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The Billionaire's Christmas Baby

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“I can’t do it,” she said against his chest, holding him tightly.

“I’ll fight for both of us. You won’t have to say goodbye to her,” he said, his lips brushing her hair.

“You don’t understand how much this would kill me. If you care about me you have to let me go,” she whispered, still not moving away from him. She felt his body tense against her.

“Hannah,” he said, as she finally gained the strength she needed to pull herself out of his arms, out of this false sense of security.

“Please, Jackson.” She heard Emily begin to stir on the baby monitor and froze. She felt him watching her closely, and then Emily cried out again. She needed to go before he went to get Emily.

“Fine,” he said roughly. “If this is what you need to do, then go. But I swear to God, I’m going make everything right. I’m not going to lose you or Em.”

She didn’t meet his eyes, just turned and walked down the hallway, pausing to pick up her two bags. She had to get out now. She felt her body tremble as she heard Emily begin to cry, and his voice call after her. “When you’re ready, I’ll be here.”

She shut the door on his words, on Emily’s cries.

Chapter Fourteen

Hannah took a deep breath, letting the cold December air fill her lungs as she stumbled out onto the bustling sidewalk. But she couldn’t keep pace with the pedestrians, she couldn’t move forward, she couldn’t keep walking away from the only two people in the world that she truly loved. The Santa on the street corner jingled his bell and the image of Jackson in Hope’s Crossing rushed through her mind. He’d fought for her, defended her, saved her. Jackson had taken the leap of faith. She had begged him to adopt Emily, to fight for his neice, and he had kept his promise. And now it was Hannah who was running the minute things got tough. She had spent so many years running. She understood why he had lied to her. He was the protector. He did it for his mother, his sister, and now for her and Emily. There was no way she could walk away from Jackson. She had to go back.

She slowly turned around when she heard her name above the noise of traffic and pedestrian chatter. It was the deep, rich voice that said her name like no one else could. There he was. Jackson stood tall and straight in the middle of the sidewalk, his black coat covered with snow.

Her eyes left his for a moment and her step faltered, as it had that night she’d found Emily. Jackson wasn’t alone. In his arms, in complete contrast to his black coat, was a pink bundle. The world slowed for a moment, even as Jackson rushed toward her. Through the blur of tears, the haze of disbelief, she knew. Even though she had walked out on him, he was here for her.

“Hannah,” he said roughly.


He lifted his free hand to her cheek. He was real.

“I’m sorry I lied to you, and I know you said you needed time, but, hell, I can’t let you go.”

“I was on my way to you,” she said, laughing and crying at the same time. “I’m sorry I walked out on you.”

“I love you. You are the woman I want to spend the rest of my life loving every single day. I don’t want a day to go by that I don’t get to kiss you or hold you. You, Hannah. I want you forever.” He stepped closer to her, wiping the tears that ran down her face. “I want you and Emily. Forever. If you’ll have me, of course,” he said with that smile that echoed his love.

She took a deep breath. “Emily?”

“I know that guy is a sham. You know it too. Emily is ours, but you need to believe it. And if we have to fight for her, we will. And we’ll win,” he said, brushing a kiss on Emily’s forehead.

Jackson held Emily out to her. A love that she couldn’t describe filled her heart and healed her soul as the baby stared, unblinking, at her, before breaking out into a wobbly grin. She couldn’t walk away from this baby. She had fought so hard for her, lost a job for her, battled a blizzard for her. She couldn’t give her up now. Not ever.

She looked up from Emily’s angelic face to Jackson’s. She smiled up at him. “I love you too.”

“I want us to find a home together—whatever you want. If you want to live in Hope’s Crossing then we will. I want you to have a home of your dreams. We’re going to be the family neither one of us never had. The real thing, Hannah. I want to be your husband. God, I want to be that man.”

“Wherever you and Emily are is my home.” When she felt his embrace and breathed in the scent of him, Hannah knew she was home. Jackson was home. Not a house, not a structure, him. She lifted her face to his, seeing love and the flickering of desire as he lowered his head to meet her mouth. She tasted forever on his lips as they stood in the snow, Emily nestled between them. She had found her knight, her kingdom of dreams.

Hannah had found her family for Christmas.

She had found her family forever.


“Daddy, don’t forget the star!”

Jackson looked down at Emily who was staring up at him with wide brown eyes, clutching a sparkling gold star in her hand. He smiled as he leaned down and lifted his three-year-old daughter into his arms. The soft, red velvet fabric of her dress brushed against his forearm as he positioned Emily close to the tree top. He secured the ornament and chuckled as she clapped her hands at the finished product.

He walked over to the window facing the snow-covered front yard, still holding Emily in his arms. The sight outside was something he would never tire of—their front yard at the cabin was lit up like Vegas.

Hannah and Emily had spent all day adding white lights to the evergreens and wreaths and a Santa sleigh on the porch. Every year Hannah insisted that a giant wreath be hung on the front door. She had even managed to coerce him into climbing up a ladder and adding lights along the roof line. But he didn’t complain. This year, he might even admit that he liked it.

“When’s Auntie and Uncle Sampson coming, Daddy?” Emily asked, peering out the window. Jackson sighed. That was another annual tradition Hannah had started—the Sampsons on Christmas Eve. Another thing he didn’t complain about. How could he when the elderly couple doted on his daughter as if they were her grandparents?

“Soon, sweetie. Just listen for bells,” Jackson said, turning as he heard Hannah’s footsteps.

His wife approached them, holding her index finger to her lips. “He’s finally sleeping,” Hannah whispered, snuggling up to his side.

“Baby Christopher sleeps too much!” Emily exclaimed with a frown.

“It just seems like that, Emily. But newborns need a lot more sleep that we do,” Hannah said, tapping Emily’s nose.

The exuberant jingling of bells indicated that the Sampsons were approaching. Jackson sighed and looked down at Hannah.

“I love you, Jackson,” she said with a gorgeous smile and a sparkle in her green eyes as she pinched his side.

“Love you too, Hannah,” he said, placing a kiss on her soft mouth. Kissing Hannah was something he never tired of. In fact, it was what he intended on spending a long time doing after the Sampsons left.

Emily laughed and bounced in his arms as the couple pulled into the driveway. A large red sack was stuffed into the rear of the sleigh.

“They’re so sweet,” Hannah whispered as she stared out the window.

Jackson agreed, but silently thought his wife was much sweeter. The woman by his side had shown him the power of forgiveness. They had a daughter in Emily, and two months ago, they welcomed a son. Jackson had learned the meaning of unconditional love.

And because of Hannah, he’d learned that holiday miracles did come true.

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