, with each stroke of his body inside of hers, Nixie felt herself getting closer and closer. She was trying to hold back, trying to enjoy what could possibly be the best sex she’d ever experienced in her life, but it was impossible. Instead, she just gave in to what her body wanted. She dug her nails into his back and let orgasm wash over her in a wave of pleasure.

* * *

Nick was concentrating on the noises Nixie was making. Each time he shifted or moved, he’d pull another soft cry from her throat. He was so caught up in just listening to her enjoyment that her orgasm blindsided him.

He hadn’t been prepared for it. He was close enough himself that the sudden way her body tightened around him threw him over the edge before he’d been expecting it. With a groan, he gripped tightly to her hips as he finished.

A minute later, he was panting out each breath and his legs felt like Jell-O. Unable to even move, he simply leaned his head down onto her shoulder, letting the warm water stream down his back.

Though it was tempting, he knew he couldn’t stay like this all day. He had a meeting at the refinery at eleven. He had enough time to eat breakfast, get dressed, and be out the door. “I have a meeting in a couple of hours,” he started.

She tensed in his arms. Before he could even finish his sentence, she untangled herself from his arms and pulled away from him, her eyes looking everywhere but at his face. “Oh…I understand,” she said softly, but her voice begged to differ.

Nick wrapped his arm around her waist and tilted her chin up with a finger, forcing her to look at him. “I want you to have breakfast with me before I have to leave.” He gave her a reassuring half grin. “I also want you to leave your number so I can call you when I get a free moment.”

Gray eyes searched his and he couldn’t help but notice the hopeful expression on her face. “You’re not just saying that, are you? It would be extremely rude… If you don’t plan on calling, I’d rather you say so now.”

Something about her boldness was refreshing to him. “I wholeheartedly have every intention of calling you. I just have to go to this meeting. If I don’t, the workers will start to talk. I’ll end up in the tabloids as the worst boss in all of history. I’ll lose my status as most eligible bachelor.” He teased her with a playful grin. “That means I’d stop having evenings like last night.”

Nixie couldn’t help but laugh. “You poor baby.”

He leaned down and brushed his lips against her. “I know.” He kissed her again, his lips lingering against hers. “You don’t want the tabloids saying such bad things about me, do you?”

“Of course not,” she agreed playfully. “Lord knows you don’t have a billion dollars and more money than you’d ever need to buy such tabloids and fire anyone who had the nerve to trash you.”

“Hmm…I think you’re on to something.” He wrapped her in a big, fluffy towel. “Maybe I can afford to skip out on my meeting.”

Nixie rolled her eyes at him as she stepped out of the shower.

He immediately noticed the uncomfortable look on her face and raised an eyebrow in question as he wrapped a towel around his waist.


Nick nodded toward the bedroom. “I’ll lay something out on the bed for you.” He then motioned toward the sink. “I already put out a toothbrush. When you’re ready, just meet me in the dining room, okay?”

She nodded, glancing suspiciously at the counter as if she didn’t trust he’d done something as kind as leave a toothbrush out for her.

While she was busy eying the toothbrush, which in his defense was still in its original packaging, he picked up the necklace that had brought them together. He let it dangle off the end of his finger until her gaze slid to it.

Her eyes narrowed and he knew she was waiting for some sort of accusation. Instead, he simply said. “Turn around so I can put it on for you.”

“Why?” she asked in confusion.

“Because I want you to have it,” he said simply. When she didn’t move, he gave a sigh and grabbed her shoulders, forcing her to turn around. Unclasping the latch, he lifted it around her neck.

“But…” she stammered. “It’s yours. I brought it all the way here to give it to you. I broke into your house so that you could have it. It was for your sister.”

He waved off her protests. “The sight of this necklace will forever remind me of the acts committed while you wore nothing but said piece of jewelry. I do not wish to think upon such deeds every time I see my sister wearing it.”

“Oh,” she said, understanding where he was going with that. It really wouldn’t do to give your sister a gift that you saw another woman wear while having sex. There was something completely wrong about that.

He finally got it fastened securely around her neck. With a little sound of triumph, he spun her back around to face him. “Besides, I think it will look much nicer on you. I want you to have it.”

“Nick…I…” She fingered the locket, fingernails covered in orange polish grazing the gold chain. “It’s too… I couldn’t possibly…”

“No arguing. It’s yours.” He put his hands on his hips, staring down at her. “Now… I’ve only got so much time. Instead of thinking up some lame excuse as to why you can’t keep the necklace, why don’t you get ready and meet me downstairs?” He turned on his heels, preparing to leave her in privacy, when her voice stopped him in his tracks.

“Nick…” she said softly.

He spun back around to look at her.

“Thank you,” she whispered, her voice the most sincere thing he’d ever heard in his life.

“No,” he replied in almost a whisper. “Thank you.” Turning back to the doorway, he left, a happy smile plastered on his face that he couldn’t seem to get rid of no matter how hard he tried.

Chapter Four

Nixie entered the kitchen to find Nick at the stove. He was wearing a royal blue, silk robe and matching slippers. He busily transferred bacon to two plates that sat on the counter. “I thought you rich types didn’t know how to cook,” Nixie teased.

Nick turned around to look at her with a crooked grin. “Hey, now. Why are you taking a stab at my cooking skills before you’ve even eaten?”

Nixie made her way over to him and Nick watched her every move, eyeing her outfit closely. She was wearing one of his button-down dress shirts. It was long enough to reach mid-thigh, keeping her relatively covered, but the knowledge that she wore nothing underneath and they both knew it had her slightly breathless.

Nixie gave him a brilliant smile and leaned against the counter. “Well, your first mistake was making bacon with your robe hanging open.” She ran her fingers along his chest, slipping them underneath the gaping fabric. “You’re lucky you didn’t sizzle your chest off.”

“I figured it was worth it to get you to feel all over me for injuries.”

She pushed away from him with a laugh. “Just feed me already.” She walked over to the giant kitchen table and slumped into one of the chairs with a yawn.

Less than a minute later, he was setting a plate full of food in front of her.

Without a word, she started eating, feeling quite relieved to have an excuse not to talk. She was at a total loss of what to say to him. Last night, not to mention this morning, had been amazing, but it wasn’t exactly breakfast table conversation material. Thanks for the mind-numbing sex. I’ve never been fucked that well in my life. Yeah. Not exactly appropriate at the moment. So instead of speaking, when he sat a tall glass of juice in front of her, she brought it to her lips and took a large gulp.

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