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Monster (Savages 1)

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She was taller than me, somewhere around five-eight I would guess with an impressive rack, trim waist, great hips and ass, and shapely legs. But her face... she had plump lips, dark brows, and eyes that could only ever be described as “bedroom”. Her long wavy brown hair swung around her shoulders as she came up beside Shane, shoving him hard with her shoulder, and smiled at me. “His cock belongs to me now,” she informed me, rolling her eyes at him. “Sometimes he just needs to be reminded.” She held out a hand to me. “I'm Lea.”

“Alex,” I said, smiling a little.

“Alex,” she repeated. “You don't want him, right?” she asked, tilting her head toward her... boyfriend?

“No,” I said, shaking my head slightly.

“See? She doesn't want you,” she told him, a brow raised.

“Sure when you show up goin' all crazy fuckin' girlfriend around her.”

“Did you want to fuck him the last time you were here?” Lea persisted.

“Um... no,” I answered honestly.

Shane put a hand to his heart, faking pain, but gave me a smile. Then he threw an arm around Lea's shoulders, hauling her against his body, and laying a whopper of a kiss on her. I mean... there was tongue.

“Well now that that is out of the way,” Breaker broke in for the first time since Shane noticed me. He reached into his pocket, drawing out the chain with the key and waving it at Shane.

Shane's eyes landed on it, then quickly went to me, a brow raised. And the question there was clear- are you really with him or is there a problem?

“Got into some trouble,” I admitted. It was true enough. “Need my stuff back to try to fix it.”

“And he's helpin'?” Shane asked, not looking the least convinced. My eyes slid to Gym-Brat Barbie and Shane jerked his head at her. “Get lost for five,” he told her, and in a huff, she did.

“I don't think I want to hear this either,” Lea said, sliding out from under Shane's arm. “I'm gonna go to Fee's and see what creepy phone sex callers she gets today.”

And with no further explanation, she was gone.

“Trouble?” Shane prompted.

“Well, Breaker here was hired by Lex to, um, kidnap me.”

“Fuckin' serious?” Shane asked, turning his attention to Breaker. “Thought you didn't deal in women.”

“I fuckin' don't,” Breaker answered, starting to look almost tired. “They got Shoot. What fuckin' choice did I have?”

At this, Shane shrugged a shoulder. “Right. Let's go get you your shit,” he said to me, then led us through his gym into the back room, unlocking the door, and letting us inside. He leaned back against the wall as I took the key from Breaker's hand, trying real hard not to touch his skin, and judging by the eye-smile I was getting... he knew exactly why. I turned away from him, walking over to my locker and unfastening the lock.

“You two fucking?” Shane's voice asked, making me jump and turn in a way that was almost... guilty.

“What? No!” I answered, my voice only a little squeaky. Then, more calmly, “He only just kidnapped me at like three am this morning,” I offered.

At this, Shane laughed. “Hell, babe, I've seen him pick up a girl in under three minutes.”



Okay then.

“Not this girl,” I said firmly, taking the small box out of the locker and leaving it open. I wouldn't be needing to use it anymore.

Breaker's brow was raised at me, obviously not letting go of the 'not this girl' comment. But his eyes dropped to the box. “What's in there?”

I put it down on the break room table, flipping off the lid to reveal two dozen USB drives.

“Shit,” Shane observed. “That's all dirt isn't it?”

“Yeah,” I said, nodding.

Breaker's eyes rose to mine. “Doll, how long have you been workin' on this?”

“Ten years,” I answered automatically. “I was sixteen when my mother killed herself because of that dickhead. I wanted to make sure he didn't get away with it.”

“Away with what?” Breaker asked, his voice almost... gentle.

“Away with any of it. The rapes. The murders. Anything. I want him to pay.”

Breaker's eyes gentled to match his tone, “Alex...”

“Alright,” Shane said, interrupting the moment, “I can't be involved in this. Not directly. Not dragging my family in the middle of a war,” he said, moving toward the door. His eyes found mine. “Good luck, baby.” He turned his attention to Breaker. “Be smart or you'll lose them both,” he told him then walked out.

“Alright,” Breaker said, his tone back to normal and I felt almost sad for losing the softness. “Let's get out of here. Do we need your laptop to look at that shit or can mine work?”

“Any laptop will work,” I said, shrugging. It didn't matter what you opened them on. The only safeguard was the fact that I was the only one who knew the passwords or the key to break the code.

“Good. Let's go to my place then,” he said, turned his back to me, and tore through the gym.

I had to jog to keep up with him, watching his tense shoulders with a growing sense of unease.

Because I felt like something had changed back in that break room.

But I had no freaking idea what it was.SevenBreakerAlex slipped back into her sweatshirt as soon as we got in the truck. Partly because it was cold but mostly because of the incident with me pawing at her tits earlier.

She wasn't wrong to cover up.

I would have liked to finish what I started.

I don't know what the fuck it was with her- why I couldn't seem to keep my hands off of her. But I couldn't. So it was better she kept on as many layers as possible.

If she could put a reign on that sexy as fuck temper too, we'd be all the better.

I needed to stop thinking about getting in her pants and focus on making a plan to try to get all of us out of this situation alive. Which, well, wasn't gonna be fuckin' easy.

But maybe whatever the hell she had on all those USB drives would make it less complicated.

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