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Monster (Savages 1)

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Lex nodded. “Alex Miller,” he said and I saw the way her hands flexed outward slightly before she balled them in fists, lifting her chin, and turning to face the man she hated most in the world.

“Lex Keith,” she said in a tone that was like jagged glass.

“You're prettier than I expected. My men said you were a looker, but I had no idea you would be so...”

“Are we flirting with the hostage or having a fuckin' meeting?” I broke in, trying to make it look like I wasn't paying any attention to Alex and her clenched jaw and even paler than usual skin.

“Nothing wrong with being a little civilized, Breaker,” Lex said, and images of those beaten girls in the file popped unbidden into my head. Yeah he was real fuckin' civilized.

“Slept on a cold concrete floor last night. Forgive me if I ain't in a small talk mood,” I said coolly. If he knew anything of my reputation, he'd know I was never in a small talk mood. I got my orders, I followed through. Hell, if we didn't have to have any words whatsoever, all the better.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Alex move closer to Shooter. Not me. Shooter. If I wasn't trying to make it look like I couldn't care less about her, she'd be getting one hell of a look. Shooter didn't seem phased by it. Women always seemed to flock to him. Apparently even in life or death situations.

The surge of jealousy I felt at that was sudden and unexpected. And completely fuckin' ridiculous. It made no sense. I wasn't that type of man. I didn't get jealous. But, fuck, I still had her taste in my mouth.

“Of course,” Lex said, breaking into my thoughts. “Let's get down to business.” He paused, looking at his men, something silent passing because they moved slightly. One going toward the door to block the exit and one moving behind Shoot and Alex. “Plans have changed.”

“We had a deal, Lex,” I said, letting my voice have an edge because it was expected when someone welshed.

“We did. But the deal has... evolved.”

“Evolved,” I repeated through clenched teeth.

He was giving me nothing. Aside from his men moving, there was nothing to go on. No inflection to read. No smile. Fucker had a great poker face.

“Yes. See... my need for Alex is not as pressing as I had originally thought.”

His need for Alex? The fuck was that supposed to mean?

“Gonna need more details than that Lex. And I ain't got all day.”

I got a brow raise for my rudeness, but it was expected of me, so he said nothing about it. “Yes. As it turns out, I won't need her for another few days. But, you can understand why I couldn't exactly let her go back to her life now that she knows about our little... arrangement.”

A few days.

A few days to figure out another plan.

A few days to take the son of a bitch down for good.

Alex could get her closure.

She could move on with her life.

“So what you asking, Lex?” I asked, trying to keep my mind in the present.

“I am saying that I need you to hold onto her for me.”

Thank god.

I could practically feel the sigh of relief from Alex. Shooter had moved his hand out and squeezed her pinkie with his before letting her go. A tiny gesture that was so much like Shooter. Always thinking of everyone else. Even though Lex hadn't said anything about letting him off the hook.

“You want me to keep the bitch for a couple more days?” I asked, knowing I was going to get an earful about calling her a bitch if we got out of this.

“You'll get the same rate. Consider it a paid vacation.”

“A vacation where I have to cart some chick around with me everywhere?” I asked, shaking my head.

Lex waved a hand. “I need her. I don't need her in good spirits. Keep her chained in your basement for all I care. So long as she is alive and conscious at the end of the week, I will have no complaints. I do worry though,” he said, looking between me and Alex in a way that had my teeth grinding together.

“Don't have time for games, Lex. Tell me what the problem is or let me get going.”

His eyes narrowed the slightest bit and I knew I was pushing it. He was getting angry.

“That maybe you have formed an... attachment.”

At this, I threw my head back and laughed. A full, throaty sound. To him, it sounded like what he was suggesting was absurd. To me, it was a good old fashioned laugh at his expense because I had my face buried in her pussy when he had Shoot call me earlier.

“She ain't exactly my type,” I said, shaking my head, still smiling.

“I heard woman was your type.”

That wasn't exactly untrue. I got around. I got around with a lot of different women. “I like a woman who looks like a woman, not a twelve year old boy,” I went with. I saw Alex stiffen at my remark, but there was nothing I could do about it. I was trying to help her. If she had to be pissed at me for it, so be it.

“Twelve year old boy?” Lex mused, turning his attention back to Alex, his dark eyes raking over her in a way that made me feel filthy and he wasn't even looking at me. “I don't think that's fair, Bryan. I mean they may be small, but they're enough for a handful,” he said, his body jerking like it was going to move in her direction. But then he sighed, shaking his head at something he must have been thinking, and turned to face me. “She's a woman. She's nearby. A man has his... needs.”

“This is a job. I keep my dick in my pants,” I drawled, letting there be a slight double meaning- I can, but you obviously can't.

Lex let out his breath, offering me a resigned look. “I need to be sure you follow instructions to the letter, Breaker. ”

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